SportsPlex Control Joint Caulking Project
Guided by the 2022 "Facilities Condition Assessment", the Public Works Department has completed several building improvements at SportsPlex. For example, between 2022 and 2024, roofs and gutters have been replaced, the walking track flooring was renovated, interior lighting improved, locker rooms upgraded, and an extensive HVAC project completed.
To continue improving Sportsplex’s overall building envelope, the replacement of existing control joint caulking was budgeted for in 2024. The caulking of control joints prevents the infiltration of air, water, and insects, and is an important step in sealing a building’s perimeter. The control joints at SportsPlex, which was constructed in 2001, are sealed by caulking that is original to the building and are showing signs of failure (depending on the type of sealant used, caulking typically lasts anywhere from five to twenty years). It should be noted that funding for masonry block repairs/sealing and window caulking at SportsPlex, which were also noted in the 2022 "Facilities Condition Assessment", will be requested in 2025.
Accordingly, Public Works requested a proposal from Midwest Mechanical, who participate in the Omnia Cooperative program (Contract #02-91), to complete the replacement of caulking at SportsPlex. The scope of work includes the removal and replacement of one thousand five hundred sixty (1,560) linear feet of masonry control joint caulking, which encompasses the entire building. Additional caulking for work exceeding +/- 1,560 linear feet will be priced at $32.00 per linear foot. A summary of the proposal submitted by Midwest Mechanical (#2024050901), which is based on Omnia Contract #02-91, is provided below:
SportsPlex Control Joint Caulking: $78,848.00
Based on price and company qualifications, staff recommends approving proposal #2024050901 from Midwest Mechanical for $78,848.00. A 5% contingency of $3,942.40 is requested to address change orders made necessary by circumstances not reasonably foreseeable at the time the proposal was signed, for a total contract price not to exceed $82,790.40.
Financial Impact
Funding in the amount of $75,000.00 was budgeted for SportsPlex Masonry Caulking in GL account 2008010-443100. As a floor recoating project at CPAC came in $29,618.00 under budget in account 2008010-443150, the $7,790.00 difference between the budgeted and actual project cost will be covered by these savings.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the use of Omnia Contract #02-91;
Approve the sole source proposal #2024050901 from Midwest Mechanical for the SportsPlex Control Joint Caulking Project for a total amount not to exceed $82,790.40 ($78,848.00 plus a contingency of $3,942.40);
Authorize the Village Manager to execute all related contracts subject to Village Attorney review;
Authorize the Village Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount.