Materials Loading and Hauling Services - Bid Award
On August 21, 2014 the Village published a bid for Materials Loading and Hauling Services. Materials are to be removed from two sites with addresses: 10201 W. 153rd Street and 16401 S. 108th Avenue. Material temporarily stockpiled at the sites includes concrete, asphalt and spoil from various excavations. Dumpsters for organic spoil and street sweeping debris are also located at the sites. Bids were requested to provide services for a three (3) year period; 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and 2016-2017. This service will include the loading and hauling of excavated spoils and/or materials from the two Village Bulk Material Storage Facilities to a licensed Clean Construction Demolition Debris (CCDD) Fill Operation, an authorized non-CCDD fill operation or a recycling facility. Sealed bids were opened on September 9, 2014. Five companies submitted bids: Airy’s Incorporated of Tinley Park, Chief Construction of New Lenox, Davis Concrete Construction of Alsip, KLF Enterprises of Markham, and Misfits Construction Company of Chicago. The bid summary is attached for reference.
The lowest bidder, KLF Enterprises, responded with the following three year unit pricing:
2014-2015 unit price - Asphalt & spoils hauling $295/load; special waste is $687/load;
2015-2016 unit price - Asphalt & spoils hauling $310/load; special waste is $721/load;
2016-2017 unit price - Asphalt & spoils hauling $325/load; special waste is $757/load;
Staff contacted the references submitted by the contractor that submitted the lowest bid, KLF Enterprises, and received positive feedback. After evaluating the five (5) bids, staff recommends that KLF Enterprises of Markham Illinois be awarded the contract for Materials Loading and Hauling Services.
On October 6, 2014, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for Approval.
Financial Impact
There is sufficient funding in Board approved account line items 010-5002-443500, 031-6002-443500, 031-6003-443500 and 031-6007-443500 for this work.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve accepting the bid submitted by KLF Enterprises of Markham, Illinois, for Materials Loading and Hauling Services, for a cost not to exceed the unit prices referenced in the bid for contract years 2014-2015; 2015-2016; 2016-2017 and the total not to exceed the Board approved budgeted amounts for the contract years.