Orland Park Police Station Stewardship
In 2011, the Village established the Basin and Best Practices Management report. The report contains bids and evaluations on Village ponds and areas that require stewardship to ensure proper functionality and aesthetics of said areas. Since the completion of the report, the Village has worked with contractors to perform the required services. The selected companies were chosen based on price and expertise in the area of ecological restoration. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. is one of the companies that were awarded basin and restoration work. Pizzo has proven to be extremely knowledgeable in this area of work and have provided exemplary service to the Village on high profile pond and natural area projects. Pizzo currently provides stewardship of the Orland Park Police Station property. Pizzo has provided superior expertise and service, greatly improving the functionality and appearance of the natural plantings at the aforementioned property.
A quote was requested from Pizzo & Associates for the continued Stewardship of Orland Park Police Station. The work includes the control of invasive woody and herbaceous flora through cultural methods, physical removal or the application of appropriate herbicides. The native plants will take advantage of the competitive release created by mowing, the timely application of herbicide or physical removal of the non-native plants. Additionally, implement controlled burn in natural areas and bio swales, as needed. Pizzo will use fire as a tool to clear debris, recycle nutrients and stimulate native plant and animal species. The fire crew is comprised of S130/S190 trained crew leaders knowledgeable in the fuel types present. The fire crew will create firebreaks and place noticeable signage prior to burn. Seeds will be harvested prior to the burn to allow for the post burn dispersal. Areas to be burned will contain unburned refuge for animal species. Pizzo will obtain all necessary permitting. When conducted, controlled burns will be billed in addition to the General Stewardship services. Controlled burn is scheduled for 2019 at an additional cost of $4,400.
The scope of work and total cost for the three year program for the years 2018, 2019 (including controlled burn) and 2020 is attached.
On April 2, 2018, this item was reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Committee, recommended for approval, and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funds are available in the Parks & Grounds accounts for 2018.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the continued Stewardship of the Orland Park Police Station for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 to Pizzo & Associates Ltd. for an amount not to exceed $29,150 which includes a controlled burn in 2019.