Please print Ordinance from ATTACHMENTS
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1 and titles 4 through 9 OF THE ORLAND PARK VILLAGE CODE IN REGARD the imposition of fines and penalties
WHEREAS, the Village President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Orland Park (the “Village”) have the authority to adopt ordinances and to promulgate rules and regulations that pertain to its government and affairs and protect the public health, safety, and welfare of its citizens; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/1-2-1, the Village may pass all ordinances and make all rules and regulations proper or necessary, to carry into effect the powers granted to municipalities, with such fines or penalties as may deemed proper; and
WHEREAS, the Village, as a home rule municipality, has the authority under Article VII, Section 6 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970 to impose fines and penalties in excess of $750 and six months by incarceration in a non-penitentiary, penal institution; and
WHEREAS, the Village desires to set a general penalty structure for violations of its Village Code; and
WHEREAS, the Village has determined that the amendments set out below are in the best interests of the Village and its residents and will enhance the public safety and welfare.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, as follows:
BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, as follows:
Title 1, Chapter 3, Section 1-3-2 of the Orland Park Village Code is hereby amended to delete the definition of “Board of Trustees” and to substitute the following as a new definition for the term “Board of Trustees:
BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Board of Trustees shall consist of the President and Trustees. (65 ILCS 5/3.1-45-5). The President may nominate and the Corporate Authorities shall by election designate one of the members of the Village Board of Trustees to serve as President pro tem, if necessary. Such nomination and election shall occur annually, in December. 65 ILCS 5/3.1-35-35(a)
Title 1, Chapter 4, Section 1-4-1 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, and there shall be no fine or penalty declared for such violation, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each and every day during which a violation continues or exists.
In addition to the penalty provided in the preceding paragraph, the Village may file suit and proceed to demolish, repair, enclose, recover costs or sue for an injunction to cause compliance with Title 5 of the Orland Park Municipal Code, as provided for in Chapter 65, Article 5, Sections 11-31-1 et seq., of the Illinois Municipal Code. (65 ILCS 5/11-31-1 et seq.).
Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 1-5-2 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
The Village President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees, and he shall vote on all questions.
If the President is absent from the Village or disabled for a period long enough incapacitating him from the performance of his duties, the President pro tem shall have all of the powers of the President and shall perform all of the duties of the President until the President is able to perform his duties or a vacancy in the office exists.
The President may nominate and the Corporate Authorities shall by election designate one of the members of the Village Board of Trustees to serve as President pro tem, if necessary. Such nomination and election shall occur annually, in December. 65 ILCS 5/3.1-35-35(a).
If the President is absent from a meeting the Corporate Authorities may elect one of its members to act as temporary chairman. The temporary chairman shall have only the powers of a presiding officer and shall have only the right to vote as a Trustee on any ordinance, resolution or motion. 65 ILCS 5/3.1-35-35(b).
Title 1, Chapter 7, Section 1-7-2-2 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
1-7-2-2: BOND; OATH:
Before entering upon the duties of his office, the Village Treasurer shall furnish bond in a sum required by the Board of Trustees, but such amount shall not be less than that required by statute. He shall also take the oath of office prescribed by Statute. (65 ILCS 5/3.1-35-40).
Title 1, Chapter 7, Section 1-7-2-3 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
In addition to the duties prescribed by Statute (65 ILCS 5/3.1-35-40 et seq.), the Treasurer shall:
Keep a true and accurate account showing all moneys paid into the Treasury, and by whom and on what account received.
Pay out such sums of money as may be owed by the Village, but only after the presentation of claims which shall be approved by the Board of Trustees of the Village. All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or the Clerk, or such other Village officer as the Board of Trustees shall from time to time provide. In all cases, checks shall state upon what particular funds they are drawn. Any bond or interest coupon issued by the Village, and due and payable, shall be considered a warrant duly authorized for payment by the Treasurer.
Title 1, Chapter 11, Section 1-11-1-11 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
1-11-1-11: POSTING:
These rules and the record index together with the description of the Public Body as required by the Act, shall be prominently posted in each administrative office of the Village, to-wit:
Village Hall, 14700 South Ravinia Avenue
Police Department, 15100 South Ravinia Avenue
Public Works Department, 15655 South Ravinia Avenue
Recreation and Parks, 14600 South Ravinia Avenue
Title 1, Chapter 4, Section 1-4-1 is hereby amended delete Paragraph A and Subsection 7 of Paragraph D and to substitute the following as a new text for Paragraph A and Subsection 7 of Paragraph D of Section 1-4-1:
A. Issuance of Violation Notices -Village Code violation notices ("violation notices") may be
issued by any authorized person and shall contain information and shall be served, certified
and have evidentiary value as hereinafter stated. Certain violation notices may be issued in
the form of a ticket allowing the recipient to pay the stated fine prior to any hearing. If
the recipient fails to pay the required fine within the allotted time under the ticket, the
violation notice will be processed through the administrative adjudication system as otherwise
provided for in this Article.
7. If the violation notice is issued as a ticket, the notice shall include the amount of
the fine and the date required for payment of the fine. The notice under the ticket shall also apprise the recipient that the failure to pay the stated fine within the allotted time will operate to process the violation notice within the administrative adjudication system as otherwise provided for by this Chapter.
Title 4, Chapter 7, Section 4-7-8 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
4-7-8: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, partnership or corporation failing to allow the Village an inspection as provided in 4-7-6 of this Chapter, shall be in violation of this Chapter and shall be according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. Each day such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense.
Any person, firm, partnership or corporation found to be in violation of the prohibitions of this Chapter and who has not disconnected said illegal connection by the October 1, 1997, date provided in 4-7-8 shall be fined $1,000.00. Said fine shall be in addition to any other fines imposed by the terms of this Chapter. Each day such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense.
Any person, firm, partnership or corporation violating any other provision of this Chapter shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. Each day such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense.
Title 4, Chapter 8, Section 4-8-3 is hereby amended delete Subsection 7 and to substitute the following as a new text for Subsection 7 of Section 4-8-3:
7. Any person, corporation or organization of any kind violating the provisions of this Section, or of any special permit obtained under this Section, shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. Each day of violation and each violating location shall be considered a separate offense under this Section.
Title 5, Chapter 1, Section 5-1-15 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Any person who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, construct, alter or repair a building or structure in violation of an approved plan or directive of the code official, or a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties and fines as described in the Village Code, Title 1, Chapter 4 or penalties as identified by more specific ordinances.
1. Work Begun Without a Proper Permit: When work has begun or is completed without a proper permit having been obtained, the fee for required inspections and plan reviews shall be as set forth in the Village Code, Title 5, Chapter 2, Section 14 ("WORK BEGUN WITHOUT A PERMIT").
