File #: 2016-0310    Version: Name: 2016 Land Development Code Amendments I - Ordinance
File created: 4/20/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 9/19/2016 Final action: 9/19/2016
Title: /Name/Summary Print Ordinance from attachments AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF ORLAND PARK, AS AMENDED (Sections 5-105, 6-201, 6-202, 6-203, 6-203.5, 6-204, 6-204.5, 6-205, 6-205.1, 6-206, 6-207, 6-208, 6-210, 6-211, 6-212, 6-302, 6-305, 6-305.1, 6-306, 6-308, 6-310, 6-406, 6-407.1, 9-102)
Attachments: 1. /s/ PRINT ORDINANCE FROM HERE, 2. Ordinance, 3. EXHIBIT A, 4. EXHIBIT B, 5. EXHIBIT C, 6. EXHIBIT D, 7. EXHIBIT E


Print Ordinance from attachments

AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF ORLAND PARK, AS AMENDED (Sections 5-105, 6-201, 6-202, 6-203, 6-203.5, 6-204, 6-204.5, 6-205, 6-205.1, 6-206, 6-207, 6-208, 6-210, 6-211, 6-212, 6-302, 6-305, 6-305.1, 6-306, 6-308, 6-310, 6-406, 6-407.1, 9-102)



WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Orland Park, an Illinois home rule municipality, have on February 8, 1991, adopted a Land Development Code (“the Code”) and zoning map; and


WHEREAS, amendments to the Code are adopted from time to time to ensure that the Code is up to date and responsive to community needs; and


WHEREAS, amendments have been proposed regarding special use permits, setback  measurements, residential lot coverage, RSB land uses, entrance canopies, animal services, drive-thru performance standards, seasonal and temporary sales and storage, tree preservation standards, naturalized landscape diagrams, parking lot diagrams, residential fence requirements, driveway and apron requirements, commercial lighting, penalties, and the correction of several scrivener’s errors; and


WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village held a public hearing on August 9, 2016 on whether the proposed amendments should be approved, at which time all persons present were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and


WHEREAS, a public notice in the form required by law was given of said public hearing by publication not more than thirty (30) days nor less than fifteen (15) days prior to said hearing in the Orland Park Prairie, a newspaper of general circulation in this Village; and


WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of this Village has filed its report of findings and recommendation that the proposed amendments to Sections 5-105, 6-201, 6-202, 6-203, 6-203.5, 6-204, 6-204.5, 6-205, 6-205.1, 6-206, 6-207, 6-208, 6-210, 6-211, 6-212, 6-302, 6-305, 6-305.1, 6-306, 6-308, 6-310, 6-406, 6-407.1, 9-102 of the Land Development Code of the Village be made, and this Board of Trustees has duly considered said report and findings and recommendations; and


NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, as follows:




This Board finds and determines that the adoption of the following amendments to the Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park is in the best interests of the Village and its residents, is in the public interest, constitutes an improvement to the Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, and is in keeping with the spirit and in furtherance of the purpose of the Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as set forth in Section 1-102 thereof.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph I, “Development Under an Approved Special Use Permit” of Section 5-105 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph I of Section 5-105:


I. Development Under an Approved Special Use Permit.

1. Development of the use shall not be carried out until the applicant has secured and maintained active approvals of all other permits and approvals required by these regulations, the Building Code, the Village, or regional, state and federal agencies and until the approved special use is recorded in accordance with Section 5-105.H.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph K, “Approval of Minor Deviations” of Section 5-105 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph K of Section 5-105:


K.  Approval of Minor Deviations.

If the Development Services Department finds that minor deviations from the approved plans and schedule are necessary or desirable, the Department may approve the deviations and amend the special use permit per the administrative Appearance Review process (see Section 5-106).  Minor deviations shall be limited to the following: 

1. Reduction of the total amount of open space by not more than five percent (5%) or reduction of the setback area or open space associated with any single structure by not more than five percent (5%), provided that such reduction does not permit the required open space to be less than that required by Section 6-302;

2. Alteration of the location, type or quality of required landscaping elements of the special use permit as long as the alteration does not change the overall effect of the landscaping; and

3. Minor alterations in building, siting and parking.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph M, “Inspections After Development” of Section 5-105 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph M of Section 5-105:


M. Inspections After Development.

1.   Inspections by the Development Services Department.   Following completion of the development of a special use, the Development Services Department shall review the development for compliance with the use as approved.  If it is determined that the special use has been developed in accordance with the approval, then a Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued in accordance with Section 5-103.  If the Development Services Department finds that the development, as completed, fails in any respect to comply with the use as approved, the Department shall immediately notify the applicant of such fact.  The Development Services Department shall not issue a Certificate of Occupancy pursuant to Section 5-103 until the Plan Commission has acted on the Department's notification of non-compliance. 




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph E, “Setbacks” of Section 6-201 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph E of Section 6-201:


E. Setbacks. The following setback standards shall apply in the E-1 District.  For square corner lots, the "front" setback shall be considered to be the yard where the main door is located; the other yard shall therefore be considered to be the "side" setback.

1.   Front.

a.   Abutting a major or minor arterial: Fifty (50) feet from the property line.

b.   Abutting a major collector: Fifty (50) feet from the property line.

c.   Abutting all other streets: Fifty (50) feet from the property line.

2.   Side and Corner Side.  

a.   Major or minor arterial: Fifty (50) feet from the property line.

b.   Major collector: Fifty (50) feet from the property line.

c.   All other streets and sides not abutting a street:  Twenty-five (25) feet from the property line.

d.   Side yards with side loading garages shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet and the driveway must be a minimum of three (3) feet from the nearest side property line. 

