Consulting Engineering Services for Wheeler Drive Bridge Reconstruction over Tinley Creek - Proposals
The Wheeler Drive bridge structure over Tinley Creek is a cast-in-place concrete, two-cell box culvert constructed in 1975. Over the past 40 years, the concrete roof under the roadway of the structure has deteriorated and lost up to 50% of the cross section. Fragmented concrete has exposed the main reinforcing bars under the roadway. Many are detached from the concrete slab for about one half of the span length. The loss of concrete and corrosion of main reinforcing steel under the traffic lanes continues to grow and has reduced the capacity of this structure. IDOT inspected the structure late in 2015 resulting in a 15-ton gross weight limit posting requirement. While safe for use, this new limit negatively impacts regular village operations, contracted services, and fire & rescue.
Removal and replacement of the entire top of the bridge including the attached sidewalks and headwalls is anticipated. Additionally, a section of the approach pavement on Wheeler Drive may require removal and reconstruction to accommodate a transition to a potentially thicker top slab.
In order to facilitate this work, staff prepared a formal request for proposals (RFP) for Phase I & ll design engineering services. The RFP was sent to four engineering firms on February 19, 2016. Proposals were opened on March 15, 2016 from three engineering firms: Baxter & Woodman, Inc. of Mokena, IL; Bowman Consulting Group, Ltd. of Chicago, IL; and HR Green, Inc. of Mchenry, IL. Strand Associates, Inc. of Joliet, IL opted not to submit a proposal. Following a review of the proposals, staff is recommending that a contract be awarded to HR Green, Inc. In addition to submitting the lowest proposed price, not to exceed $38,500, HR Green has been the Village’s "Bridge Manager" for several years. They have inspected this bridge on a regular basis and are very familiar with the condition and associated issues.
On April 4, 2016, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Village Board for approval.
Financial Impact
Funds for this work are available in the Capital Budget, account 054-0000-471250.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve to award Consulting Engineering Services for Wheeler Drive Bridge Reconstruction over Tinley Creek to HR Green, Inc. of McHenry, IL for a cost not to exceed $38,500.