2. Unlawful Continuance and Stop Work Order: Any person who shall continue any work in or about the structure after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe conditions, shall be liable and subject to the maximum penalty as described in the Village Code, Title 1, Chapter 4, in addition to penalties specified in other code sections or as specified by other adopted ordinances.
3. Work Continued Beyond a Foundation Permit: When a permit has been issued for the foundation portion of a building only and construction has proceeded above the foundation (or ground level of the building) prior to the full building permit being issued, a penalty shall be charged for each day work has continued before the permit has been approved and issued by the building official as listed below:
1st offense: "Stop Work" order and a fee of $500.00 with the allowance to remove any hazardous work conditions for that workday.
Additional offenses: "Stop Work" order and a fee of $1,000.00 with the allowance to remove any hazardous work conditions for that workday.
4. Building or Tenant Spaces Occupied Without Approval: As referenced in Title 5, Chapter 1, Section 4 of this code (5-1-4) any building owner or tenant who violates and/or occupies a building, structure or a part thereof prior to an approval by the building official shall pay a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each day of non-conforming occupancy without an approval by the building official shall constitute a separate violation. (See VC 1-4 and 5-2-14 referencing other fines and penalties.)
5. Severability: In the event that any court of competent jurisdiction may declare that any provision or part of a provision of this Ordinance is void or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions and parts of provisions not ruled void or unconstitutional shall continue in full force and effect.
6. Construction Not Completed: Inspection requests submitted to the Village prior to stages of work being completed by the owner, agent, builder, or contractor are subject to re-inspection fees (5-2-7-5). Construction field management is not performed by Village Staff.
7. Execution: The provisions of this ordinance shall at all times be the duty of the building's owner, agent and/or contractors to regularly request inspections of the construction activities for code conformance and to see the same are being conducted and operated in accordance with the requirements of all Village laws and ordinances applicable thereto.
8. Penalty: Any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense. The imposition of any sentence shall not exempt the offender from compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance.
Title 5, Chapter 3, Section 5-3-9 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
1. Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
2. In the event any electrical equipment is installed, altered, repaired or maintained in violation of this Chapter, the Village, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceedings 1) to prevent the unlawful installation, repair or maintenance, 2) to prevent the occupancy of any unsafe building, structure or land, 3) to prevent any illegal act conduct, business or use in or about the premises, or 4) to restrain, correct or abate the violation.
Title 5, Chapter 5, Section 5-5-4 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
5-5-4 PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 5, Chapter 6, Section 5-6-3 is hereby amended to deleted Section 108.4 of Section 5-6-3 and to substitute the following as new text for Section 108.4 of Section 5-6-3:
108.4: Violation penalties. Persons who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter or repair mechanical work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the code official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a Village Code offense, punishable by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense. Mechanical work started or completed without first obtaining a mechanical permit shall be charged double the normal permit fees referenced in Title 5 Chapter 2 of the Village Code.
Title 5, Chapter 7, Section 5-7-5 is hereby amended to deleted Section 106.2 of Section 5-7-5 and to substitute the following as new text for Section 106.2 of Section 5-7-5:
106.2 PENALTY: Any person, firm, corporation or entity who shall violate a provision of this code shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.
Title 5, Chapter 8, Section 5-8-1-8-4 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
5-8-1-8-4: PENALTIES:
Any person, firm, corporation, or other entity violating any provision of this Chapter shall be subject to the penalties of all applicable codes and such person, firm, corporation, or other entity shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which such violation is committed, continued, or permitted, and upon finding that a violation has occurred, shall be fined in accordance with the appropriate provisions of this Chapter and according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for this and subsequent or continuing violations.
Title 5, Chapter 8, Section 5-8-3-4 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
5-8-3-4: PENALTIES:
1. Failure to register as an owner: shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.
2. No-Show inspections for designated scheduled times by owner/agent: shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.
3. Penalties - See Sections 5-8-1-8-4 when applicable.
Title 6, Chapter 1, Section 6-1-1-12 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
6-1-1-12: PENALTIES:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 6, Chapter 2, Section 6-2-2-2 is hereby amended to add a new Subsection 5 to Section 6-2-2-2, which shall read in its entirety as follows:
5. Violations and Penalties: Persons who shall violate a provision of this code shall be guilty of an infraction, punishable by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
Title 6, Chapter 2, Section 6-2-2-12 is hereby amended it delete Subsection 8 of Section 6-2-2-12 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 8 of Section 6-2-2-12:
8. Violations and Penalties.
(1) A person who smokes in an area where smoking is prohibited by this Section 2-12 shall be guilty of an infraction, punishable by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted
(2) A person who owns, manages, operates or otherwise controls a Public Place and who fails to comply with the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of an infraction, punishable by:
according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
(3) Each day on which a violation of this Section occurs shall be considered a separate and distinct violation.
Title 6, Chapter 2, Section 6-2-2-13 is hereby amended it delete Subsection 4 of Section 6-2-2-13 and to substitute the following as new text for Subsection 4 of Section 6-2-2-13:
4. Violation - Penalty. Any person who violates this section or any rule promulgated hereunder shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
Title 6, Chapter 2, Section 6-2-4-4 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
1. Whenever a police officer is authorized to give a citation to a person because of a violation of this Chapter said police officer may, in lieu of the filing of a complaint in court, in the first instance issue to such alleged violator, a preliminary citation:
(1) Advising said person that he has violated a specified portion of this Chapter;
(2) Requesting him to make payment in any amount applicable to said alleged violation as set forth herein as settlement of said violation claim and to cease said alleged violation; and
(3) Informing him that upon failure to so settle, a complaint will be filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, charging him with such violation.
2. Pursuant to said preliminary citation, the person so accused of said violation may settle the violation claim in respect of such portion of this Chapter by paying to the Village the applicable amount as shown in the schedule set forth herein, within a period to be specified in said preliminary citation - not more than thirty (30) days of the time said alleged offense was committed.
Such payment shall be made in accordance with the instructions contained in the aforesaid citation, at the office of the Police Department which shall issue a receipt for the money so received and promptly remit said amount to the Village Treasurer to be credited to the proper Municipal fund.
3. In the event that the person to whom said preliminary citation is issued fails to settle and pay said violation claim within the prescribed time, or within a period of time specified in a final notice (if one is served upon him), then the police officer is authorized to cause a notice to appear to be served upon said alleged violator and is authorized to file a complaint and to prosecute the same in the Circuit Court of Cook County.
4. The violation claim described in said preliminary citation so to be issued pursuant to the terms of this Chapter, may be settled and paid in the respective amounts set forth in the following schedule:
(1) In the event that said payment is made prior to the mailing by the Municipality or by the police officer of a final notice, a fine amount according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense shall be accepted as settlement for each violation.
