Seritage - Orland Square Mall - Sears Redevelopment
Seritage ‑ Orland Square Mall ‑ Sears Redevelopment (AMC Theater)
Matthew McDonnell, VP Development, Seritage Growth Properties
The petitioner proposes to construct and operate a new 49,777 square foot movie theater and remodeled 198,557 approx. square feet of existing retail space, in Orland Square Mall in the former Sears Store.
Project Attributes
Address: 2 Orland Square Drive
P.I.N.: 27‑10‑301‑008‑0000
Current Zoning: COR Mixed Use Zoning District
Comprehensive Plan designation: Regional Mixed Use
Surrounding land use and zoning:
North: Orland Square Mall (COR Zoning District)
South: Offices (across Ring Road) (COR Zoning District)
East: Detention pond, commercial retail and services (across Ring Road) (COR Zoning District)
West: Orland Square Mall and parking field; commercial retail (across Ring Road) (COR Zoning District)
The existing 1.2 million square foot Orland Square Mall was constructed in the mid‑1970s at the northeast intersection of Lagrange Road and 151st Street. The Village’s first ‘planned unit development’ included both 130 acres of commercial development and 100 acres of multi‑family residential development, which was fully developed and still exists today. The Orland Square Mall is an established fixture and focal point in the Village, and purportedly includes some of the highest performing stores in the region. It has evolved through the years to include a wide variety of commercial uses.
Theaters were one of the potential users listed in the original Orland Square Zoning ordinance approved in 1971. ‘Orland Square Cinemas’, a four screen theater was constructed along the outer Ring Road in the late 70’s, plus a later addition, but eventually closing in the late 90’s. There is not currently a theater in the Mall area. Orland Park is currently served by Marcus Theater, located approximately 1 ¾ miles south on Lagrange Road.
Seritage Growth Properties proposes to construct an addition and redevelop the upper floor of the Sears Department Store in order to construct a new 10 screen movie theater, and a new retail concourse with a mix of retail and restaurant users. The existing Sears Auto Store will also be remodeled into new retail space. Related site improvements include revised vehicular circulation, parking lot landscape islands, a pedestrian sidewalk network, landscaping, repair of existing hardscape, and storm water detention to meet current requirements.
The existing bi‑level Sears Department store includes approximately 177,351 building SF: 90,176 SF on the upper level and 86,635 on the lower level, plus the 21,206 SF Sears Auto Center.
Under the current petition, the upper level will include a 49,777 SF Theater, which will consist of 8,876 SF lobby in the existing structure plus a 40,901 SF building addition to house the theater screens. The remainder of the upper level will be remodeled into a 17,352 SF shared commercial concourse with 55,221 SF of subdivided retail space and 9,267 SF restaurant space. The lower level Sears Auto Center will also be remodeled into new retail space.
The upper level theater addition will be constructed above the existing parking, drop off and service area, which will be slightly modified with new exit stairwells but remain in service. Primary patron access to and from the new theater will be via the upper floor theater lobby.
After Seritage petitioned this project in October 2017, it was publicly announced that the entire Orland Park Sears store would be closed. It is anticipated that additional existing Sears square footage will be available for redevelopment in the near future.
Preliminary engineering:
Consent for the preliminary engineering has been granted by the Village Engineers, allowing the petition to move forward to Plan Commission. Final engineering approval is also required.
Overall, the petitioned project conforms to the provisions of the Land Development Code and the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, except for the requested variances.
Site Plan/Subdivision
The existing site plan will serve the new theater, with some changes to meet the needs of the new theater and to meet with current Village policies and Codes:
Under current conditions that will continue, the Sears (and Mall) access points include signalized intersections at 151st Street and Regents Road, 151st and 94th Avenue, and Lagrange Road and 149th Street. Other secondary mall access points include John Humphrey Drive, and two right in/ right out driveways. Orland Square Drive, nicknamed the ‘Ring Road’, is the private street that encircles the mall, and has out‑lots lining the exterior street edge. Existing circulation and parking patterns in the area and around the project site are well established.
Parking Required ‑ 1093 spaces
Parking Existing - 1168 spaces
Parking Provided ‑ 1008 spaces
Shared parking: The Land Development allows shared parking credit of up to 50% for two or more uses on the same or adjacent sites, if it does not create a parking shortage. In this case 85% of the parking requirement is met on site, which is well within the Code limits for shared parking. (See also parking study discussion)
Proposed changes include:
‑The number of drive aisle curb cuts from the Ring Road to the theater parking field was reduced from thirteen to six.
‑Landscape islands were added that define circulation patterns.
‑Parking spaces were re‑oriented to 90 degrees with 22’ two‑way drive aisles.
