147th Street and Ravinia Avenue Phase III Construction Observation Engineering Services
As part of the FY 2017 Budget the Village Board approved funding for Phase III engineering and construction for the roundabout improvements at the intersection of 147th Street and Ravinia Avenue. This improvement will establish the first roundabout within the village and improve traffic flow through the intersection. 147th and Ravinia Avenue serves as the main entrance to the Orland Park Village Hall. The Phase III engineering will monitor the construction of the roundabout in accordance with Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) specifications. The construction portion of the project is on schedule to be bid on as part of the March 2018 IDOT bid letting.
On October 4, 2017, the Village issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 17-038. Five submittals were received on Wednesday, October 18, 2017. Based on the criteria in the RFQ, the submittals were evaluated, rated and the top firm was selected for award. Strand Associates, Inc. of Joliet, Illinois has been deemed as the best qualified engineering firm for the scope of services requested.
Strand has provided these types of services throughout the Chicagoland area utilizing local and Federal funds. They have a good working relationship with the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Village. They also completed the design engineering for the project.
After finalizing the scope and negotiating a fee with Strand Associates, staff recommends bringing forward the Phase III engineering scope and fee for approval. The fee for these services is $229,999.21 of which the SCM has approved 70% to be reimbursed ($160,999.45).
The project will be invoiced monthly for the hours worked at the hourly rates provided.
On November 6, 2017 this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee recommended for approval and sent to the Village Board of Trustees for review.
Financial Impact
The Fiscal Year 2018 Board approved Capital Improvement Program Budget has funds available for this project, $2,470,000 ($2,240,000 construction, $230,000 construction engineering) in account 054-0000-471250.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve entering into a contract with Strand Associates, Inc. of Joliet, Illinois in the amount not to exceed $229,999.21 for the 147th and Ravinia Avenue Phase III Engineering Design Services.