(2) In the event that the same person is given a second or greater number citation or preliminary citation for the same violation under this Chapter within a period of three years the amount in (1) above may be increased to an amount not greater than $750.00 (every day shall be considered a separate violation).
(3) In the event that payment is not made within the time prescribed in the final notice, and a notice to appear has been served and a complaint filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, payment of any fine and costs shall be in such amounts as may be determined by the Circuit Court of Cook County.
Title 6, Chapter 7, Section 6-7-3 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
6-7-3: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 6, Chapter 8, Section 6-8-2 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
6-8-2: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 6, Chapter 9, Section 6-9-5 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Any electric utility company that knowingly violates this chapter or any rules promulgated thereunder shall be subject to a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
The Village may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction or order to compel the other party to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Title 7, Chapter 1, Section 7-1-22 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-1-22: PENALTY
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined as according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 7, Chapter 3, Section 7-3-9-10 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-3-9-10: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation, association, institution, commercial establishment or business entity violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted; and each day such violation shall continue shall be regarded as a separate offense.
In addition, any violation hereof may result in having the violator's business license subject to suspension or revocation.
Any person, firm, corporation, association, institution, commercial establishment or business entity who knowingly makes a false statement or representation in any writing required to be prepared under the Section shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each submission of which such person shall be convicted.
Title 7, Chapter 3, Section 7-3-10-7 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
A. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Section shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
B. In addition to the fine provisions of subsection A above, the general business license revocation provisions of the Village shall be applicable to teenage cabaret/juice bar licensees.
Title 7, Chapter 3, Section 7-3-11-8 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-3-11-8: PENALTIES:
Any person, firm, corporation, association, establishment, or entity violating any of the provisions of this Section 7-3-11 shall be according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted; and each day such violation shall continue shall be regarded as a separate offense. In addition, any violation hereof may result in having the violator's business and/or liquor license subject to suspension or revocation.
Title 7, Chapter 3, Section 7-3-12-8 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Any person or Pet Shop Operator violating any provision of this Code Section or counterfeiting or forging any disclosure, certificate or permit or resisting, impeding or obstructing any authorized officer in enforcing this Code Section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. Each person or Pet Shop Operator shall be guilty of a separate offense for every day in which any violation of any of the provisions of this Section 7-3-12 is committed or permitted to continue and shall be punished as provided in this Section.
Title 7, Chapter 4, Section 7-4-23 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Every person and club licensed under this Chapter shall be subject to the following regulations:
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to tend bar and/or draw, pour, open or mix alcoholic liquor in any licensed retail premises, and it shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to dispense, sell or deliver any alcoholic liquor in the original package, bottle or case for consumption off the premises of any licensed establishment. Except for the provisions in this Section, it shall be lawful for any person eighteen (18) years of age or older to work in a licensed premises, and to serve alcoholic liquor.
Every licensee shall conduct his place of business in a quiet, decent and respectable manner and shall eject therefrom or refuse admittance thereto all persons rendering themselves objectionable or undesirable by reason of undue noise or other acts disturbing the peace.
It shall be unlawful for any licensee, officer, associate, member, agent, representative or employee of such licensee to give or deliver any alcoholic liquor or intoxicating beverages to a person under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Soliciting of drinks or prostitution is prohibited.
Every licensee, officer, associate, member, agent, representative or employee of such licensee shall immediately report to the Village police any act by a person or patron rendering himself objectionable, causing undue noise or disturbance, breach of peace or unusual conduct.
No licensee, officer, associate, member, agent, representative or employee of such licensee shall allow any loud or boisterous talking, or obscene or profane language, quarreling, singing, fighting or other disturbance of persons passing along any street or public square in the vicinity thereof or to the disturbance of the peace and quiet of persons doing business or residing in the neighborhood thereof.
All licensees, officers, associates, members, agents, representatives or employees of such licensee dispensing or serving food or alcoholic liquor shall be decently clothed. Topless or similar type of attire is prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person, while acting as a waiter, waitress or entertainer to:
1. Expose his or her genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, natal cleft, perineum, anal region or pubic hair region; or
2. Expose any device, costume or covering which gives the appearance of or simulates the genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, natal cleft, perineum, anal region or pubic hair region; or
3. Expose any portion of the female breast at or below the areola thereof.
It shall be unlawful for any licensee to permit or allow any waiter, waitress or entertainer to commit any of the unlawful acts in this Section. A person shall be deemed to be a waiter, waitress or entertainer if such person acts in that capacity without regard to whether or not such person is paid any compensation by the management of the establishment in which the activity is performed.
It shall be unlawful to employ in any premises used for the retail sale of alcoholic liquor any person who is afflicted with, or who is a carrier of, any contagious, infectious or venereal disease, and it shall be unlawful for any person who is afflicted with or a carrier of any such disease to work in or about any premises or to engage in any way in the handling, preparation or distribution of such liquor.
It shall be unlawful for any licensee to suffer or permit any species of gambling in his premises or any part thereof or any place adjacent thereto under his control.
It shall be unlawful for anyone not having a license which provides for consumption on the premises where sold, to offer for sale, deliver or donate any alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises, or to permit the same to be consumed on the premises where sold, delivered or donated.
It shall be unlawful to consume or permit the consumption of alcoholic liquor in public restaurants, catering establishments or other places of public gathering not having the appropriate liquor license. Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 7, Chapter 4, Section 7-4-24 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
No licensee nor any officer, shareholder, associate, member, representative, agent or employee of such licensee shall sell, give or deliver alcoholic liquor, beer, or wine to any intoxicated person or to any person known by him to be an habitual drunkard, spendthrift, insane, mentally ill, mentally deficient or in need of mental treatment. No person, after purchasing or otherwise obtaining alcoholic liquor, shall sell, give or deliver such alcoholic liquor to another person under the age of twenty one (21) years except in the performance of a religious ceremony or service.
Any person to whom the sale, gift or delivery of any alcoholic liquor is prohibited because of age shall not purchase or accept a gift of such alcoholic liquor nor have such alcoholic liquor in his possession.
The possession and dispensing to, or consumption by, a minor of alcoholic liquor in the performance of a religious service or ceremony, is not prohibited by this Section. Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
No person under the age of twenty one (21) years shall purchase, receive or accept as a gift, nor consume any alcoholic liquor, or have any alcoholic liquor in his or her possession within the Village; provided however, the possession and dispensing or consumption by a person under the age of twenty one (21) years of alcoholic liquor in the performance of a religious service or ceremony is not prohibited by this Section.
It shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant of any premises located within the Village to allow any person under the age of twenty one (21) years to remain on such premises while in possession of alcoholic liquor or while consuming alcoholic liquor in violation of this Section.
