Solar Panel Installation - 10255 144th Street - Sulkowski Residence, Installation of 3.48 kW Solar Array as part of an Environmental Clean Technology (ECT) Review
Solar Panel Installation - 10255 144th Street - Sulkowski Residence, Installation of 3.48 kW Solar Array as part of an Environmental Clean Technology (ECT) Review
2018-0586 / AR-18-00548
Jan Sulkowski
The purpose of this petition is to install and maintain a roof-mounted solar panel system at a single-family residence located at 10255 144th Street.
Requested Actions: Appearance Review (Environmental Clean Technology)
Project Attributes
Address: 10255 144th Street
P.I.N.(s): 27-09-108-001-0000
Parcel Size: 0.22 acres
Building Size: 2,714 square feet
Comprehensive Plan Planning District: Orland Grove Planning District
Comprehensive Land Designation: Single Family Residential
Existing Zoning: R-3 Residential District
Existing Land Use: Single Family Home
Surrounding Land Use:
North: R-3 Residential District - (across 144th Street) Single Family Home
South: R-3 Residential District - Single Family Home
East: R-3 Residential District - Single Family Home
West: R-3 Residential District - Single Family Home
Preliminary Engineering: A structural engineer report was submitted with this petition, which concluded that the roof structure can safely support the weight of the proposed solar panels.
Section 6-314.C of the Land Development Code requires that the petitioner seeking a renewable energy or environmental clean technology system first obtain an Environmental Clean Technology (ECT) review from the Plan Commission. Subsequent to such a review, this project will follow the standard development review process. A review will next take place at the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee and then a final review and decision from the Village Board of Trustees.
The petitioner is proposing to install and maintain 3.48 kW interactive solar arrays, comprised of twelve (12) photovoltaic (PV) solar panels at a single family home located in the Raney’s Addition to Orland Subdivision. The solar panels will be located on the south facing gabled rooftop of a single-family residence located at 10255 144th Street. Energy captured by the proposed solar panels will be used for general household purposes, providing an overall general reduction in electricity costs for the homeowner. The solar panel system also includes a “SnapNrack 100” roof mount system, inverters and other electrical service components.
The petitioner does not request any variances for this project.
The recommendation motion includes the following conditions:
1. That all building code related items shall be met.
2. That all building permits shall be obtained prior to construction.
3. That all utility conduits and systems related to the solar energy system shall not be visible from any adjacent street and from neighboring residential properties.
4. That additional screening of any utility conduits and systems related to the solar energy system may be required after installation has been completed, as determined by the Development Services Department.
Overall, the project conforms to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code and policies for this area.
The petitioner submitted a plan set (“Sulkowski Residence Plan Set”) by AEOS Energy, dated 8/17/2018 and specification sheets that detail the location, dimensions and materials to be used for the installation of the proposed solar panels. The solar panels (collectively referred to as an array) will be located on the south-facing roof of the single family house.
The proposal is for a 3.48 kW, grid-tied photovoltaic (PV) installation, comprised of twelve (12) "LONGi SOLAR LR-6-60DG-290M” (290W) modules (panels). The array will be supported by a flush mounted racking system, which is a low-profile system that connects to roof rafters with structural screws.
One (1) “SolarEdge Power Optimizer” will be connected to each solar module to monitor performance data, increase the energy output from the photovoltaic system by constantly tracking the maximum power point of each module individually, and control safe voltage levels. One (1) "SolarEdge Single Phase Inverter" will be used to convert incoming Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC) before entering the building. A PV disconnect will be installed on the outside of the home near the electric meter. All ground-level utilities will be screened from view from neighboring properties and from the street. Additional screening may be required after installation is complete to ensure adequate screening has been provided.
As a component of sustainability and stewardship, one of the goals of the Village’s Comprehensive Plan is to reduce the dependence on non-renewable resources by “support(ing) private and public infrastructure upgrades that meet local energy demand using renewable sources (wind, solar, biomass/fuel, geothermal, fuel cells etc.).” The proposed project supports this and other sustainability goals of the Comprehensive Plan.
Section 6-314.E.1 of the Land Development Code permits the installation of solar panels on residential rooftops via an Environmental Clean Technology review provided that:
1. Solar panels do not increase the visual height of the building.
2. Solar panels do not extend beyond the edge of the parapet or roof.
3. Solar panels are in line with the plane of the roof and shall not be attached to chimneys.
4. That no more than seventy-five percent (75%) of a residential rooftop may be covered by PV collectors or arrays.
5. Solar panels shall be placed such that concentrated solar radiation or glare shall not be directed onto nearby properties, roadways or public right-of-ways.