3.   Rear.   All lots: Fifty (50) feet from the property line.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph E, “Setbacks” of Section 6-202 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph E of Section 6-202:


E. Setbacks. The following setback standards shall apply in the R-1 District.  For square corner lots, the "front" setback shall be considered to be the yard where the main door is located; the other yard shall therefore be considered to be the "corner side" setback. 

1.   Front.

a.   Abutting a major or minor arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.

b.   Abutting a major collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

c.   Abutting all other streets: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

2.   Side. All lots:  Not less than 15% of the width of the lot on each side of the principal building to the side lot line.  Side yards with side loading garages shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet and the driveway must be a minimum of three (3) feet from the nearest side property line. Where the width of a lot varies, the average of the lot width at the front setback line and the rear setback line shall be used to make the 15% calculation; however no side yard shall be less than twelve and half (12.5) feet. 

3.   Corner Side.

a.   Abutting a major or minor arterial:  Twenty five (25) feet from the property line.

b.   Abutting a major collector: Twenty (20) feet from the property line.

c.   Abutting all other streets: Fifteen (15) feet from the property line or 15% of the lot width, whichever is greater. Corner side yards with side loading garages shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet and the driveway shall be a minimum of three (3) feet from the nearest side property line.

4.   Rear. All lots: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph E, “Setbacks” of Section 6-203 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph E of Section 6-203:


E. Setbacks. The following setback standards shall apply in the R-2 District.  For square corner lots, the "front" setback shall be considered to be the yard where the main door is located; the other yard shall therefore be considered to be the "side" setback.

1.   Front.

a.   Major or minor arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.

b.   Major collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

c.   All other streets: Thirty (30) feet from the property line. Front porches may have a reduced setback of five (5) additional feet.

2.   Side.   All streets:  Not less than 10% of the width of the lot on each side of the principal building to the side lot line.  Side yards with side loading garages shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet and the driveway must be a minimum of three (3) feet from the nearest side property line. For irregular lots, not less than ten (10) feet on each side of the principal building to the side lot line.

3.   Corner Side.

a.   Major or minor arterial: Twenty five (25) feet from the property line.

b.   Major collector: Twenty (20) feet from the property line.

c.   All other streets: Fifteen (15) feet from the property line.

4.   Rear.

a.   Major or minor arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.

b.   Major collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

c.   All other streets: Thirty (30) feet from the property line. 




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph E, “Setbacks” of Section 6-203.5 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph E of Section 6-203.5:


E.   Setbacks.  The following setback standards shall apply in the R-2 District.  For square corner lots, the "front" setback shall be considered to be the yard where the main door is located; the other yard shall therefore be considered to be the "side" setback.

1.   Front.

a.   Major or minor arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.

b.   Major collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

c.   All other streets: Thirty (30) feet from the property line. Front porches may have a reduced setback of five (5) additional feet.

2.   Side.   All streets:  Not less than 10% of the width of the lot on each side of the principal building to the side lot line.  Side yards with side loading garages shall be a minimum of 20 feet and the driveway must be a minimum of three (3) feet from the nearest side property line.    For irregular lots, not less than ten (10) feet on each side of the principal building to the side lot line.

3.   Corner Side.

a.   Major or minor arterial: Twenty five (25) feet from the property line.

b.   Major collector: Twenty (20) feet from the property line.

c.   All other streets: Fifteen (15) feet from the property line.

4.   Rear.

a.   Major or minor arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.

b.   Major collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

c.   All other streets: Thirty (30) feet from the property line. 




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph E, “Setbacks” of Section 6-204 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph E of Section 6-204:


E. Setbacks. The following setback standards shall apply in the R-3 District.  For square corner lots, the "front" setback shall be considered to be the yard where the main door is located; the other yard shall therefore be considered to be the "corner side" setback.

1.   Front.

a.   Abutting a major or minor arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line. Where the width of a lot varies, the average of the lot width at the front setback line and the rear setback line shall be used to make the 10% calculation; however no side yard shall be less than 8 feet.

b.   Abutting a major collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line. For irregular lots, not less than eight (8) feet on each side of the principal building to the side lot line.

c   Abutting all other streets: Twenty-five (25) feet from the property line.

d.   Front porches may have a reduced setback of five (5) additional feet. 

2.   Side. All streets: Not less than 10% of the width of the lot on each side of the principal building to the side lot line.  Where the width of a lot varies, the average of the lot width at the front setback line and the rear setback line shall be used to make the 10% calculation; however no side yard shall be less than 8 feet. 

a.   Side yards with side loading garages shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet and the driveway must be a minimum of three (3) feet from the nearest side property line.

3.   Corner Side.

a.   Abutting a major or minor arterial:  Twenty five (25) feet from the property.

b.   Abutting a major collector: Twenty (20) feet from the property line.

c.   Abutting all other streets: Fifteen (15) feet from the property line.

4.   Rear.

a.   Abutting a major or minor arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.

b.   Abutting a major collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

c.   Abutting all other lots: Thirty (30) feet from the property line.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph E, “Setbacks” of Section 6-204.5 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph E of Section 6-204.5:


E. Setbacks. The following setback standards shall apply in the R-3A District.  For square corner lots, the "front" setback shall be considered to be the yard where the main door is located; the other yard shall therefore be considered to be the "corner side" setback.

1.   Front.

a.   Abutting a major or minor arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line. Where the width of a lot varies, the average of the lot width at the front setback line and the rear setback line shall be used to make the 10% calculation; however no side yard shall be less than eight (8) feet. 

b.   Abutting a major collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line. For irregular lots, not less than 8 feet on each side of the principal building to the side lot line.

c.   Abutting all other streets: Twenty-five (25) feet from the property line.

d.   Front porches may have a reduced setback of five (5) additional feet. 

2.   Side. All streets: Not less than 10 % of the width of the lot on each side of the principal building to the side lot line.  Where the width of a lot varies, the average of the lot width at the front setback line and the rear setback line shall be used to make the 10% calculation; however no side yard shall be less than eight (8) feet. 

a.   Side yards with side loading garages shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet and the driveway must be a minimum of three (3) feet from the nearest side property line.

3.   Corner Side.

a.   Abutting a major or minor arterial:  Twenty five (25) feet from the property.

b.   Abutting a major collector: Twenty (20) feet from the property line.

c.   Abutting all other streets: Fifteen (15) feet from the property line.

4.   Rear.

a.   Abutting a major or minor arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.

b.   Abutting a major collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

c.   Abutting all other lots: Thirty (30) feet from the property line.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph E, “Setbacks” of Section 6-205 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph E of Section 6-205:


E. Setbacks. The following setback standards shall apply in the R-4 District.  For square corner lots, the "front" setback shall be considered to be the yard where the main door is located; the other yard shall therefore be considered to be the "corner side" setback.

1.   Single-Family Detached Residential Building Setbacks.

a.   Front Setbacks.

1.   Major or Minor Arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property.

2.   Major Collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

3.   All Other Streets: Thirty (30) feet from the property line.

b.   Side Setbacks.

1.   Not less than 10% of the width of the lot on each side of a principal single family building to the side lot line. Where the width of a lot varies, the average of the lot width at the front setback line and the rear setback line shall be used to make the 10% calculation; however no setback shall be less than seven and  a half (7.5) feet.

2.   Side yards with side loading garages shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. The driveway must be a minimum of three (3) feet from the nearest side property line.

c.  Corner-side Setbacks.

1.   Major or Minor Arterial: Thirty-five (35) feet from the property line.

2.   Major Collector: Thirty (30) feet from the property line.

3.   All Other Streets: Twenty-five (25) feet from the property line.

d.   Rear Setbacks.

1.   Major or Minor Arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.

2.   Major Collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

3.   All Other Streets and Lots: Thirty (30) feet from the property line.

2.   Single-Family Attached and Multi-Family Building Setbacks from Property Lines and Buildings.

a.   Front Setbacks.

1.   Major or Minor Arterial: Thirty-five (35) feet from the property line.

2.   Major or Minor Collector: Thirty (30) feet from the property line.

3.   All Other Streets: Twenty (20) feet from the property line.

b.   Corner Side Setbacks.

1.   Major or Minor Arterial: Thirty-five (35) feet from the property line.

2.   Major or Minor Collector: Thirty (30) feet from the property line.

3.   All Other Streets: Twenty (20) feet from the property line.

c.   Rear and Side Setbacks that do not Abut a Street.

1.   Building to Building Rear Setback: All single-family attached and multi-family buildings shall maintain a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet between the rear of the building and any neighboring buildings or property lines.

2.   Building to Building Side Setback: All single-family attached and multi-family buildings shall maintain a minimum distance of twenty-five (25) feet between the side of the building and any neighboring buildings or property lines.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subparagraph a, “Single-family attached and detached dwellings including duplexes and townhomes, and condominium and cooperative buildings” of Subsection 1, “Building Setbacks from Street Right-Of-Ways” of Paragraph E, “Setbacks” of Section 6-205.1 and to substitute the following as new text for Subparagraph a of Subsection 1 of Paragraph E of Section 6-205.1:


a.   Single-family attached and detached dwellings including duplexes and townhomes, and condominium and cooperative buildings. For residential developments with square corner lots, the "front" setback shall be considered to be the yard where the main door is located; the other yard shall therefore be considered to be the "side" setback.

1.   Front.

a.   Major or Minor Arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.

b.   Major Collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

c.   All other streets:   Twenty-five (25) feet from the property line.

2.   Side. All streets: Not less than 15% of the width of the lot on each side of the principal multi-family building or 10 % of the principal single-family building to the side lot line, with a minimum width of fifteen (15) feet.

3.   Rear. All streets: Twenty-five (25) feet from the property line.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subparagraph 1, “Residential” of Paragraph F, “Setbacks” of Section 6-206 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 1 of Paragraph F of Section 6-206:


1.   Residential.

a.   Front.   All streets:  Thirty (30) feet from the property line.

b.   Side.   All streets:  Eight (8) feet from the property line.

c.   Rear.  All streets:  Twenty-five (25) feet from the property line.

2.   Nonresidential and Mixed Use.

a.   Front.  All streets:  Fifteen (15) feet from the property line.

b.   Side.   All streets:  No minimum setback.  The maximum setback shall be fifteen (15) feet from the property line.

c.   Rear.   All streets: Twenty-five (25) feet from the property line.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 1 “Building Setbacks from Street Right of Ways” of Paragraph F, “Setbacks” of Section 6-210 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 1 of Paragraph F of Section 6-210:


1.   Building Setbacks from Property Line.

The following setback standards shall apply in the COR District.

a.   Residential, excluding mixed use buildings (commercial and residential uses).  For residential developments with square corner lots, the "front" setback shall be considered to be the yard where the main door is located; the other yard shall therefore be considered to be the "side" setback.

1.   Front.

a.   Major or Minor Arterial: Forty-five (45) feet from the property line.

b.   Major Collector: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

c.   All other streets: Thirty (30) feet from the property line.

2.   Side. All Streets:  Not less than 15% of the width of the lot on each side of the principal building to the side lot line, with a minimum width of fifteen (15) feet.

3.   Corner Side.

a.   Major or Minor Arterial: Fifty (50) feet from the property line.

b.   Collectors: Forty (40) feet from the property line.

c.   All other streets: Thirty (30) feet from the property line.