It shall be unlawful for any parent or legal guardian of any person under the age of twenty one (21) years to allow such person to purchase, receive, consume or possess alcoholic liquor in violation of this Section upon either public or private property within the Village. (Ord. 3595, 1-21-02) Each violation with respect to possession and/or consumption by a person under the age of twenty one (21) years shall be punishable by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
Title 7, Chapter 5, Section 7-5-6 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Solicitors for funds and solicitors for charitable funds must comply with An Act to Regulate Solicitation and Collection of Funds for Charitable Purposes Providing for violations Thereof, and Making an Appropriation Therefore, (Ill.Rev.State., ch. 23, sec. 5101, et. seq.) and must register with the Village Manager or the Chief of Police if so designated by the Village Manager) at least fifteen (15) working days prior to soliciting funds. The applicant in registering must furnish all the information required in the application for license provided in Section 3 of this Chapter and evidence of compliance with said State law, but no license fee or license shall be required. Solicitors for funds and solicitors for charitable funds for organizations that have had a fixed place of operation in Orland Park for over two (2) years shall be exempt from registering under this Chapter, provided said organization has on file in the Village at a place accessible to the Village Manager and Chief of Police, a list of names and addresses of its solicitors available for inspection; and provided that said organization is in compliance with the Act to Regulate Solicitors referred to hereinabove. However, said organizations shall be required to report the dates on which such solicitation shall take place to the Village Manager at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the first date on which the solicitation is intended to take place.
Title 7, Chapter 5, Section 7-5-10-11 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-5-10-11: PENALTY:
Any person or organization, charitable or other, violating the prohibition of this Section against street solicitation except as expressly permitted shall be according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. Each day of violation, and each violating solicitor at each violating location shall be considered a separate offense under this Section. Prior violations shall be considered valid cause to deny subsequent permit applications.
Title 7, Chapter 5, Section 7-5-12 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-5-12: PENALTIES:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 7, Chapter 6, Section 7-6-10 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-6-10: PENALTIES:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 7, Chapter 7, Section 7-7-7-10 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-7-7-10: PENALTIES:
Any Person found guilty of violating, disobeying, omitting, neglecting, or refusing to comply with, or resisting or opposing the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Section, except when otherwise specifically provided, upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. A separate and distinct offense shall be regarded as committed each day upon which each Person shall continue any such violations.
Title 7, Chapter 7, Section 7-10-6 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-10-6: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 7, Chapter 11, Section 7-11-13 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-11-13: PENALTY:
Any person violating any provision of this Chapter or resisting the enforcement thereof shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each day that such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense.
Title 7, Chapter 12, Section 7-12-10 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-12-10: PENALTY:
Any person, including both the applicant and an individual filing on behalf of an applicant, who shall procure from the Village Clerk a license to conduct a sale under the description of one of the names set out in Section 3 hereof which name shall be a misrepresentation of the true description or character of such sale or of the kind or condition of goods to be sold under such license, or any such person violating any of the other provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor or fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each false statement of fact in an application or inventory required to be filed hereunder shall constitute a separate offense under this Ordinance.
Title 7, Chapter 13, Section 7-13-4 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-13-4: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 7, Chapter 14, Section 7-14-21 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Every person, whether acting as an individual owner, employee of the owner, operator or employee of the operator, or whether acting as a mere agent or independent contractor for the owner, employee or operator, or acting as a participant or worker, who in any way, directly or indirectly, gives massages or operates a massage establishment or provides any of the services defined in this Chapter without first obtaining a license and paying a fee to do so in accordance with this Chapter, or any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 7, Chapter 15, Section 7-15-13 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
The Village Manager shall be charged with the administration of this Chapter. The Village Manager may suspend or revoke any license issued under the provisions of this Chapter, if he or she determines that the licensee has violated any of the provisions of this Chapter. In lieu of suspension or revocation of a license, the Village Manager may instead levy a fine on the licensee. The fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. Each day on which a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.
However, no such license shall be suspended or revoked and no licensee shall be fined except after a public hearing by the Village Manager with a seven (7) day written notice to the licensee affording the licensee an opportunity to appear and defend against the charges contained in such notice. The seven (7) day notice provisions shall begin the day following delivery by certified mail or by personal service.
The Village Manager shall within seven (7) days after such hearing, if he or she determines after such hearing that a violation has occurred and that the license should be revoked or suspended, or that the licensee should be fined, state the reason for such determination in a written order and either the amount of the fine, the period of suspension or that the license has been revoked, and serve a copy of such order within the seven (7) days upon the licensee.
Any licensee determined by the Village Manager to have violated any of the provisions of this Chapter shall pay to the Village the costs of the hearing before the Village Manager on such violation. The Village Manager shall determine the costs incurred by the Village for said hearing, including, but not limited to: court reporters' fees, the costs of transcripts or records, attorneys' fees, the cost of preparing and mailing notices and orders and all other miscellaneous expenses incurred by the Village, or such lesser sum as the Village Manager may allow.
The licensee shall pay said costs to the Village within thirty (30) days of notification of the costs by the Village Manager. Failure to pay said costs within thirty (30) days of notification is a violation of this Chapter and may be cause for license suspension or revocation, or the levy of a fine, without the necessity of a further hearing.
Title 7, Chapter 15, Section 7-15-15 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Each violation with respect to the sale, giving away, delivering or keeping with the intention of selling, giving away or delivering tobacco products within the Village without first having obtained a tobacco dealer's license therefore as provided in this Chapter shall be punishable by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted). Each day on which a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.
Title 7, Chapter 15, Section 7-15-16 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Each violation with respect to possession and/or purchase of tobacco products by a person under eighteen (18) years of age shall be punishable by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
Title 7, Chapter 16, Section 7-16-8 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-16-8: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 7, Chapter 17, Section 7-17-3 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
7-17-3: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 8, Chapter 3, Section 8-3-10 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
1. After six (6) false alarms in a calendar year beginning on January 1 of each year, fines will be imposed according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
2. An alarm user or his or her authorized agent shall have thirty (30) minutes in which to arrive at an alarm location to assist police authorities in shutting off any alarm. If the response time is greater than thirty (30) minutes, the alarm user will be assessed a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B unless he releases the responding agency from the scene at the time he is advised of the alarm by the responding agency.
3. A false burglar alarm at an open business will be treated as a false panic/holdup alarm and will be assessed a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted and also count as a false alarm under this section.
Title 8, Chapter 3, Section 8-3-12 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
1. All fees and fines shall be paid to the Village Clerk for deposit into the Village General Fund.
Failure to pay assessed fines or fees for false alarm incidents within thirty (30) days of final determination by the Administrative Hearing Officer will be considered a violation of this chapter and will cause the revocation of the alarm permit pursuant to Section 8-3-9-4. Such revocation does not abrogate the responsibility to pay the fines.
