Village Hall HVAC Improvement Project - Phase 1 - Final Approval
On May 6, 2024, the Village Board of Trustees approved a Letter of Commitment (LOC) with Trane, Inc. (Trane) for the Village Hall HVAC Improvement Project - Phase 1. The LOC authorized Trane to move to the Proposal Stage in which Trane would complete a full set of project design plans and provide the Village with a cost proposal not to exceed $440,000.00 for the execution of those plans. Phase 1 of this project includes the replacement of the two (2) existing boilers at Village Hall, while Phase 2 will focus on the replacement of Roof Top Units (RTUs) and other HVAC improvements. Pricing for this project is in accordance with OMNIA Cooperative Contract #3341.
The Public Works Department subsequently worked with engineers from Trane to refine the scope of work, optimize the project budget and finalize project design plans. The project scope of work, a summary of which is attached, includes the replacement of the two (2) existing boilers with high efficiency condensing boilers and associated mechanical equipment. The existing boilers, which are original to the building and provide the main source of heat for Village Hall, are beyond their American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) serviceable life expectancy. Ongoing use of the boilers will result in further decreased efficiency and reliability, and increased repair costs.
As Trane would act as the project engineer and general contractor, the scope of work includes full construction management, mechanical/electrical/structural engineering, installation and subcontracting, material shipping and storage, and a one (1) year labor and materials warranty.
Upon completion of the project plans, which are attached for reference, the final proposal price submitted by Trane, Inc. was $419,875.00, or $20,125.00 less than the original cost estimate. The cost reduction is a result of project efficiencies identified by Public Works Staff and a competitive internal bidding process by Trane. As previously mentioned, proposal pricing is based on OMNIA Cooperative Contract #3341. It should be noted that the Village may request a third-party review of the proposal to ensure the Trane proposal is in accordance with OMNIA Cooperative Contract. A sample third party review of a previous Trane project proposal is attached for reference.
Permission to proceed with the final Village Hall HVAC Improvement Project - Phase 1 plans requires approval by the Village Board of Trustees. As such, approval of the proposal submitted by Trane, Inc. dated June 4, 2024, for Village Hall HVAC Improvement Project - Phase 1 is now requested. A project contingency is not requested as Trane guarantees that no change orders will be necessary to complete the full scope of work due to a thorough site visit inspection.
This agenda item is being considered by the Committee of the Whole and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.
Financial Impact
Funds from capital account 3008010-570100 in the amount of $440,000.00 are available for this project. The actual project cost will be $419,875.00.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve the waiver of the competitive bid process in lieu of participation in joint purchasing cooperative OMNIA Cooperative Contract #3341 and authorize the approval and execution of a vendor contract with Trane, Inc. for the Village Hall HVAC Improvement Project - Phase 1, based on Trane’s proposal dated June 4, 2024, for a total not-to-exceed contract price of $419,875.00.