4.   Rear. All Streets:  Thirty-five (35) feet from the property line.

b.   Non-residential and mixed use buildings (commercial and residential uses). Setbacks between the street right-of-way and the building facade facing the street shall follow the minimum requirements set in Table 6-210. F.1.b (A) (below). The setback width is related to the width and character of the street.

2.   Building Setbacks from rear and side lot lines that do not abut a street. All buildings must maintain a minimum of thirty (30) feet of setback area from the rear lot line and a minimum of 15 feet of setback area from the side lot lines that do not abut a street.

3.   Permitted Uses in Building Setback Areas along Streets. Setback areas will be primarily used for landscaping and other pedestrian oriented uses including:

a.   Widened sidewalks and entranceways;

b.   Plazas, outdoor gardens, patios and outdoor seating areas;

c.   Water features, including bioswales or other stormwater management elements;

d.   Public art or outdoor architectural features like clock towers, pergolas etc.;

e.   Pergolas and/or arbor structures;

f.   Benches and complementary site furniture.

The setback area can be expanded to accommodate the above pedestrian oriented uses if needed. Architectural features that help to create a stronger pedestrian scale can extend into the setback area up to ten (10) feet, including:

g.   Canopies, marquees and other projections that create shaded and protected entrances;

h.   Extended roofs and eaves;

i.   Awnings and canopies over windows;

j.   Projecting blade signs that comply with the Village's sign ordinance.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph B, “Permitted Uses” of Section 6-206 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph B of Section 6-206:


B. Permitted Uses.

The following uses may be established as permitted uses in the RSB District, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sections 5-101 through 5-104, provided that all other applicable regulations are met:

1.   Accessory uses, as provided in Section 6-302;

2.   Bus stop shelters maintained by the Village, provided that:

a.   No bus stop shelter is located within thirty-five (35) feet of a street intersection or within a clear sight triangle identified in Section 6-301(E); and

b.   The design of the bus shelter is compatible with development of nearby properties.

3. Existing single family detached units;

4. Financial institutions;

5. Governmental uses;

6. Public parks and recreation areas;

7. Townhouse and multi-family dwellings, provided that no dwelling units are located on the street level.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph C, “Special Uses” of Section 6-206 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph C of Section 6-206:


C. Special Uses. The following uses may be established as special uses in the RSB District in accordance with the procedures and standards set forth in Section 5-105(I):

1.   Animal Services;

2. Community centers;

3. Congregate elderly housing, provided:

4. Funeral Parlors;

5. Places of worship with overnight shelter for up to eight (8) adults;

6. Private Parks and recreation areas;

7. Residential planned development provided that:

a.   No more than thirty (30) percent of the total dwelling units within the development will be single family detached;

b.   Private open space is provided as follows:

1.   Single family detached units shall have at least 450 square feet of usable, private green space adjacent to each unit with some separation from neighbors' space and with direct access from the unit.

2.   Townhouses and multi-family attached units shall have at least two 200 square feet of private open space per unit.  Such open space can be located on a patio, deck, balcony, or next to the building or combination thereof.

c.   Common Open Space: At least twenty (20) percent of the net area of the development shall be maintained as common open space.

d.   Density and Bonuses.  Except as otherwise provided in this Subsection, the density for dwellings shall not exceed four (4) units per acre.  Density may be increased up to eight (8) units per acre provided that:

1.   one (1) unit per acre for every twenty (20) percent (minimum) of common open space provided in addition to the minimum required;

2.   one (1) unit per acre for every 1200 (minimum) linear feet of boulevard treatment of a street;

3.   one (1) unit per acre if all other optional standards in Subsection (g) are provided;

e.   Thirty (30) percent less side or rear setback may be permitted for every ten (10) percent of private open space more than the minimum required, provided that the distance between buildings is maintained and provided that the windows in adjacent buildings are not aligned so as to ensure privacy of the residents;

f.   Twenty (20) percent less required private open space may be permitted for every twenty (20) percent of common open space provided beyond the minimum;

g.   Optional Bonuses.  Additional density bonuses may be permitted, provided that the applicant provides the following in the proposed development:

1.   Boulevard treatment of a street, including a wide landscaped median strip or island in the middle of a street;

2.   Orientation of buildings that provide views of common open space, forests, valleys, ponds, wetlands and hills;

3.   Buildings oriented for solar heating;

4.   Less than fifty (50) percent of garage doors facing the street or common courtyard;

5.   Garbage enclosures and places for recreational vehicles hidden from view from the street; and

6.   Attractive non-standard, but consistent, style for lampposts and signs, varied pavement treatments, tiles, stones, bricks and mosaics.

8. Utility substations, provided that:

a.   No building is located within twenty-five (25) feet of a side lot line;

b.   The facility is constructed according to design guidelines and is operated to comply with all applicable local, state and federal regulations; and

c.   No above-ground structure for the treatment or disposal of wastewater and no surface disposal of wastewater is located within three hundred (300) feet of any stream or other body of water or any existing or proposed dwelling.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 4 of Paragraph B, “Permitted Uses” of Section 6-207 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 4 of Paragraph B of Section 6-207:


4.        Clinics and medical or dental offices; Medical offices may require an entrance canopy.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 11 of Paragraph B, “Permitted Uses” of Section 6-207 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 11 of Paragraph B of Section 6-207:


11.      Offices, subject to meeting office parking requirements; Medical offices may require an entrance canopy.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Section 3 of Table 6-209.B, “Table of Uses” and to substitute the following as new text for Section 3 of Table 6-209.B:


Table 6-209.B - Table of Uses.

3. Commercial Uses:



(The maximum permitted square footage of commercial uses in Old Orland is 5,000 square feet.)


Commercial Areas

Clinics and medical or dental offices; Medical offices may require an entrance canopy.