2. Any violation of any provision of this chapter for which another penalty is not specifically provided shall result in a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted and every day a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. In addition, any violation of the provisions of this chapter may cause a revocation of an alarm permit granted, pursuant to the procedure and provisions of Section 8-3-9-4.
3. Alarm users whose permits have been revoked for a violation of this Chapter will pay reinstatement fee according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B over and above all other fines and fees that are owed before the Department reinstates the alarm user's permit.
Title 8, Chapter 4, Section 8-4-21 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Whoever violates any provisions of this Chapter shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted and every day the violation continues, except as provided in Section 11 hereof, shall constitute a separate offense.
Title 8, Chapter 5, Section 8-5-3-5 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
8-5-3-5: PENALTY:
A person who violates a provision of this chapter is guilty of a separate offense for each day or part of a day during which the violation is committed, continued or permitted. Each offense, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-1-6 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
A person who falsely states either orally or in writing that he or she is of an age that he or she is not, or who presents or offers to any person any evidence of age or identity that is false or not actually his or her own, for the purpose of obtaining, viewing or otherwise procuring or attempting to procure or view any age-restricted material or participating in any age-restricted activity, is guilty of violating this Section.
A person who is convicted of violating this Section shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. In addition to a fine, any person convicted of violating this Section may be required by the court or administrative hearing officer to perform public/community service work.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-4-1 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Firearm shall mean any device by whatever name known, which is designed to expel a projectile or projectiles by the action of an explosion, expansion of gas or escape of gas; excluding however:
1. Any pneumatic gun, spring or B-B gun which expels a single globular projectile not
exceeding eighteen one-hundredths of an inch (.18") in diameter.
2. Any device used exclusively for signaling or safety and required or recommended by the
United States Coast Guard or the Interstate Commerce Commission.
3. Any device used exclusively for the firing of stud cartridges, explosive rivets or similar
industrial ammunition in the building and/or construction process.
4. Model rockets designed to propel a model vehicle in a vertical direction.
No person shall discharge or fire a firearm within the Village of Orland Park, Illinois, except:
1. Peace officers while in performance of his/her official duties.
2. Members of the armed services or reserve forces of the United States or the National
Guard, while in performance of their official duties.
3. The discharge of a firearm in a firearm range properly licensed and operated in
accordance with Village ordinance.
4. Color guards in uniform and performing in parades or celebrations provided that the
firearms are discharging blank cartridges.
5. A person discharging a firearm in self defense.
6. Properly trained and licensed security guards in the performance of their employment
Any person who violates this Section shall upon conviction thereof, be subject to a according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. Each discharge shall be deemed a separate offense.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-4-2 is hereby amended to delete the term “Penalty” and to substitute the following as new text for the term “Penalty” in Section 8-6-4-2:
Penalty: Any person who violates any provision of this Section shall upon conviction thereof, be subjected to a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. Each discharge of an air rifle shall be deemed a separate offense.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-5-17 is hereby amended to delete Paragraph E and to substitute the following as the new Paragraph E of Section 8-6-5-17:
(E) Any person convicted of a violation of this subsection shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. In addition to, or in lieu of a fine, any person convicted of a violation of this subsection may be required by the Court to perform public/community service work.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-5-18 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
A. A person who knowingly takes possession of carries away, transfers or causes to be
transferred property, not from a person, and of a value not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), shall be guilty of violating this section.
B. A person who is convicted of violating this subsection shall be fined
according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. In addition to a fine, any person convicted of a violation may be required by the Court or administrative hearing officer to perform public/community service work.
C. A person who is convicted under subsection A above, of this section and is arrested a
second time under subsection A shall be charged under the state statutory provision, 720 ILCS 5/16-1.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-7-2 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use or to possess with intent to use drug paraphernalia to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance. A person who is convicted of violating this subsection shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to deliver, sell, or manufacture, or possess with intent to deliver, sell or manufacture drug paraphernalia, knowing, or under circumstances where one reasonably should know, that it will be used to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance. A person, firm or corporation who is convicted of violating this subsection shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or display any drug paraphernalia in or upon any premises which:
a. Is a premises open to minors; or
b. Is in close proximity to a school, park or recreational facility, unless such place is a place of display.
A person, firm or corporation who is convicted of violating this subsection shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-9-4 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Whenever a minor is charged with a violation of this Section, the parent or legal guardian thereof shall be required to appear at all court appearances with said minor, unless excused therefrom by the court. The Chief of Police of the Village shall notify the parents or legal guardian of a minor charged with a violation of this Section of this requirement by mailing or delivering a notice thereto in substantially the following form at least five (5) days prior to the first scheduled court hearing:
TO:(Parents' Names)
FROM: Village of Orland Park, Illinois
Please take notice that (minor's name) has been charged with violating an ordinance prohibiting the possession of cannabis. This requires the minor's appearance in Court on 20__, at 14750 Ravinia Avenue, Orland Park, Illinois.
Please take further notice that this ordinance requires the appearance of one parent or legal guardian in Court at that time and at any later Court dates. If you fail to appear, a subpoena for your appearance will be issued and served upon you. Failure to obey the command of a subpoena can result in a finding of contempt of Court, with a fine or imprisonment as the penalty.
The attorney representing the Village in the prosecution of any such ordinance violation is authorized and directed to secure the issuance of a subpoena to any parent or legal guardian of any minor charged with violating this Section, whenever said parent or legal guardian fails to appear in court pursuant to this Legal Notice.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-10a-11 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
8-6-10a-11: PENALTY:
Any person who violates the prohibitions of this Chapter shall be subject to a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted and confiscation of the prohibited materials. Each and every violation of this Chapter and every day of a violation shall constitute a separate offense.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-11-4 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
8-6-11-4: PENALTY:
Any person who violates the provisions of this section, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense. Each possession or use of any such replica firearm shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-12-3 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
8-6-12-3: PENALTY:
Any person who violates this section upon conviction shall be punished according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted:
(a) a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted;
(b) any repeat violations of any provision of Section 8-6-12 by a licensee shall be grounds for revocation or suspension of such license. For purposes of this section, "license" includes any and all licenses issued by any officer, department or agency of the Village of Orland Park required for retail or other business operations at the location at which the offense occurred, and includes but is not limited to business licenses; and
(c) for purposes of this section, each sale equals one violation of this subsection.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-13-6 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
8-6-13-6: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 8, Chapter 6, Section 8-6-99 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
8-6-99: PENALTY:
Any violation of any provision this chapter (Chapter 6 Offenses) for which another penalty is not specifically provided shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted and every day a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
Title 8, Chapter 8, Section 8-8-3 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
8-8-3: FINES:
The violation claim described in said citation so to be issued pursuant to the terms of this Chapter, may be settled, compromised and paid in the respective amounts set according to the fine schedule located in Appendix .B
In the event that payment is not made within the time prescribed in the final notice, and a notice to appear has been served and a complaint filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, payment of any fine and costs shall be in such amounts as may be determined and established by the Circuit Court of Cook County.
