Maintenance and Upgrade of Harlem Avenue Street Lights from 151st Street to 159th Street Including Underground Wiring and Controller Replacement and the Addition of Holiday Lighting Circuits - Proposal
The street lighting system along Harlem Avenue was installed over 30 years ago. Between 151st Street and 159th Street there are approximately 43 light poles supporting HPS luminaires at 40 ft. mounting height. The light poles are placed in a staggered pattern along each side of the street. All of these lights are served and controlled by a single lighting control cabinet located near the center of the segment at the Wheeler Drive intersection.
Due to the age of the wiring and a significant number of repairs to damaged cable throughout the years, the system has become unreliable and difficult to maintain. In order to ensure proper function, the lighting control system and all underground wiring for the existing circuits require replacement. In conjunction with this work, the addition of a holiday lighting circuit will be included along with the installation of a weatherproof receptacle at each light pole consistent with the commercial corridors on LaGrange Road, 94th Avenue and 151st Street.
Due to the location and jurisdiction along a State road, and the scale of this maintenance project, design engineering services will be required for permitting through IDOT. To complete the engineering and permitting process, request for proposals (RFP) were solicited from three (3) engineering firms. The following responses were received: HR Green of New Lenox, Illinois - $39,975.00; Strand Associates, Inc. of Madison, Wisconsin - $29,800.00; V3 Companies of Woodridge, Illinois - $26,000.00. The engineering proposals includes the preparation of construction documents, bid documents, specifications, coordination with IDOT and providing the project data in a GIS format compatible with the Village’s GIS system.
After review of the submitted proposals, staff recommends accepting the proposal from V3 Companies of Woodridge, Illinois in an amount not to exceed $26,000.00.
On June 5, 2017 this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funds for this project are available in the Capital Budget, account 054-0000-471300.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the proposal from V3 Companies of Woodridge, Illinois for Harlem Avenue Street Light Maintenance Engineering at a cost not to exceed $26,000.00.