Commercial Areas

Commercial retail establishments;


Commercial Areas

Day care homes;


Commercial Areas

Financial institutions;


Commercial Areas

Food concession;


Commercial Areas



Commercial Areas

Personal service establishments;


Commercial Areas

Restaurants and outdoor seating for restaurants*;

Special Use

Commercial Areas

*When located within 300 feet of a residential use;























The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 3 of Paragraph B, “Permitted Uses” of Section 6-210 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 3 of Paragraph B of Section 6-210:


3.                     Clinics and medical or dental offices and medical rehabilitation centers; Medical offices may require an entrance canopy.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 3 of Paragraph B, “Permitted Uses” of Section 6-211 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 3 of Paragraph B of Section 6-211:


3.                     Clinics and medical or dental offices; Medical offices may require an entrance canopy.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Section 4 of Table 6-212.C.1 “Allowable Uses in the Village Center District” and to substitute the following as new text for Section 4 of Table 6-212.C.1:


Table 6-212.C.1. Allowable Uses in the Village Center District.

4. Commercial Uses



Animal services

Permitted Use

Special Use

Parking structures- non-accessory

Special Use

Special Use

Retail, up to 50,000 sq. ft.

Permitted Use

Permitted Use

Retail, in excess of 50,000 sq. ft. (Ord. 4769, 12/3/12)

Special Use

Special Use

Day care centers and day care homes

Permitted Use

Permitted Use

Drive through facilities (7 car stacking) (Ord. 4210, 12/18/06)

Special Use

Special Use

Dry cleaning and laundry processing stations

Permitted Use

Special Use

Financial institutions

Permitted Use

Permitted Use

Food concession associated with a primary use

Permitted Use

Permitted Use

Funeral parlors

Special Use

Special Use

Health clubs, fitness centers and indoor recreational uses, maximum of 50,000 sq. ft. per floor

Permitted Use

Permitted Use

Motor vehicle services

Special Use

Special Use

Nurseries and greenhouses

Permitted Use

Permitted Use

Offices; Medical offices may require an entrance canopy

Permitted Use

Permitted Use

Overnight accommodation and extended stay: under 6 units

Permitted Use

Permitted Use

Overnight accommodation and extended stay: 6 or more units

Permitted Use

Special Use

Personal service establishments

Permitted Use

Permitted Use

Restaurants, outdoor seating for restaurants, and banquet halls (Ord. 5017, 8/17/15)

Permitted Use

Special Use

Theatres, including live theatres and movie theatres

Permitted Use

Special Use


































The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 2, “Uses Not Permitted in Building Setback Areas along Streets” of Paragraph E, “Design Standards” of Section 6-212 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 2 of Paragraph E of Section 6-212: 


2. Uses Not Permitted in Building Setback Areas along Streets.

Parking lots or structures, drive-through facilities, loading facilities or trash enclosures are not allowed within the setback area between the building facade and the street. Drive-through facilities located in the side-yard must provide an enhanced landscaping buffer with pedestrian accommodation and amenities.

Drop-off areas or drive-aisles are prohibited in the setback between the building façade and the street. Drop-off areas or drive aisles in the setback area are strongly discouraged and shall be allowed within the setback area with a variance only when there are no reasonable alternatives. The following conditions shall be met if these uses are proposed in the setback area:

a.                     That these do not obstruct any direct connections between the sidewalk along the street and the entrances to the building.

b.                     That these are designed with special paving to appear to be extensions of the sidewalk and instead of curbs, the drive-aisle is differentiated with bollards, pavers etc.

c.                     The drive through should be designed as a single lane with a maximum width of 14' and a minimum turning radius of 20' from the centerline of the drive aisle.

d.                     Drive through lanes must be a minimum of 10' from all property lines.

e.                     The drop-off area or drive aisle must be constructed with decorative pavement or pervious pavers.

f.                     Any order windows and menu boxes must be designed to integrate into the architecture of the building and appear ‘hidden' from vehicular and pedestrian view.  All efforts should be made to keep the order windows and menu boxes out of the setback between the building and the street. 

1.   Menu boxes must include masonry architectural details, matching the materials and design of the building.

2.   Menu boxes must be screened with landscaping and/or masonry walls so they are not visible from the street.

3.   Order windows must be designed with trim and detail so they appear similar in appearance to other windows on the building.

g.   The drop-off area or drive aisle must be screened with a combination of masonry walls

      and/or decorative landscaping in order to provide a solid buffer at a minimum height of


h.   The drop-off area or drive aisle shall not obstruct any direct connections between the

      sidewalk along the street and the entrances to the building and shall include crosswalks

      connection pedestrian routes.

i.    The architectural design of the building elevations facing the street should have the

       appearance of a primary façade and include transparency in the form of full or clerestory





The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety Section 6-305.1 “Tree Preservation Standards.”




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subparagraph b, “Requirements” of Subsection 8, “Stormwater Management Area Landscape” of Paragraph D, “Landscape Zones” of Section 6-305 and to substitute the following as new text for Subparagraph b of Subsection 8 of Paragraph D of Section 6-305 and to replace Figure 6-305.D.8.b (A) “Naturalized Landscape Area Requirements” with Exhibit A as attached herein and Figure 6-305.D.8.b (B) “Naturalized Landscape Area Cross-Section” with Exhibit B as attached herein:


b.   Requirements.

1.                     Detention or retention basins shall be naturalized using native herbaceous plants, shrub and trees from the basin bottom to the outer edge of the required naturalized landscape area.  The entirety of the naturalized landscape area shall be planted with 100% context-appropriate naturalized landscaping, which shall provide complete coverage of the perimeter of the basins. At minimum, native canopy trees shall be planted at a ratio not less than one (1) tree for every one hundred (100) linear feet of retention or detention basin perimeter as measured at the high water line; native understory trees shall be planted at a ratio not less than one (1) tree for every two hundred (200) linear feet; and native shrubs at a ratio not less than three (3) shrubs for every fifty (50) linear feet.

