Tyler Technologies EnerGov - Dev Services/Asset & Work Order Management Enterprise Software Partner
After an extensive RFP process started in late November 2016, multiple detailed question and answer sessions across a team of 25 staff across DS/PW/Parks/Finance, engaged active communication with other municipalities through the Governmental Information Management Sciences (GMIS) - Illinois and International Chapters, data analytics around the similar size cities/villages in state and around the country, RFP #17-001 was published.
In total there were eight respondents that had either an all-in-one solution or partnered with a third party to deliver their offering as noted by the “/” and listed alphabetical order by the primary responder: Accela, CityView/Lucity, Pace Systems/JIT, Maintstar, MyGovernmentOnline(SCPDC), Smart Energy Systems/ Citizenserve, Tyler Technologies, and ViewPoint. Staff ranked the vendors on the following; breadth of their offering, years in business, costs, implementation times, user interface (UI)/ user experience(UX), training and support, scalability, self-administration, ease of customization, and finally financial stability.
The RFP process highlighted many High Performing Organization objectives, for example; enable the staff to have the capability to securely work remotely in the field for real-time responsiveness, provide visibility to internal tools, assets, inventory, decrease time wasted on non-valued activities, drastically reducing or eliminate paper, reduce or eliminate the need to walk into Village Hall, providing immediate online responses, instant metric reporting, and implementation of a 311 Center. Such a platform will provide visibility around departmental activity from a single pane of glass.
On June 5, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Technology, Innovation and Performance Improvement Committee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
The total cost of the project is $651,273, which includes six (6) EnerGov Modules (Permit Land Management, Electronic “eReviews”, Citizen Self-Service Portal, Inspection Mobile App, Total Asset Management, Click 2 Report), as well as Training, Data Conversion, two (2) years of annual maintenance, and an additional $17,000 in travel for onsite training and go live periods. The FY2017 budget includes $150,000 for this project. Tyler Technologies has agreed to allow the Village to spread the costs over three (3) years in order to meet our budget constraints. Therefore, the contract will be written to provide for a 2017 payment not to exceed $150,000, a 2018 payment not to exceed $367,540 and a 2019 payment not to exceed $133,733, for a total project cost of $651,273.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the purchase of Dev Services, Asset Management, Work Order, Citizen Access Cloud Based Software from Tyler Technologies, Duluth, Georgia, for a total amount not to exceed $651,273, payable over three years (2017 - 2019), with the FY2017 amount not to exceed $150,000, the FY2018 amount not to exceed $367,540 and the FY2019 amount not to exceed $133,733.