‑The lower level service zone will remain in service for loading and drop off purposes, with minor modifications to add theater stairwells.
A traffic study was completed for the site by the RA Smith, Inc.Traffic Engineer. According to the study, this new mall development is anticipated to generate 220 new trips during the weekday peak hour, and 205 trips during the Saturday peak hour. The study concludes that traffic impacts on the study intersections will be relatively minor, with operations remaining similar to today’s conditions. Some improvements were recommended by the Study and by Village Engineers to enhance operations, including increased left turn storage, optimization of signal timing, and upgraded lane configurations.
The document included a parking study which concluded that the parking supply will meet the Village’s Parking Code requirements and will easily accommodate increased parking demand created by the new development, including during the holiday season.
Pedestrian and Bicycle:
Two major pedestrian connections have been added under the proposal, one that extends from 151 Street, along Regents Road, then along the inner edge of the Ring Road, and then finally connecting along the entrance drive to the theater entrance. A second sidewalk network connects the Regents Road sidewalks to the remodeled retail space in the former Sears Auto store space.
Pace Route 364 (159th Street) and Pace Route 379 (Lagrange Road) provide service to the mall
The Site Plan shows portions of the existing asphalt to be removed and replaced, with graduated levels of repair for the rest of the parking lot depending on the condition of the different areas. There are large areas of the existing parking lot that appear to be in poor condition. Seritage has committed to a 2‑3” mill overlay in areas of parking showing signs of disrepair and severe cracking and re-stripe and reseal for areas showing minimal signs of cracking. The entire lot will be re‑striped due to change in parking orientation. The Village will inspect when construction is completed to determine the appropriate level of repair.
Landscaping/tree mitigation
A Preliminary Landscape plan has been submitted for Plan Commission review. The preliminary plan has been reviewed by the Village landscape consultant, and recommended for acceptance, subject to some changes including additional foundation landscaping and tree mitigation. A Final Landscape Plan must be submitted for final Village approval after final engineering is completed.
The most significant changes in the landscaping of this existing site includes the introduction of Code required parking lot landscape islands; (including three large consolidated islands that are anticipated for bio‑retention); a new landscaped pedestrian entryway/promenade in the lower parking lot; and a Ring Road sidewalk with parkway. All of these new features have been landscaped with a variety of plant materials, including trees, shrubs, and perennials.
The Sears property is located on a single lot that is one of 5 mall lots that is located inside the Ring Road. No changes are proposed to the existing subdivision. The Sears store, as well as Carson’s and Penney’s are on separate lots with separately owned parking fields. However the Sears ALTA Survey notes a ”General easement over the entire shopping center for ingress/egress, utilities, parking.”
Preliminary Engineering
Consent for the preliminary engineering has been granted by the Village Engineers, allowing the petition to move forward to Plan Commission. Final engineering approval is also required.
Traffic Study: (See mobility discussion)
Detention to serve the mall is located in the pond along 151st Street located southeast of the mall on the other side of the Ring Road. However it was designed to 1970’s standards. The petitioner has submitted an application for a MWRD Permit which is currently under review. The petitioner has committed to provide an underground storm water detention system as needed that meets MWRD and Village requirements for storm water design and release rates based on the development area as determined by the MWRD.
Utilities: Nearby tie‑ins are existing and available.
Lighting: A lighting plan has been provided that will be more thoroughly reviewed at the time of final engineering. The existing poles and fixtures on the site will be utilized and upgraded with LED fixtures. Additional fixtures have been added to more evenly distribute the lighting levels. Supplemental decorative bollard fixtures will be added along the pedestrian walkway in front of the Theater entrance, and along concrete stairway to increase lighting levels and define pathways.
Building elevations
Façade changes are proposed on all sides of the existing Sears building. (See Sheet AD‑1) The general color palette is shown as a neutral brown, tan, and gray combination with a variety of building materials.
Southwest Elevation ‑ The primary theater entrance is one of the tallest features along this facade and will be emphasized with 6 double entrance doors and an aluminum louvered surround. The equally tall iconic glass louvered AMC ‘tower’ will be centered on the theater addition. The existing western Sears façade will be remodeled to serve the new tenants along the new retail concourse that face outward along the southwestern elevation, including doorways connecting to outdoor dining areas along a newly faced paver sidewalk that runs along the southwest facade. A variety of new façade materials are proposed, with brick and masonry at the base of the facade and accent materials that include precast concrete panels, EIFS, and aluminum. Once specific tenants are identified, and if the facades are further refined and changed, an administrative Appearance Review may be needed to address those changes in more detail.
