File #: 2016-0766    Version: Name: Sportsplex Emergency Temporary Electric Hot Water Tank Installation - Proposal
File created: 11/2/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 11/21/2016 Final action: 11/21/2016
Title: Sportsplex Emergency Temporary Electric Hot Water Tank Installation - Proposal
Attachments: 1. Boilersource Water Heater Proposal, 2. Bradford White Water Heater Specs (Titan), 3. CTS Recommendations for Temporary Hot Water Implementation, 4. Raytherm What Heater Specs (Boilersource), 5. Splex Boiler Issue (rough diagram), 6. Splex Heating Bundle Unit Cost Proposal, 7. Titan Mechanical Corp. Proposal


Sportsplex Emergency Temporary Electric Hot Water Tank Installation - Proposal



The Sportsplex’s heating and domestic water systems are integrally connected. A two-boiler redundant system provides hot water for both domestic use (showers, lavatories and sinks) and to heat the facility during winter months.  Boilers, within this current configuration, must be kept running 365 days a year; even during summer months, to provide hot water to the facility. Hot water from the boilers is piped into a “heater coil bundle” that is situated within the middle of a large hot water tank. As a fully sealed system, the heat exchange from the superheated coils heats the surrounding water in the tank for domestic use. 


Building Maintenance staff recently discovered a leak in the heater coil bundle causing superheated boiler water to mix with the domestic hot water supply. Staff immediately suspended hot water service to the Sportsplex. Staff was informed by the maintenance vendor that replacement/repair of the heater coil bundle would cost upwards of $10,000. In addition to the costs, ordering of the parts and subsequent repairs/installation would take up to a month to complete, leaving the Sportsplex without hot water for an extended period of time.  In addition, the entire system is scheduled to be upgraded in 2017.


Funding is currently included in the proposed FY17 budget to overhaul the Sportsplex’s domestic hot water system. Once approved, this work would remove the reliance on a boiler to provide domestic hot water; separating the heating system from the hot water system to create two independent systems.


After discussions with administration, Public Works staff was given clear direction to: (1) engage the Village’s energy performance contractors (CTS Group) to identify and evaluate temporary hot water solutions that could be implemented quickly and at a reasonable cost and, (2) work with the CTS Group to evaluate whether or not the scheduled FY17 domestic hot water project could be accelerated to begin this year.


CTS provided three temporary hot water options for the Sportsplex.  Public Works staff concurred with the CTS Group that the most feasible solution, considering the speed of implementation and cost, was the purchase and installation of a temporary electric hot water heater. CTS also provided the Village with a proposal from Titan Mechanical Corp. of Orland Park, IL to perform the installation work for $10,720.  According to CTS Group and Titan Mechanical, the electric water tank will be able to supply the full demand of domestic hot water for all showers, lavatories and sinks at the Sportsplex.  For cost comparison purposes, staff contacted C.J. Erickson Plumbing Co. of Alsip, IL to request a proposal for the electric hot water heater solution.  (C.J. Erickson was the original installer of the heating and domestic water piping for the Sportsplex.)  C.J. Erickson shared that they would not be able to provide a proposal for the electric heater installation. 


Titan Mechanical provided the Village with the following installation schedule:

-Wednesday, November 2nd (6:00 p.m. - Delivery of electric water heater and parts)

-Wednesday, November 2nd (10:00 p.m. - Water turned off to the facility; installation begins)

-Thursday, November 3rd (2:00 a.m. - Piping installation and temporary water heater installed; water turned on)

-Thursday, November 3rd - (Opening hours: Hot water is anticipated to be available to showers, lavatories and sinks)


To facilitate the installation of this temporary solution, two (2) Building Maintenance staff will work during the night with the contractor to (1): perform the necessary electrical work that will route power to the water heater and (2) provide oversight and staff support for this installation.


On November 7, 2016, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

Sufficient funds are available in FY16 Budget account 283-4007-443100 to cover the cost for this work.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve waiving the bid process;




Approve accepting the proposal from Titan Mechanical Corp. of Orland Park, IL, Illinois, for Sportsplex Emergency Temporary Electric Hot Water Tank Installation in an amount not to exceed $10,720.