File #: 2016-0052    Version: Name: Downtown Main Street Parking Deck - Material Testing Services
File created: 1/13/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/1/2016 Final action: 2/1/2016
Title: /Name/Summary Downtown Main Street Parking Deck - Material Testing Services
Attachments: 1. Flood Material Testing Proposal, 2. Flood Testing Laboratories - Signed Contract - Main Street Parking Deck Materials Testing


Downtown Main Street Parking Deck - Material Testing Services



On December 7, 2015, the Board of Trustees approved and awarded a design/build contract to Walsh Construction Company II, LLC of Chicago, IL, for the delivery of the Downtown Main Street Parking Deck.


Project Specifications

Walsh shall construct a new 520+ space, multi-level public parking deck and other improvements on roughly 2-acres of vacant municipal-owned land as detailed in the Request for Proposals #15-022.  In addition to designing and constructing a parking deck, Walsh will perform other ancillary activities including general site preparation, demolition, and utility work, as well as deliver a "shell space" for a +/- 12,000 sf restaurant to be integrated into the north side of the parking deck. The Contract GMP is $14,560,000.


The Contract reflects a substantial completion date of November 15, 2016, which is the same as announced in the RFP. Substantial completion is defined as delivering at least 300 usable spaces.


At this time, Walsh is finalizing their Design Development plans with the aim to receive Village approval and commence utility and foundation work within 30-days.


Material Testing Services

The purpose of Material Testing Services is to provide 3rd party, independent testing and inspection of soils, utilities, concrete, steel and masonry. Per our contract with Walsh, the Village is obligated to retain and manage the testing services. This arrangement will require the testing agent to report directly to the Village, thereby providing additional protection over the Village’s interests and expectations.


Due to the construction timing, it is critical that a testing agency be engaged immediately. Therefore, proposals were solicited by Walsh on our behalf and three (3) groups submitted for our consideration: Flood Testing Laboratories, Inc.; Material Service Testing Laboratories; and Soil Engineering and Testing Consultants. All have prior parking deck experience, excellent reputations, and successful project experience with the design/build team. 


The recommendation from Kimley-Horn - who is under contract with the Village to review such matters - is to select the proposal from Flood Testing Laboratories, Inc. (FTL) provided the full suite of required services at the lowest cost ($94,915, plus overtime and an Alternate). The group also served as the testing agent for the Ninety 7 Fifty on the Park project, and is currently working on-site as the testing agent for the University of Chicago development.  Staff concurs with Kimley-Horn and recommends approval of FTL, Inc.


On January 18, 2016, the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee reviewed and recommended approval of the proposal.


Cost Breakdown

FTL, Inc. lists the base amount for services at $94,574. The group also included an overtime contingency of $10,700 and an Alternate for special roof inspections, if needed. The total estimated cost of all services is $130,189.


Financial Impact

Funds for these services are included in the FY2016 Main Street Triangle TIF Fund budget.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to accept the proposal from Flood Testing Laboratories, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $130,189 to provide material testing services for the Downtown Main Street Parking Deck and associated work.