Title 9, Chapter 3, Section 9-3-5 is hereby amended to delete Paragraph N and to substitute the following as the new Paragraph N of Section 9-3-5:
N. Any person violating any provision of this Section shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
Title 9, Chapter 6, Section 9-6-18-4 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
9-6-18-4: PENALTIES:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 9, Chapter 7, Section 9-7-7-8 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
9-7-7-8: PENALTY:
(a) Any person who violates the prohibition of Subsection 9-7-7-3(a) (use of space for persons with disabilities or associated aisle without disabled plates or placard or use of space for persons with disabilities when authorized holder of plates or placard does not enter or exit the vehicle) shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. Signs shall be posted indicating the fine amount.
(b) Any person who violates the prohibition of Subsection9-7-7-3(b) (use of disabled plates or placard to exercise the privilege of such plates or placard by one who is not either the authorized holder of the plates or placard or transporting the authorized holder) shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted. In addition, the Secretary of State may revoke the person's driving privileges or suspend them for a period of time to be determined by the Secretary of State for a second, third or subsequent offense.
Title 9, Chapter 7, Section 9-7-9-3 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
9-7-9-3: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 9, Chapter 7, Section 9-7-10-7 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
9-7-10-7: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 9, Chapter 7, Section 9-7-11-11 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
9-7-11-11: VIOLATION:
Any person who violates any provision of this Section shall, upon conviction, be according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense which such person shall be convicted.
Before the owner or person entitled to possession of any vehicle removed from the parking area pursuant to Section 9-7-11-9, he shall furnish evidence of his identity and ownership of the vehicle and right to possession thereto, shall sign a receipt for the vehicle, and shall pay a fee at the prevailing rate determined by the Traffic Administrator in accordance with those rates established by the Illinois State Police to cover the cost of towing or removal to a vehicle pound or authorized garage, and in addition thereto, the cost of storage at the prevailing rate at the garage or parking lot at which said vehicle is stored. In some cases, the tow companies may deviate up or down from the regular rates if they determine the particular situation merits the adjustments. In doing so, they may be required to justify the adjustments.
Title 9, Chapter 9, Section 9-9-3 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
All vehicular traffic moving on the streets and in the directions hereinafter designated, these streets being within the Village, shall come to a full and complete stop at the stop signs hereinafter provided for before entering the intersection, except when directed to proceed by a police officer, or otherwise provided by law:
Appropriate signs shall be placed at the intersections described above to apprise the public that all vehicular traffic must come to a full and complete stop at said intersections. Any person violating the provisions of this subsection shall be subject to a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
Insert Exhibit A
Appropriate signs shall be placed at the intersections described above to apprise the public that all vehicular traffic must come to a full and complete stop at said intersections. Any person violating the provisions of this subsection shall be subject to a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
Title 9, Chapter 9, Section 9-9-8 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
No person shall stop or park a vehicle at any time, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of police or traffic-control devices, on or along:
The operator of any vehicle violating the provisions of this section shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
Title 9, Chapter 9, Section 9-9-11-3 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle on that real estate located within the Village and designated as the 143rd Street, 153rd Street, and 179th Street Commuter Parking Lots between the hours of six o'clock (6:00) A.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. on any day Monday through Friday of any week, except under the following conditions:
1. A motor vehicle may be parked in any numbered stall upon payment of daily fee of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) deposited in the coin box slot corresponding to the stall number indicated on the adjacent sign and on the pavement.
2. A motor vehicle may be parked in any stall other than those described in subsection (1) above by displaying an appropriate monthly parking permit sticker issued for the applicable commuter parking lot in the rear window of the vehicle, (as described in subsection (4) of this Section) or, if the vehicle has no rear window, then on a rear door or rear bumper of the vehicle. The lot monthly sticker shall not authorize the vehicle to be parked in a numbered spot described in subsection (1) above, unless the said daily fee is paid for that spot, nor in any other lot than designated on the sticker without payment of the required fee for parking in such other lot.
3. Any vehicle parked in the Commuter Parking Lots between the hours designated in Section 9-9-11-3 and which does not display a permit authorizing the parking of said vehicle in said lot, or pay the dally fee as provided for in this Section, shall be ticketed.
4. An application for a permit to park in any Village Commuter Parking Lot shall be made to the Finance Department of the Village. The fee for the issuance of such permit shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00) a month payable on a monthly or quarterly basis. Upon payment of the appropriate fee, the Village Finance Department shall issue a permit in the form of a sticker or stickers specifically issued and identified for the specific lot. A permit shall only be issued to a person who can furnish evidence that such person is a commuter on the Norfolk and Western Commuter trains, and such person shall be entitled to only one permit per month. Such permit shall be valid only for the specific commuter lot designated and identified on the permit.
5. "No Parking" areas, fire lanes, stop signs and parking spaces for persons with disabilities and other regulations for the Commuter Parking Lots shall be as designated by Village Ordinance, in addition to those set forth in this Section.
6. No person shall park or operate a vehicle in any Commuter Parking Lot in violation of the restrictions set forth in subsection (5) above.
7. Except for emergency vehicles, no person shall drive or operate or cause to be driven or operated any vehicle along, upon or over Commuter Parking Lots in the Village at a speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour.
8. Approved freestanding signs shall be installed by the Village in the Commuter Parking Lots, informing the public that vehicle speed is limited as hereinabove provided and that other restrictions are applicable as set forth in subsection (5).
9. Special parking areas for the exclusive use of handicapped persons shall be provided and installed in the Commuter Parking Lots.
10. Except for emergency vehicles and vehicles being driven or operated by or for the use of persons with disabilities, parking or standing of any motor vehicle, or otherwise obstructing any of the special parking areas established by this Section for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities is prohibited at all times. The vehicles of persons with disabilities shall be identified by the license issued by the Motor Vehicle Division of the Secretary of State of the State of Illinois.
11. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or offer for sale any goods or services within the Commuter Parking Lots without the express written approval of the President and Board of Trustees.
12. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle overnight in any Commuter Parking Lot.
13. It shall be unlawful for any person to loiter in any Commuter Parking Lot, to dump or otherwise deposit any waste or refuse of any kind thereon, to permit any animals to run loose thereon, or for any person to consume any alcoholic beverage thereon.
