Consulting Engineering Services for Water Distribution System Evaluation and Modeling - RFQ
The Village was originally developed utilizing shallow and deep wells for its water distribution system. In 1985, the Village Board decided to turn to Lake Michigan as its source for potable water as the existing well system was incapable of supporting continued growth. At that time, the Village had an analysis made of the water distribution system to provide a plan for the expected growth at the time and determine improvements to switch from a system of distributed wells to a water supply from Lake Michigan. The plan and its recommendations have been effectively used for over 30 years to guide the village in expansion and development of the water distribution system.
Although the old water distribution plan has been useful, the plan was based on a smaller anticipated service area and different development zoning uses. An update to the 30 year old plan of the water distribution system and the addition of current hydraulic model will be beneficial in planning for future development and improvements to the system in order to provide water to the village residents and customers in a cost-effective manner. With newer water distribution modeling software and techniques of collecting data, a consultant is needed to prepare and evaluate the current water system and assist Public Works in developing and implementing capital improvement projects to benefit the water quality in Orland Park.
To facilitate the consultant selection process, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was created to select a qualified and experienced engineering firm. The RFQ emphasized the need to create and calibrate a new water distribution model using the latest software and technologies, perform a needs assessment that evaluates the system for deficiencies and develop a phased implementation plan of improvements that the Village may use to prepare capital improvement plans. The scope of services also requested rate schedules for future regular use in evaluating capacity, redundancy, reliability and growth of the distribution system.
On August 9, 2017, the RFQ for Water Distribution System Model and Evaluation was advertised in the SouthtownStar Newspaper. On August 31, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. seven (7) submittals were received for consideration (RFQ tabulation attached).
As part of the RFQ, an evaluation criteria was defined, including; qualifications, project approach and experience with water distribution hydraulic modeling (40%); qualifications and experience of the main point of contact, project managers, design team and construction engineers (20%); experience and familiarity with the village’s current water distribution system (10%); qualifications and experience with obtaining permits from various governmental agencies including the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (10%); completeness of the proposal (10%); and cost schedule (10%).
To evaluate the responding firms, a group comprised of four staff members from Public Works was established. After ratings were submitted by each of the evaluators, a composite score was generated and the top three firms, Greeley & Hansen, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. and Strand Associates were selected for interviews. Each of the three selected firms made a short presentation and answered questions with the evaluation group. Upon completion of the interview process, each group member ranked the firms. The firm receiving the highest ranking was Strand Associates, Inc. of Joliet, Illinois.
Strand Associates has extensive experience with water modeling and evaluation and has performed similar projects for numerous municipalities in the Chicago area. Strand Associates have well qualified staff available to complete the modeling and evaluation and provide future analysis for developments of the various programs. Strand Associates rate schedule was clear, comprehensive and appropriately geared to accommodate future requests of staff for analysis and recommendations to provide improvements to the water system or future development. Their proposal for completing the Water Distribution Model and Evaluation was submitted with an estimated baseline cost of $45,920 and their rate schedule were determined to be of good value. Once the model is completed additional uses are expected, requiring flexibility in the funding allocated. Some of these additional evaluations might include new development, evaluation of various water main replacement options, etc. To accommodate this work an additional $10,000, for a total of $55,920, is requested through the end of 2018. Funding for model updates and evaluations will be requested through the budget process for years 2019 and 2020.
On October 2, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and refered to the VIllage Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
There are sufficient funds available from the water fund in account 031-6002-432800 for this work.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve awarding consulting engineering services for Water Distribution System Model & Evaluation to Strand Associates, Inc. of Joliet, Illinois in an amount not to exceed $55,920 for fiscal year 2017/18 and an amount not to exceed the Board approved budget for FY 2019 and 2020.