2025 Annual Athletic Floor Refinishing
The indoor athletic floors at SportsPlex, Franklin Loebe Center (FLC), and the Orland Park Health & Fitness Center (OPHFC) require annual maintenance. Per manufacturer specifications, hardwood floors should be cleaned, screened, and recoated each year to protect and maintain the appearance and functionality of the floor. The floors in each facility are host to a variety of annual events and scheduled programming.
The Village maintains the following athletic floors:
SportsPlex Gymnasium and Aerobic Studio
FLC Dance Studios (A and B)
OPHFC Main Gym and Studios A and B
Floors, Inc. of Woodstock, Illinois, submitted a proposal based on Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative contract #031022-RBI to complete floor refinishing at the abovementioned locations. A price summary for each location is provided below:
Proposal Summary
Sportsplex Gymnasium and Aerobic Studio - $14,840.00
FLC Dance Studio A - $1,560.00
FLC Dance Studio B - $7,950.00
OPHFC (Studio A and B and Main Gym) - $15,140.00
Proposal Total - $39,490.00
Floors, Inc. has completed various projects for the Village since 2011 especially resurfacing for wood floors using the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program. Scheduling of this service will be coordinated with the Recreation and Parks Department and OPHFC staff to reduce downtime and the disruption of scheduled events. Basic refinishing on softwoods cost between $1.00 and $3.00 per square foot and hardwoods ranging from $2.00 and $5.00 per square foot. Based on square foot being done, Floors, Inc. Sourcewell pricing was deemed fair and reasonable.
As such, staff recommends approval of the four (4) proposals from Floors Inc. for 2025 Annual Athletic Floor Refinishing for an amount not to exceed $39,490.00. A contingency is not requested for this project.
Financial Impact
Funding for this service is available in FY2025 in accounts 1008010-443100 (FLC and OPHFC) and 2008010-443100 (SportsPlex).
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the waiver of the competitive bid process in lieu of participation in joint purchasing cooperative Sourcewell pursuant to Contract #031022-RBI and authorize the approval and execution of a vendor contract with Floors, Inc. for 2025 Annual Athletic Floor Refinishing based on Floors, Inc.’s four (4) proposals dated January 10, 2025, for a total not-to-exceed contract price of $39,490.00.
Authorize the Village Manager to execute all related contracts subject to Village Attorney review.