ITEMS 1 - 4
The arrays are located on the south facing roof to maximize solar reception, inset from roof eaves. The arrays will be in line with the plane of the roof, are not attached to any chimneys and will not increase the visual height of the building. The proposed array measures approximately 214 square feet in area while the rooftop is approximately 3,534 square feet, equaling approximately 6% rooftop coverage.
As there are neighboring properties in line with the solar panels on the south building elevation, the petitioner and contractor were asked to provide assurance that “concentrated solar radiation or glare shall not be directed onto nearby properties”.
The lot directly to the south currently serves as the backyard to the single family home at 14410 Raneys Lane, which is located to the southeast of the subject property. The neighboring property with the most direct view of the array is located at 10240 144th Place. The array would be approximately 140 feet from this property’s house.
AEOS Energy, the contractor for the project, has provided the Village with a letter and documentation stating that in their professional experience, none of the solar arrays being planned for the property should pose a solar reflection or glare risk to any of the neighbors, including the neighbor directly to the south. The following documents have been submitted for review:
- Photos of the rear elevation and view from the rear deck of the Sulkowski residence facing the property to the south
- A scale plan drawing showing the expected direction of reflected sunlight on the Summer Solstice (the highest point in the year the sun will appear) and the Winter Solstice (the lowest point in the year the sun will appear)
- Reference to an industry article on the solar glare from PV arrays
The provided scaled drawing showing the expected direction of reflected sunlight on the Summer and Winter Solstices suggest that, while solar panels will face the neighboring property to the south, the angle at which they will be installed will preclude any direct solar reflection or glare on to the adjacent house. The south property line is also heavily landscaped with mature trees.
The plan set submitted by the petitioner indicate that all of the Environmental Clean Technology review criteria for this project has been met.
Overall, the project conforms to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code and policies for this area.
Land Use/Compatibility
The proposed land use is compatible with the R-3 Residential District and the Comprehensive Plan vision for this property.
Lot Coverage
No change to lot coverage has been proposed.
Mechanicals/Utility Conduits
All utility conduits and systems related to the solar energy system shall not be visible from the street and from neighboring residential properties. Additional screening may be required, as determined by the Development Services Department.
On October 9, 2018, a public hearing was held before the Plan Commission. The homeowner and solar contractor were in attendance. Certified letters were sent out to all property owners within 330 feet of the petitioner's property, however, no one from the public spoke at the meeting.
The Commission discussed the Village’s requirements under Section 6-314.E of the Land Development Code, including how solar panels may be affixed to a rooftop and the impact to the visual height of the building.
On October 9, 2018, the Plan Commission, by a vote of 6-0 moved to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of the Environmental Clean Technology Review for a roof-mounted solar energy system at 10255 144th Street as fully referenced below:
I move to accept as findings of fact of this Plan Commission the findings of fact set forth in this staff report, dated October 1, 2018.
I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve the Environmental Clean Technology review for a roof-mounted solar energy system at 10255 144th Street as depicted on the plan set “Sulkowski Residence Plan Set” by AEOS Energy, dated 8/17/2018, and the specification sheets, subject to the following conditions:
1. That all building code related items shall be met.
2. That all building permits shall be obtained prior to construction.
3. That all utility conduits and systems related to the solar energy system shall not be visible from any adjacent street and from neighboring residential properties.
4. That additional screening of any utility conduits and systems related to the solar energy system may be required after installation has been completed, as determined by the Development Services Department.
On October 15, 2018, the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee, reviewed the petition, recommended the project for approval, and referred the item to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
There was a brief discussion on the Village’s approval process for solar panels. The Development Services Department is currently evaluating options to streamline the process and solar panel regulations in other municipalities. The homeowner was present at the meeting and noted that the review process is more time consuming and complicated compared to other cities, particularly because of the required public notices to neighboring properties.
On October 15, 2018, the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee voted 3-0 to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of the Environmental Clean Technology Review for a roof-mounted solar energy system at 10255 144th Street as fully referenced below.
This case is now before the Village Board of Trustees for final consideration.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the Environmental Clean Technology Review for a roof-mounted solar energy system at 10255 144th Street as recommended at the October 15, 2018 Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee meeting and as indicated in the below fully referenced motion.
I move approve the Environmental Clean Technology review for a roof-mounted solar energy system at 10255 144th Street as depicted on the plan set “Sulkowski Residence Plan Set” by AEOS Energy, dated 8/17/2018, and the specification sheets, subject to the following conditions:
1. That all building code related items shall be met.
2. That all building permits shall be obtained prior to construction.
3. That all utility conduits and systems related to the solar energy system shall not be visible from any adjacent street and from neighboring residential properties.
4. That additional screening of any utility conduits and systems related to the solar energy system may be required after installation has been completed, as determined by the Development Services Department.