14. Persons using the Commuter Parking Lots will do so on the condition that the Village will not be responsible for lost or stolen property thereon and on the further condition that the Village reserves the right to close said parking lot for normal maintenance or construction thereon.
15. With respect to a motor vehicle parked in violation of the provisions of this Section, it shall be presumed that the person in whose name said vehicle is registered is the person who illegally parked said vehicle.
16. All vehicles shall come to a complete stop before entering the adjacent right of way, and such stop shall be made at the stop line on the pavement.
17. Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall be subject to a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted, except that violations of parking regulations for persons with disabilities shall be as provided in Section 9-7-7 of this Code.
Title 9, Chapter 9, Section 9-9-12 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or maintain a motor vehicle in the parking area of Orland Park Place Shopping Center except in conformity with the parking and traffic control regulations hereinafter set forth:
Whenever in these regulations the following words and phrases are used, they shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them hereunder:
PARKING AREA: Shall include the area or areas of land near or contiguous to the shopping center, including interior private roadways and drives used by the public as the means of access to and egress from the buildings, stores and business establishments within the shopping center and that part of the shopping center designated for the parking of motor vehicles.
PLAN: The plan and drawing prepared for the coordination and control of parking and traffic control within the parking area, which document is entitled, "Orland Park Place Traffic and Parking Control Plan" and dated May 15, 1988, revised August 23, 1988, a true and correct copy of which is available for inspection at the office of the Village Clerk.
(a) Upon any drive or roadway in the parking area designated for one-way traffic, vehicular traffic shall move only in the indicated direction when signs, signals or other devices indicating the direction of traffic are erected and maintained at intersections and alleys where movement in the opposite direction is prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle in violation of signs, signals or other devices so placed to designate drives or roadways, parts thereof or specific lanes thereon upon which vehicular traffic shall proceed in one direction.
(b) Appropriate signs, signals or other devices designating certain roadways in the parking area for one-way traffic shall be erected or installed in conformity with the plan.
(a) When stop signs or signals are erected or installed pursuant to the plan at or near the entrance to any intersection in the parking area, every operator of a vehicle shall stop such vehicle at such sign or signal or at a clearly marked stop line before entering the intersection except when directed to proceed by a police officer.
(b) After the operator of a vehicle has stopped in obedience to a stop sign or signal at an intersection in the parking area where a stop sign is erected at one or more entrances thereto, such operator shall proceed cautiously yielding to vehicles not so obliged to stop which are within the intersection or approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard, but may then proceed.
(c) Appropriate stop signs or signals shall be erected or installed in conformity with the plan.
(a) Where preference is given to traffic through any intersection on any roadway and specified entrances to said intersections are designated as yield right-of-way entrances by the erection of yield right-of-way signs or signals in the parking area, the driver of a vehicle in obedience to a yield right-of-way sign or signal shall slow down to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions or shall stop if necessary and shall yield the right of way to other vehicles which have entered the intersecting roadway either from the right or left of which are approaching so closely on said intersecting roadway as to constitute an immediate hazard, but said driver having so yielded may proceed at such time as a safe interval occurs.
(b) Appropriate yield signs or signals shall be erected or installed in conformity with the plan.
(a) When signs, signals or other devices have been erected upon any roadway or in any other portion of the parking area indicating that stopping, standing or parking is prohibited during designated hours or prohibited for a longer time than is designated, no person shall park any vehicle in violation of any such signs, signals or other devices.
(b) The provisions of this Section prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles in the parking area shall apply at all times or at those times therein specified or as indicated on signs except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer.
(c) Appropriate signs prohibiting stopping, standing or parking or prohibiting stopping, standing or parking during designated hours or prohibiting stopping, standing or parking for a longer time than is designated shall be erected or installed in conformity with the plan.
(a) It shall be unlawful for the operator of a passenger vehicle to stop, stand or park said vehicle in any place marked as a loading zone or service area other than for the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers and in no case for a period longer than three (3) minutes.
(b) Appropriate signs prohibiting stopping, standing or parking in a loading zone or service area shall be erected or installed in conformity with the plan.
It shall be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to stop, stand or park such vehicle in any of the following places in the parking area except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with directions of a police officer:
(a) Within an intersection;
(b) On a crosswalk;
(c) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty feet (30') of a point on the curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone;
(d) Within thirty feet (30') of a traffic signal or stop sign on the approaching side;
(e) Within twenty feet (20') of a crosswalk at an intersection;
(f) At any curb within fifteen feet (15') of a fire hydrant;
(g) At any place where the standing of any vehicle will block the use of any driveway;
(h) On any sidewalk;
(i) Alongside or opposite any excavation or obstruction when such stopping, standing or parking would obstruct traffic;
(j) On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;
(k) On any fire lane;
(l) At any place where signs have been erected or installed prohibiting stopping, standing or parking.
It shall be unlawful for a motor vehicle to occupy any parking space within the parking area designated and marked for the use of handicapped persons unless such vehicle is operated by a person defined as handicapped according to the provisions of Ordinance No. 1435 - an Ordinance regulating the use of handicapped parking spaces in the Village of Orland Park, Illinois, passed April 22, 1985.
It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit an Inoperable vehicle to remain in the parking area within the view of the public. Inoperable vehicles may be towed pursuant to Ordinance No. 1736.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of twenty (20) miles per hour on, over or along the roadway designated on the plan or in excess of twenty (20) miles per hour in any other portion of the parking area.
Appropriate signs shall be erected posting the speed limits in conformance with the plan.
1. Any person who violates any provision of this Section shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted,
2. Before the owner or person entitled to possession of any vehicle removed from the parking area pursuant to Section 9-7-11-9 to subsection (8) of this Section may reclaim such vehicle, he shall furnish evidence of his identity and ownership of the vehicle and right to possession thereto, shall sign a receipt for the vehicle, and shall pay a fee at the prevailing rate determined by the Traffic Administrator in accordance with those rates established by the Illinois State Police to cover the cost of towing or removal to a vehicle pound or authorized garage, and in addition thereto, the cost of storage at the prevailing rate at the garage or parking lot at which said vehicle is stored. In some cases, the tow companies may deviate up or down from the regular rates if they determine the particular situation merits the adjustments. In doing so, they may be required to justify the rate adjustment.
Title 9, Chapter 11, Section 9-11-8-9 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
9-11-8-9: PENALTY:
In addition to removal from the tow list, an action for violation of Ordinance may be taken against an offending company. Any person violating the provisions of this Chapter shall be subject to a fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
Title 9, Chapter 11, Section 9-11-10-1 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
A motor vehicle operated with the permission, express or implied, of the owner of record, that is used in connection with the following violations, shall be subject to seizure and impoundment by the Village, and the owner of record of said vehicle shall be liable to the Village for an administrative penalty in addition to any towing and storage fees as hereinafter provided.
