Wilson Residence - 9952 W. 144th Street - Remove/replace roof and siding from hail damage - Certificate of Appropriateness
Project: 2024-0415 - 9952 144th Street - Replace Roof and Siding
Petitioner: Robert and Marion Wilson
Purpose: The petitioner is seeking approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the roof and siding on the house and garage due to hail damage.
Location: 9952 144th Street
Parcel Size:
5,161 Square Feet
2,364 Square Feet
2,501 Square Feet
The Loebe House, located at 9952 144th Street, is a large residence from about 1895 located in the Old Orland Historic District. The structure is built in the Queen Anne style. The house shows typical features of Queen Anne houses in the use of bay windows, patterned shingle along the sides and gables, and a tower to break the flat wall surfaces.
The purpose of the Old Orland Historic District (OOH) is to retain the commercial and residential character of the original core of Orland Park. It is also the purpose of this district to encourage the restoration and preservation of historically and architecturally significant structures that are an important part of the Village's heritage.
The structure has been marked a landmark structure as well as a contributing structure. The purpose of a landmark designation shall be to preserve, rehabilitate and/ or restore a site, place, building, structure, improvement, archaeological site, work of art, or other object within the corporate limits of the Village of Orland Park which may have historic, cultural, archaeological or architectural significance in accordance with criteria set forth in this section. The preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of historically and architecturally significant structures, sites, etc. are important activities for the Village's cultural heritage and character. All Contributing structures, and additions to Contributing Structures, must comply with the Design Standards outlined in this section in order to maintain and improve the accuracy and integrity of the exterior of the building only.
Old Orland Historic District
Per Section 6-209.G.1, the review and approval process for Contributing Structures and Landmarks for minor work require Plan Commission and Board approval. Minor work is defined as changes that do not have a substantial impact on the exterior appearance of the structure or site, including alteration, addition, or removal of exterior architectural elements such as doors, windows, fences, skylights, siding, exterior stairs, roofs, tuck-pointing etc.
The proposed work involves removing and replacing the siding on the house as well as removing and replacing the roof on the house and the detached garage. The existing roof and siding sustained hail damage from a storm. The total scope of work includes removing the siding, installing a HardieWrap weather barrier on the house, then installing the Hardie Plank Lap Siding. The Hardie Plank Lap Siding will be the Select Cedarmill style planks and will be 5/16in thickness, 5.25in wide, and 12ft long planks. The cedar shingles on the structure will be replaced with new cedar shingles to match the existing features and will be painted green. The roof on the house and garage will be replaced with Owens Corning TruDefinition Duration shingles in the estate gray color.
Overall, the proposed minor work conforms to the Village’s Land Development Code and policies for this area.
Plan Commission Discussion
Present at the Plan Commission were 7 commissioners, the petitioners, and members of staff. Commissioner Nugent clarified the width of the planks. Commissioner Schussler thanked the petitioners for preserving the landmark. Commissioner Zomparelli asked what the current siding was and stated the proposed siding would be a great improvement. Overall, the commissioners expressed support for the project. The Plan Commission approved the project unanimously per the Staff Recommended Action.
Regarding Case Number 2024-0415, also known as 9952 144th Street Roof and Siding Replacement, Staff recommends to accept and make findings of fact as discussed at this Plan Commission meeting and within the Staff Report dated May 29, 2024;
Staff recommends that the Plan Commission approve a Certificate of Appropriateness.
Recommended Action/Motion
Board of Trustees recommended action
I move to approve the Plan Commission recommended action regarding case number 2024-0415, also known as 9952 144th Street Roof and Siding.