2.                     Native vegetation that is appropriate for the basins hydrology shall be established, in wet or dry basins, from the basin bottom to the outer extent of the high water level.  Only those plants that are adapted to temporary flooding shall be planted below the high water line.

3.                     A minimum fifteen (15) foot wide naturalized landscape area with a grade of less than five percent (5%) is required above all retention and detention pond high water lines in order to slow runoff, filter pollutants, recharge aquifers and enhance water quality. Eight (8) feet of that width shall remain open and accessible for maintenance purposes, planted with native low-growing plant materials or as a recreational/maintenance trail. The balance of the naturalized landscape area shall include naturalized landscaping, as detailed below in Section 6-305.D.8.b.4. See also Section 2-102 Definitions “Naturalized Landscaping”.

4.                     A Monitoring and Management Plan shall be submitted along with a landscape plan for all projects where naturalized landscaping is included. This plan shall coincide with the project Watershed Management Ordinance (WMO) Permit, if applicable. For further details see Section 6-305.F.2 Naturalized Landscaping Area Management Standards.

5.                     A hydro-period analysis, submitted in a diagrammatical “stage versus time” graph shall be submitted for the 2-, 5-, 10-, and 100-year storm events so that it can be confirmed that proposed plantings within the basin will be able to withstand the frequency and duration of these storm events.  This information shall coincide with the project Watershed Management Ordinance (WMO) Permit, if applicable.

Figure 6-305.D.8.b (A) - Naturalized Landscape Area Requirements (Figure for Illustrative Purposes Only)

Figure 6-305.D.8.b (B) - Naturalized Landscape Area Cross-Section (Figure for Illustrative Purposes Only)

6.                     Conventional lawn grasses are not recommended within ten (10) feet of the required naturalized landscape area.  However, a ten (10) foot wide buffer of native vegetation or No Mow grasses is recommended to protect the required naturalized vegetation and expand the benefits of the naturalized habitat.

7.                     Where a stormwater basin is proposed to be located within or border on a required buffer, the intensity of landscaping around the basin shall be increased to comply with the applicable standard for the buffer. In these circumstances, the fifteen (15) foot naturalized landscape area is still required.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety Figure 6-306.C and to substitute Exhibit C, as attached herein, as the new Figure 6-306.C and to rename the figure as follows:


Figure 6-306.C (A) Required Parking Stall and Aisle Dimensions.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety Figure 6-306.D and to substitute Exhibit E, as attached herein, as the new Figure 6-306.D and to rename the figure as follows:


Figure 6-306.D (A) Required Parking Spaces.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph E, “Design, Location and Height Requirements of Fences in Residential Districts” of Section 6-310 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph E of Section 6-310:


E.   Design, Location and Height Requirements of Fences in Residential Districts.

1.   Except as provided in subsections (2) or (3), below, no fence shall be constructed in a front yard past the front building line.

2.   In all residential districts, an ornamental fence may be erected on a premise anywhere, as long as it is entirely within the property where the permit is issued, including the front yard past the building line and the front and side yard past the building lines in the case of corner lots. The height of such fences shall not exceed four (4) feet and such fences shall be an open-style fence consisting of wrought iron, galvanized steel, aluminum, powder coated, vinyl, wood or similar materials that does not block vision to an extent greater than 40% per lineal foot (60% open), and shall not include chain-link or wire fences or fences of similar construction. Ornamental components such as masonry bases, columns, and caps are allowed as part of ornamental fences, but must comply with the open/closed ratio prescribed above for each ten (10) feet length of fence.

3.   Open fences that do not block vision to an extent greater than 40% per lineal foot (60% open) shall be permitted past the front setback line if there is a patio in the front setback.  Such fences shall not exceed five (5) feet in height, and shall extend only to the perimeter of the patio.  Patio location shall comply with accessory structures regulations listed in Section 6-302.

4.    Fences located in the rear or side yards in single family residential districts shall be regulated as follows:

a.    All perimeter fences shall be located behind the front building line.

b.    Perimeter fences located in the side or rear yards not facing a public right of way shall be of any material and design allowed in section 6-310 (B) and (C), shall not exceed six (6) feet in height, and may be located all the way up to the property line.

c.    Perimeter fences located in the side yard facing a public right of way (corner side yard, rear corner side yard) shall be of any material and design allowed in section 6-310 (B) and (C), but shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and must be setback a minimum of five (5) feet from the corner side property line.

d.    Ornamental open-style perimeter fences located in the side yard facing a public right of way (corner side yard, rear corner side yard) consisting of wrought iron, galvanized steel, aluminum, powder coated, vinyl, wood or similar materials that does not block vision to an extent greater than 40% per lineal foot (60% open), shall be allowed as close as 12” from corner side property line as long as maximum height does not exceed five (5) feet.  Such fences shall not include chain-link or wire fences or fences of similar construction. 

e.    Perimeter fences may be required to be setback further from the property line if after review by the Development Services Inspector, if it is determined that the sight lines will be blocked by the fence.

f.    Perimeter fences are permitted to be installed back to back. If a fence is installed so that an area exists between the property line and the fence, it is the responsibility of the property owner on whose property the fence is located to maintain said area.

5.   The following table summarizes the fence regulations listed in sections 1 through 4 above:


Table 6-310.E.5


Front Yard

Side Yard

Corner Side Yard (Side Yard Facing Public Row)

Rear Yard

Rear Yard Facing Public Row

Maximum Height


Minimum Required setback from property line

All types of fences allowed by code. (See LDC 6-310, B,C)

Not Allowed





  6 FT



0 FT

5 FT

0 FT

0 FT


Open Style Ornamental Fences (60% open)

Not Allowed





  5 FT



0 FT

1 FT

0 FT

0 FT


Open Style Ornamental Fences (60% open)






  4 FT


0 FT

0 FT

0 FT

0 FT

0 FT






6. All fences in the Old Orland Historic District shall be white picket fences and shall not exceed a height of five (5) feet.

