Stellwagen Family Farm Master Plan
Stellwagen Family Farm Master Plan
Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation
Village of Orland Park
The purpose of the Stellwagen Family Farm Master Plan is to provide a governing document to plan, operate and maintain the Stellwagen Family Farm.
Requested Actions: Ratify Master Plan
Project Attributes
Address: 17701 S. 108th Avenue
Existing Zoning: OL Open Lands District
Comprehensive Plan Planning District: Grasslands Planning District
Comprehensive Plan designation: Open Space, Parks and Recreation
The Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation, together with the Village of Orland Park Development Services Department, developed the proposed Master Plan for the farm over the course of two years. The Master Plan is the product of numerous meetings of the Foundation Board of Directors and Village staff. In 2015, the Foundation and the Village worked with Ratio Architects Inc. to prepare a Market Analysis and Feasibility Study, the findings of which were incorporated into the Master Plan. The Master Plan and the Feasibility Study are sister documents in the operations and maintenance of the Farm.
Completion of the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation Master Plan meets the following goals and objectives of the 2013 Orland Park Comprehensive Plan:
Open Space, Parks & Recreation
Goal 4.0 - Educate and inform the public about the Orland Park open space infrastructure system.
Objective 4.1 - Orland Park residents will be informed and educated on open space issues like sustainability, preservation, natural systems and recreational activities.
Community & Culture
Goal 1.0 - Cultivate diverse and meaningful cultural offerings to increase the quality of life for all Orland Park residents and visitors. Sponsor cultural investment in community assets that endow innovation, knowledge sharing and entrepreneurship to create a multi-faceted culturally creative economy.
Objective 1.2 - Orland Park’s cultural heritage will help influence, and be reflective of a unique and authentic sense of place for the community.
Overall, the project conforms to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Codes and policies for this area.
On August 10, 2017, the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation moved 4-0 to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the Stellwagen Family Farm Master Plan subject to making the text changes discussed at the August 10 meeting.
On August 21, 2017, the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee moved 3-0 to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the Stellwagen Family Farm Master Plan, prepared by the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation and the Village of Orland Park Development Services Department.
This case is now before the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the Stellwagen Family Farm Master Plan, prepared by the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation and the Village of Orland Park Development Services Department.