1 Any motor vehicle which is operated by a person driving while their driver's license, permit or privilege to operate a motor vehicle is suspended or revoked in violation of 625 ILCS 5/6-303 or Section 9-3-2 of the Village of Orland Park Village Code, an administrative according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense For the purposes of this Section, the terms "revoked" or "suspended," when used in the context of driving privileges or drivers licenses, shall have the same meaning as contained in 625 ILCS 5/6-100 et seq.
2 Any motor vehicle which is operated by a person driving while under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, intoxicating compound or compounds, or any combination thereof, in violation of 625 ILCS 5/11-501(a), an administrative penalty according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
3 Any motor vehicle which is operated by a person driving against whom a warrant has been issued by a Circuit Court in Illinois for failing to answer charges that the driver violated Subsection 9-11-10-1(1) or 9-11-10-1(2) above, an administrative penalty according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
4. Any motor vehicle that contains any controlled substance or cannabis, as defined in the Controlled Substances Act, 720 ILCS 570/100, et. seq., and the Cannabis Control Act, 720 ILCS 550/1, et. seq., or that is used in the purchase, attempt to purchase, sale or attempt to sell such controlled substances or cannabis, an administrative penalty according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
5 Any motor vehicle used in connection with a violation of Article 24 (Deadly Weapons) of the Illinois Criminal Code of 1961 (720 ILCS 5/24-1 et seq.) or that contains a firearm or ammunition for which a Firearms Owner's Identification Card is required under the Illinois Owners Identification Card Act (430 ILCS 65/0.01 et seq.) and is not presented, an administrative penalty according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense
6 Any motor vehicle that is used, with the knowledge of the owner of record, in the commission of prostitution as defined in the Illinois Criminal Code of 1961 (720 ILCS 5/11, et. seq.), soliciting for a prostitute or a sexual act as defined in said Code, soliciting for a juvenile prostitute as defined in said Code, patronizing a juvenile prostitute as defined in said Code, or pimping or juvenile pimping as defined in said Code, an administrative penalty according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense
7. Any motor vehicle that is used by a person who does not hold a valid Illinois driver's license or permit or a restricted driver's permit issued under the provision of Section 6-205, 6-206, or 6-113 of 625 ILCS 5/6-101 et seq., an administrative penalty according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 9, Chapter 12, Section 9-12-3 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
(a) Prohibited. No person shall operate a motor driven cycle upon any public or private street, sidewalk, parking lot, bike path or public park.
(b) Exemptions.
1. Any police vehicle, fire vehicle, or other Village vehicle driven by an employee in the course of his/her duties shall be permitted to use any public or private street, parking lot, sidewalk, bike path or public park when it is necessary in the performance of his/her duties.
2. Motorized wheelchairs and any other motor driven cycle that is specifically subject to Article 11 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
3. This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the use of motor driven cycles by authorized personnel of any governmental body or agency when said use shall be required for emergency purposes.
(c) Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating this Section shall be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed for each and every day during which a violation continues or exists.
Title 9, Chapter 12, Section 9-12-4 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
(a) Prohibited. No person shall cause, authorize or knowingly permit a motor vehicle, including a motor driven cycle, owned or under his control, to be driven upon any public or private street, sidewalk, parking lot, bike path or public park, by any person in violation of any of the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code or prohibited by Ordinance.
(b) Penalty. Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
Title 9, Chapter 14, Section 9-14-4 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Administrative Settlement:
(i) Any person accused of violating any of the following sections adopted and made a part of this Chapter;
Section 5/11-1406 (obstruction to drivers view or control),
Section 5/11-1407 (improper opening of door into traffic),
Section 5/11-1410 (coasting on downgrade),
Section 5/11-1411 (following fire apparatus),
Section 5/11-1419.01 (Motor Fuel Tax I.D. Card),
Section 5/12-101 (driving vehicle which is in unsafe condition or improperly equipped),
Section 5/12-201(a) (daytime lights on motorcycles),
Section 5/12-202 (clearance, identification and side marker lamps),
Section 5/12-204 (ramp or flag on projecting load),
Section 5/12-205 (failure to display the safety lights required),
Section 5/12-401 (restrictions as to tire equipment),
Section 5/12-502 (mirrors),
Section 5/12-503 (windshields must be unobstructed and equipped with wipers),
Section 5/12-601 (horns and warning devices),
Section 5/12-602 (mufflers, prevention of noise or smoke),
Section 5/12-603 (seat safety belts),
Section 5/12-702 (certain vehicles to carry flares or other warning devices),
Section 5/12-710 (splash guards and replacements),
(ii) Any person accused of violating Chapter 1 of this Title 9, which requires the display of the Village vehicle sticker,
May settle and compromise the claim by paying the Village the fine according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense under 9-15-9-1 with the exception of Section 5/12-603 (seat safety belts), the fine amount should be consistent with fine schedule for 9-3-5-N.
Title 9, Chapter 14, Section 9-14-6 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
9-14-6: PENALTY:
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall upon conviction be fined according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense.
Title 9, Chapter 15, Section 9-15-9-1 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
9-15-9-1: SCHEDULE:
The fines and penalties which shall be imposed for violation of vehicular standing, parking or compliance regulations shall be according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
Note that for a second offense of violation of 9-7-7-8(b), the Secretary of State is to be notified. The Secretary of State may revoke or suspend driving privileges for a second offense and may revoke or suspend the disability license plate or placard for a third or subsequent offense.
Title 9, Chapter 16, Section 9-16-1 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
Establishing automated traffic law enforcement systems at specified intersections in the Village of Orland Park at which traffic is controlled by signals exhibiting different colored lights or color lighted arrows will benefit the public health, safety and welfare by deterring drivers from entering those intersections in violation of red light signals, thereby decreasing the potential for personal injury and property damage due to vehicle collisions caused by red light violations; and
The Village is authorized to enter into agreements, with Gatso USA, Inc. for the design and implementation of System(s) of automated traffic law enforcement and for services related to the System(s). The Village President is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreements, once finalized, thereby binding the Village to their terms. The Village Clerk is authorized and directed to attest to the Village President’s signature, as necessary.
Title 9, Chapter 16, Section 9-16-14 is hereby amended in its entirety to provide as follows:
9-16-14: PENALTY:
Unless the driver of the motor vehicle cited for an Automated Traffic Law Violation received a Uniform Traffic Citation from a police officer at the time of the violation, the owner of the motor vehicle is subject to a penalty according to the fine schedule located in Appendix B for each offense of which such person shall be convicted.
The Village Code is hereby amended to add a new Appendix B to the Code, which shall provide in its entirely as follows:
All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision or decisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law.
The Village Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form.