South Elevations ‑
The longer side of the second floor theater addition comprises most of the south elevation. The petitioner has agreed to replace the shown tan EIFS with brick or stone to meet the Village’s masonry requirements. It is noted that the sign boxes shown may exceed Code requirements and are subject to change at the time of sign permit. The south elevation also includes one facade of the remodeled Sears Auto Store, with a new brick base up to the tops of the windows, and EIFS trim along the top redesigned to serve new tenant/s and possibly subject to additional administrative review as it is refined to meet tenant requirements.
Northeast Elevation ‑
Most of the northeast elevation of the Sears will remain as it exists for now. Redevelopment of this portion of the recently vacated Sears store is anticipated in the near future, but not addressed by this petition. This facade of the remodeled Sears Auto Center will be the same style as the revised south facade of the Sears Auto Store, however it will also include an AMC tower that reflects the character of the AMC tower at the main (southwest) entrance, but constructed of EIFS. The tan portion of the northeast façade must also be masonry instead of EIFS to meet Code requirements.
Two ground signs that appear to be directory signs (2’ X 5’ X4’) are shown on the Site Plan, one at the front of the main theater entry drive, and the other next to a driveway entrance on the lower level. All signage is subject to review and approval via Sign Permit and additional restrictions may apply.
All exaction fees, including but not limited to transportation, parks and schools, are to be paid to the Village per Code requirements, and will be established at the time of Development Agreement and Building Permits.
Density/Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R)
Proposed: .34
Lot Coverage
Maximum: 80% with BMPs
Existing: 91.7%
Proposed: 87.9%
Front Yard:
Required ‑ 25’
Proposed ‑ 545’
Side Yard (west):
Required ‑ 15’
Proposed ‑425’
Landscape buffer yards ‑ The buffer yards for this project were constructed as a part of the overall mall construction on the periphery of the entire site. They do not entirely meet current Code requirements, but are beyond the scope and area of this project. (Buffer yard variance requested).
Required ‑ 10’
Proposed ‑ Varies, as little as 0’
Foundation and Interior Landscaping:
Required ‑ 7’ along 50% of facade
Proposed ‑Varies, additional foundation landscaping required.
Parking Lot Area Landscape buffer
Required ‑ 10’
Proposed ‑ 5’ along eastern boundary
Parking Lot landscape Islands
Required ‑ 109 required (based on single parking space size3)
Proposed ‑ 109 provided
Signage Landscaping
A minimum five (5) foot wide planting bed is required around freestanding monument signs, 50% of which shall be occupied by vegetation. (Finalize at time of Final Landscape Plan)
Comprehensive Plan
The Village’s 2013 Comprehensive Plan supports the Orland Square Mall as a regional mixed use area with infill potential and recommends improvements to aging commercial areas.
Overall, the project conforms to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Codes and policies for this area, with the exception of the listed variances. The proposed improvements will incrementally improve both the functionality and the visual appeal of the south end of the mall with architectural enhancements, a new pedestrian network, and expanded landscaping, and hopefully spur more comprehensive changes to the entire mall.
Actions requested:
Site Plan
The new Site Plan is based on the existing site plan constructed with the original mall, but with enhancements to improve vehicular and pedestrian safety and access. The reduction in number of curb cuts onto the Ring Road, the 2 way parking aisles, and the new landscape islands better control and simplify the circulation patterns.
Preliminary Landscape Plan
The addition of almost 27,000 square feet of green space with landscaping will bring the site closer to current Code requirements. There will be a significant and noticeable increase in plant material on the site.
Building Elevations
The proposed elevations provide a significant upgrade to the 1970's era building facades and set the tone for future mall facade improvements. A mix of interesting materials have been introduced, and with the replacement of the tan EIFS with masonry, will meet the Villages masonry requirements. The changes include turning some of the newer tenant stores to face outward to the parking lot as well as to their new interior mall.
Special Use Permit
When considering an application for special use permit, the decision making body shall consider the eight special use standards listed in the Code. The petitioner has provided responses to the Special Use Standards.
The petitioner requests approval for a special use amendment to the Orland Square Mall Planned Development, and for a theater and retail space that exceeds 50,000 square feet. The theater use was listed in the Mall’s original Zoning Permit as an intended use, and the mall building and site are already set up to accommodate large commercial facilities including circulation and parking. The petitioner’s Traffic Study that concludes existing infrastructure, with some upgrades, can meet the project needs.
The petitioner requests the following variances. When considering an application for variances, the decision making body shall consider the variance standards listed in the Code. The petitioner has provided responses to the variance standards.