7.   Private fences and entry features must be located wholly on private property.

8.   Subdivision entryway features may not exceed nine (9) feet in height.

9.   Perimeter fences may be erected in side and rear setbacks behind the front building line around multi-family residential uses. Perimeter fences may be allowed in front yards when the front setback abuts arterial and major collector streets. Perimeter fences around a single multi-family development must be uniform in design, type, color and height. 




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Paragraph B, “Driveways and Driveway Aprons” of Section 6-406 and to substitute the following as new text for Paragraph B of Section 6-406:


B. Driveways and Driveway Aprons.

1.   Driveways Across Sidewalks and Parkways.   No person, firm or corporation shall construct or alter any driveway over, across or upon any public sidewalk or parkway without first obtaining a permit from the Building Division.  Where ingress and egress is to be made from adjoining real estate to a public street and where Section 6-306 requires off-street parking, such off-street parking shall be made accessible to the public street and the ingress and egress shall be made across the parkway and sidewalks by means of a driveway constructed in accordance with this Section.

2.   Permit Application.  Application for a permit to construct a driveway shall be in writing, signed by the applicant, and filed with the Building Department.  The application shall designate the location of the proposed driveway, the name and address of the applicant, the name and address of the owner of the property to be served by the proposed driveway, and the address of the applicant, if other than the owner, and a plat of survey indicating the driveway location and sizes proposed.  In those instances where a driveway is required to comply with the requirements of Section 6-306, the permit application shall accompany the application for the issuance of a building permit authorizing the new building construction.

3.   Permit Issuance and Fees.   The Building Department shall issue a permit to construct a driveway provided that the permit application is complete and is in accordance with these regulations and that the permit fee has been paid.

4.   Permit Revocation.  All permits for driveways issued pursuant to this Section may be revoked at any time without the consent of the permittee by order of the Board of Trustees and the Director of the Building Department.  Upon such revocation, all rights granted under the permit shall be revoked, and the sidewalk, space, parkways and curbs shall be restored to their former condition, at the expense of the permittee or of the owner of the property served by the driveway at the time of such revocation.

5.   Maximum Number.  Single family residences shall be permitted to have only one (1) driveway per lot except if the lot has a minimum lot frontage of ninety (90) feet, then a circular driveway consisting of two (2) drives may be allowed.  All other uses shall be allowed the number of driveways as approved by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Building Department.  Any single family lot which has a driveway exiting on to an arterial or major collector street shall have a turn-around driveway.

6.   Widths and Lengths. Single-family residential driveways and driveway aprons shall have a maximum width of twenty (20) feet for one (1) car garages, twenty-six (26) feet for two (2) car garages, and thirty-six (36) feet for three (3) car garages. The maximum width of a driveway is applicable to the entire driveway length between the building line and sidewalk. The maximum width of a driveway apron is applicable to the entire driveway length between the sidewalk and the street. The maximum width for circle driveway lane shall be twenty (20) feet, applicable to the entire driveway length between the building line and curb line. The minimum driveway length shall be eighteen (18) feet, excluding right-of-way and sidewalks. No driveway shall encroach upon any portion of the parkway in front of the adjoining parkway. The maximum width for driveways for all other uses shall be as approved by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Department of Engineering. 

7.   Grades and Curbs.   Driveways shall conform to the existing sidewalk grade.  Where it is necessary to break the existing curb for the driveway opening, the curb and gutter shall be completely removed and a new section constructed or as approved by the Village Engineer.  Each such driveway shall be constructed and maintained so as to permit free and unobstructed passage on, over or across the sidewalk and in such a manner as not to interfere with the proper drainage and safe grading of the streets.  Each such driveway shall be so constructed and maintained that its surface at the point of crossing any sidewalk pavement shall be flush with the adjoining sections of such sidewalk. 

8.   Driveways Connecting to Arterial Streets.   Driveways connecting to arterial streets must provide on-site turn around. 

9.   Residential Shared Driveways Connecting to Streets. Up to three (3) residential lots may share a single private driveway connecting to any street.

10.   Lots Fronting a Local Street and an Arterial.  In subdivisions where lots front both a local street and an arterial street, no driveways shall be installed along the property line of the lot which fronts the arterial street.

11.   Portland Cement Concrete Driveway Aprons.  Portland Cement concrete driveway aprons shall be constructed according to the standards described in this Section.

12.   All Other Driveway Aprons.  Multi-family developments, business, office research, and industrial district driveway aprons shall be constructed with a ten (10) foot radius returns unless otherwise required by the Department of Engineering.  Driveways shall not be closer than five (5) feet to adjacent driveways at the curb line.     

13.   Driveway Thickness.  All residential driveways and driveway aprons shall have a minimum concrete thickness of five (5) inches with (6) inch by (6) inch welded wired mesh or fiber mesh concrete additive and a granular bedding base of two inches.

14.   New Driveway Aprons Abutting Existing Bike Trails, Sidewalks or Curbs. New driveway aprons abutting existing bike trails, sidewalks or curbs shall be constructed to meet the grade of such sidewalks or curbs.  If necessary, the sidewalk shall be relocated to accommodate the maximum driveway apron slope.  The location and grade for driveway aprons, when no adjacent sidewalks or curb and gutter exist, shall match the adjacent parkway.  The minimum slope shall be two (2) percent. 




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to  add a new Subparagraph x to Subsection 2, “Definitions” of Paragraph A, “Exterior/Outdoor Lighting” of Section 6-407.1, which shall read as follows, and to renumber the remaining subparagraphs accordingly: 


x.    Patio Lighting:  Any form of permanently installed lighting that is used for the sole purpose of patio illumination or decoration. 




