RFP 18-033 - Orland Park Nature Center Building Renovation Architect
The Nature Center site improvements are currently under construction, with an anticipated completion date of October 31, 2018. The existing building’s rehabilitation will be the next step, as the Village moves forward to a fully operational Nature Center. The building is intended to serve indoor functions for the proposed Village Nature Center, and will serve small public groups and Village staff for projects, workshops, and other educational and recreational activities as well as storage of materials for activities and maintenance of the grounds. The existing 3,000 square foot building was constructed in 2003. Overall the structure of the building appears to be sound, subject to further Architect review, however the interior of the building is in poor condition, not inhabitable, and will require a complete renovation.
On July 6, 2018, the Village issued a Request for Proposals (RFP 18-033 - Orland Park Nature Center Building Renovation) for an Architect to evaluate, design, and prepare Permit and Construction Plans for the renovation of the existing building on the Nature Center site; and to provide bid assistance and construction administration and observation services. Proposals were due on August 6, 2018. The Village received qualifying proposals from five architectural firms.
The five proposal prices ranged from a low of $48,275 to a high of $177,500, plus optional LEED certification. The submitted proposal met all basic Village RFP requirements to qualify. A Selection Committee, which was comprised of Village staff, interviewed the firms with the three lowest proposal prices. The Committee included the Development Services Director, two Planners, and the Building Division Manager. The updated totals below reflect proposal corrections per Village request.
1. Robert Juris and Associates Architects, total price: $48,275 (Updated total). (With LEED certification option price at $9,500)
2. UrbanWorks, Ltd, total price: $60,000. (With LEED certification option price at $12,000)
3. Worn, Jerabek, Wiltse Architects, total price $66,500 (Updated total). (With LEED certification option price at $11,760)
4. Muller & Muller Ltd., total price $82,870. (With LEED certification option price TBD)
5. Ratio Architects, total price $173,500. (With LEED certification option price at $59,000)
Per the RFP's requirements, the Selection Committee evaluated all proposals based on five basic criteria: Firm experience; staff qualifications; operating history, design services, and proposed fee. Based on the evaluation of the submitted proposals and interviews with the three lowest price proposals, the Selection Committee recommends the selection of UrbanWorks, LTD. as the best overall value for the Village. The team exhibited a good understanding of the project scope and the building’s anticipated function, as well as recognizing the architectural opportunities of this very visible building, but with sensitivity to cost constraints. The lead Architect toured the building and site at the pre-bid on-site visit.
1. Firm experience: This medium-sized firm (14 employees) is established and experienced in a wide variety of projects in the Chicago area. The firm project examples exhibited a high level of creativity and high quality of architectural design, as well as attractive and easy to understand graphics. The firm focuses on non-profit and government work with adaptive reuse as a specialty and is accustomed to working with various groups of stakeholders that must meet consensus.
2. Staff Qualifications: The staff that would be assigned the project were all present at the interview. Two of the three team members are registered Architects and both are LEED certified. Even if LEED certification is not pursued by the Village due to the cost, green features can be incorporated into the building to achieve a similar result. The lead project manager is an Architect and also a Certified Planner (AICP). The third member of the team specializes in graphic design.
3. Operating History: This medium sized firm with 13 employees has been in business 26 years and is established, successful, and the recipient of many design awards.
4. Design Services offered: During the interview, the team presented examples of similar projects as well as conceptual design sketches that represent the firm’s proposed vision and design approach to the Nature Center building. The UrbanWorks team exhibited both a high level of creativity and understanding of the design challenges, as well a high level of technical expertise in architectural systems detail and design. The team also exhibited a practical approach to solving building issues without over-designing the renovation and with an eye on cost.
5. Proposed fee: UrbanWork’s proposed total fee is $60,000. Although this fee is $11,275 higher than the lowest priced proposal, the added value is in the creativity in architectural design and function, clear graphic communications, understanding of the big picture vision of the Nature Center, and understanding of anticipated functional relationships inside the building. Additional services for LEED certification were offered for an additional $12,000 fee; however approval of that add-on is not requested at this time.
The Architect’s fees of $60,000, plus a contingency fee of 10% or $6,000, for a total of $66,000, is available in the 029-0000-470700 Open Lands account, Nature Center Improvements budget line item. It is anticipated that construction of the building improvements will be funded by this same account, which will return to the Board in the future for further approvals.
The Open Lands Corporation must approve all expenditures from the Open Lands Fund. On September 13, 2018, the Open Lands Commission/Corporation discussed the selection of an Architect for the Nature Center building, and concurred with the staff recommendation that the Urbanworks proposal offered the best overall value.The Open Lands Commission/Corporation voted 5-0 to approve the selection of Urbanworks, LTD. to serve as Architect for the RFP 18-033 - Orland Park Nature Center Building Renovation, for an amount not to exceed $66,000.
This case is now before the Development Services Committee for consideration.
I move to recommend to the Village Board the selection of Urbanworks, LTD. to serve as Architect to perform all duties and responsibilities outlined in UrbanWorks submitted proposal and as stated in the RFP 18-033 - Orland Park Nature Center Building Renovation, for an amount not to exceed $66,000.
Financial Impact
Funds for this project are available in the 029-0000-470700 Open Lands account, Nature Center Improvements budget line item. The use of Open lands funds are limited to specific purposes including the education of the public regarding the preservation of open space and the environment, and to stimulate public interest in open space, purposes which will be served by this building and the surrounding Nature Center site.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to continue this item to the Developement Services, Planning and Engineering Committee meeting on October 15, 2018.