Parkview Estates Stage 2 Storm Water Improvements - Bid Award
In 2015, Parkview Stage 1 Storm Water Improvements were completed, including storm sewer pipe additions and changes to the outlet structure for the pond in Parkview Subdivision. In 2014 the Village Board approved the Stage 2, Phase I & II engineering for storm water improvements to further minimize the risk of flooding in the subdivision. The Stage 2 improvements are also intended to improve storm water issues currently experienced in the Caro Vista Subdivision.
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) completed the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis with a recommendation for additional storage and conveyance to a regional storage pond to be constructed in the Evergreen View Park property. In June, 2015 the Board approved proceeding with utilizing the design/bid/build method for a 28 acre-foot dry detention pond in the Evergreen View Park. CBBEL prepared the engineering drawings and bid specifications for the project, Parkview Stage 2 Storm Water Improvement.
An Invitation to Bid for the Parkview Stage 2 Storm Water Improvement work was advertised on January 9, 2017. Sealed bids were opened by the Village Clerk’s office on January 24, 2017. Twelve (12) sealed bids were received (summary attached). Bids ranged from $3,342,000 up to $4,399,729. Village staff reviewed the bids. Dyer Construction Company, Inc. of Dyer, Indiana is the lowest responsible bidder for the Parkview Stage 2 Drainage Improvement with a submitted project cost of $3,342,000.
This cost is well below the engineer’s estimate of $4,876,520 for the anticipated work; therefore, it is staff's recommendation that Dyer Construction Company, Inc. of Dyer, Indiana be awarded the Parkview Stage 2 Storm Water Improvement project in the amount of $3,342,000, plus $250,000 contingency for a total cost of $3,592,000.
Due to the complexity of the project, a proposal for Construction Engineering Services was requested and received from CBBEL. Their proposal includes pre-construction services, shop drawing review, construction observation, erosion control inspection, QA material testing, traffic control inspection, post construction services and Record drawing surveying. The proposal for this work from Christopher Burke Engineering, Ltd. of Rosemont, Illinois totals $243,800.
On February 6, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
Funds to complete this project are included in the FY17 Water and Sewer budget, account 031-6007-470500.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to accept the bid for Parkview Estates Stage 2 Storm Water Improvements from Dyer Construction Company, Inc. of Dyer, Indiana for an amount not to exceed $3,592,000 ($3,342,000 plus $250,000 contingency);
Approve accepting the proposal for Construction Engineering Services from Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. of Rosemont, Illinois in the amount of $243,800.