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 3, “Regulations” of Paragraph A, “Exterior/Outdoor Lighting” of Section 6-407.1 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 3 of Paragraph A of Section 6-407.1:


3. Regulations.

a. All public and private exterior lighting installed in the Village of Orland Park shall be in conformance with the requirements established by this Section.

b. The installation of, or the additional installation of, exterior lighting for aesthetic, safety or general purposes, may be required, as determined by the Development Services Department.

c. All exterior lighting must be maintained and kept in proper working order.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to add a new Subparagraph f, "Standards for Patio Lightening (for Non-Residential Uses)” to Subsection 6, “Standards and Requirements” of Paragraph A, “Exterior/Outdoor Lighting” of Section 6-407.1, which shall read in its entirety as follows:


f. Standards for Patio Lightening (for Non-Residential Uses).

1.  Permitted Lighting. Permitted patio lighting shall include, but not be limited to lanterns, sconces, lighting posts, flameless torches, festoon or string lights, and pendant lighting.

2.  Prohibited Lighting. All attention-seeking, blinking, flashing and color changing lights shall not be permitted.

3.  Light Trespass. All patio lighting shall be contained to the extent of the property on which the patio is located. In the event that unshielded lighting is proposed, the requirements set forth in Section 6-407.1.6.d are to be applied.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety Section 9-102 and to substitute the following as new text for Section 9-201:


9-102: Penalties:

Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with, or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of these regulations shall upon conviction be fined not less than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) dollars for each offense.  Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. 

In the event any building or structure is used, erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted, or maintained, or any building, structure or land is used in violation of these regulations, the Village Manager or any owner or tenant of real property in the same contiguous zoning district as the building, structure or land in question, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceeding:

1.   To prevent the unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance, or use;

2.   To prevent the occupancy of the building, structure or land;

3.   To prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about the premises; or

4.   To restrain, correct, or abate the violation. 

When any such action is instituted by an owner or tenant, notice of such action shall be served upon the Village of Orland Park at the time suit is begun by serving a copy of the complaint on the President of the Board of Trustees.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety Table 6-104.A.2 “Setbacks Single-family Attached and Detached Dwellings Including Duplexes and Townhomes” and to substitute the attached Exhibit D as the new Table 6-104A.2.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 7 of Paragraph C, “Special Uses” of Section 6-208 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 7 of Paragraph C of Section 6-208, which shall read in its entirety as follows:

7.   Indoor recreation areas greater than 5,000 square feet;




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 2 of Paragraph H, “Required Conditions” of Section 6-208 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 2 of Paragraph H of Section 6-208, which shall read in its entirety as follows:


2.   Where a railroad right-of-way separates the district from a residential district, buildings and storage may be located within one hundred and fifty (150) feet from the centerline of the railroad right-of-way, provided that suitable landscaping or fencing is provided in accordance with Section 6-305 Landscape and Tree Preservation and Section 6-310 Fences of these regulations.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 6 “Tree Preservation” of Paragraph D, “Other Regulations” of Section 6-209 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 6 of Paragraph D of Section 6-209, which shall read in its entirety as follows:


6.   Tree Preservation.

Tree preservation requirements outlined in Section 6-305 Landscape and Tree Preservation of the Land Development Code for preserving and/or removing trees 4-inches in caliper and above apply to the OOH District. All healthy mature trees that contribute to the character of the Historic District should be maintained.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete in its entirety the text of Subsection 18 of Paragraph B, “Permitted Uses” of Section 6-211 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 18 of Paragraph B of Section 6-211, which shall read in its entirety as follows:


18. Restaurants, and outdoor seating for restaurants, within 300 feet of a residential parcel. Outdoor seating shall have aisle widths of thirty-six (36) inches or more, and any fence, wall, landscaping or similar barrier installed in or around the outdoor seating areas shall be not less than 24 inches in height and not greater than 48 inches in height. The service of liquor will require conformance with the provisions outlined in Section 6-310 Fences, as well as the requirements of the Village Code, as amended.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to change the text of Subsections 42 through 45 of Paragraph C “Permitted Accessory Structures and Uses” of Section 6-302 to a bold formatting.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to delete the term “near” in the first sentence of Paragraph I “Outside Storage” of Section 6-302 and to substitute the term “rear.”




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to the delete in its entirety the text of Subparagraph a of Subsection 2 “Responsibility for Compliance” of Paragraph B, “Applicability” of Section 6-305 and to substitute the following as new text for Subparagraph a of Subsection 2 of Paragraph B of Section 6-305, which shall read in its entirety as follows:


a. All new single-family detached dwellings and attached 2-unit dwellings (duplexes) shall only comply with the provisions of Sections 6-305.E Landscape Plan and 6-305.F Maintenance and Preservation, where applicable.




The Land Development Code of the Village of Orland Park, as amended, is hereby further amended to the delete in its entirety the text of Subparagraph c of Subsection 4 of Paragraph F, “Building and Structure Design” of Section 6-308 and to substitute the following as new text for Subparagraph c of Subsection 4 of Paragraph F of Section 6-308, which shall read in its entirety as follows:


c. For structures more than 3-stories in height, brick shall extend from ground level to tops of each floor, with minor accents allowed in place of brick subject to meeting building codes, except that an exterior wall finish/veneer or other exterior permitted materials may be used for its top (uppermost) story only.




All sections of the Land Development Code not addressed in this Ordinance or another amending ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.




All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed insofar as they conflict herewith.




This Ordinance shall become and be effective immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided by law.  It is ordered that publication of this Ordinance be made by the duplication thereof in pamphlet form, said pamphlets to be deposited in the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Orland Park, for general distribution.