1) Exceed the Code impervious lot coverage maximum of 80% (with BMPs). The existing site lot impervious coverage is 91.7%. With the proposed landscape island improvements, the new lot coverage will be reduced to 87.9%, for an improvement of 3.8% or 26,970 square feet in additional green space. Although full Code compliance is the goal, with infill/redevelopment projects, incremental improvements over the existing non‑conforming condition are encouraged. The goal of additional pervious surface has to be balanced with the need to maintain as much of the parking field as possible.
2) Reduce landscape buffers and foundation plantings. Because the Sears parcel is a part of the Orland Square Planned Development, landscape buffers were established along the entire mall periphery in the 1970s to meet the current Code of the time, and may not meet all current Codes, which requires a minimum 10’ landscape buffer on all sides of the property. Nevertheless, significant improvements are proposed to the parking and landscape buffers under the new proposal, including a 20’ landscape buffer screening the large lower parking lot from the Ring Road.
3) Locate the parking between the building and the street. This is an existing site plan pattern established with the original mall site layout, which was designed to the Codes of the time. This drives the location of the new theater addition to occupy the vacant Sears space.
Incremental improvements beyond Code requirements are required to help offset the new impact of special use permits and variances, and are partially listed below. Because the mall was constructed in the 1970’s the current development is legally non‑conforming in many ways including lot coverage, landscaping, and pedestrian amenities.
1) Improves parking lot circulation patterns for safety and functionality.
2) Adds pedestrian connections and amenities.
3) Upgrades building architecture.
4) Meets Code requirements for parking lot landscape islands.
5) Increases green pervious cover and landscaping on the site.
This case is now before Plan Commission for consideration.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to accept as findings of fact of this Plan Commission the findings of fact set forth in this staff report, dated February 13, 2018.
I move to recommend to the Village Board approval of the Preliminary Site Plan titled Seritage Redevelopment ‑ Orland Square Site Plan, prepared by RA Smith Inc, and dated 02.01.18, sheet C200; and titled ‘Proposed Floor plan’ by Hobbs and Black Architects, dated 12.20.17, sheet A‑1, subject to the following conditions:
1) Meet Village requirements for parking lot pavement improvements as determined by Village inspection post-construction.
2) Repair concrete stairwell that connects upper to lower parking lots.
3) Add striped crosswalks across the six Ring Road entrance driveways.
4) Add bicycle racks in a convenient location per Code requirements.
5) Provide a turning performance analysisi for the parking areas for Orland Fire Department.
6) Work with Engineers to incorporate traffic improvements.
7) Signs are subject to additional review and approval via the sign permitting process and additional restrictions may apply.
8) Meet all final engineering and building division requirements and approvals including Lighting Plan.
I move to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of the Preliminary Landscape Plan titled ‘Seritage Redevelopment - Orland Square Landscape Plan’, prepared by RA Smith, Inc, and dated 02.01.18, sheet L100-L105, subject to the following conditions:
1) Meet conditions outlined in the Hey and Associates review letter dated January 26, 2018.
2) Submit a Final Landscape Plan for Village approvals after Final Engineering approval.
I move to recommend to the Village Board approval of the Elevations titled ‘Orland Square Southeast Pad Redevelopment - prepared by Hobbs and Black Architects, revised dated 12.20.17, sheet A1, A2, AD-1, AD-2, revised 12.20.17, subject to the to the following conditions. All changes must be made and conditions met prior to the Board meeting.
1) Replace the proposed tan EIFS on the second floor elevations of the theater with the
same color brick or stone to meet the Village’s masonry requirements. This includes the southwest, southeast, and northeast elevations.
2) Provide specific building facade materials and color information on Elevation and Material Pallette sheets.
3) Screen all new mechanical equipment either at grade level with landscaping or hidden behind the roofline.
4) Meet all final engineering and building division requirements including Lighting Plan review and approval.
5) All masonry must be of anchored veneer type masonry with a 2.625” minimum thickness.
6) All signs are subject to additional review and approval via the sign permitting process and additional restrictions may apply. Signage within the ‘Architectural Light boxes’ may be restricted in size, configuration, and number based on Sign Code requirements.
I move to recommend to the Village Board approval of a Special Use Amendment for the Orland Square Mall Planned Development to allow construction and operation of a movie theater and for a commercial development that exceeds 50,000 square feet, as cited in the preliminary site plan motion.
I move to recommend to the Village Board approval of the following Variances for Seritage - Orland Square Mall / Sears Redevelopment petition project subject to the same conditions as outlined in the Preliminary Site Plan motion:
1) Exceed lot coverage.
2) Reduce Landscaping requirements for buffers and foundation plantings.
3) Locate parking between the building and the street.
All conditions must be met and changes made prior to the Board meeting.