Spoil Removal Services 2025-2026 - Contract Award
The Public Works Department annually contracts out spoils removal from the 108th Avenue Bulk Storage Facility. The spoils are generated throughout the course of the year from water main breaks, utility repairs, concrete repair work, and park projects. The spoils are divided up into three (3) categories: concrete, asphalt, and dirt, which consists of clay and topsoil.
Invitation to Bid (ITB) #24-067 Spoil Removal 2025-2026 was published on the BidNet Direct website on November 25, 2024. BidNet data indicates seven (7) vendors downloaded some or all documents for the bid. On January 6, 2025 at 11:00am, one (1) sealed bid was opened by the Clerk’s Office, from Matthuis Trucking, Inc. of Mokena, IL.
Matthuis Trucking has satisfactorily performed this work for the Village since 2022, and Staff recommends awarding this Contract per the terms specified in the bid documents. Matthuis Trucking, Inc. of Mokena, IL was the only bidder at $385.00/load for 2025 and 2026, and $395.00/load for the 2027 option year. This price is deemed fair and reasonable being that Matthuis Trucking’s price for the previous three (3) years was $350.00/load. This 10% increase is deemed acceptable due to inflationary pressure on fuel and labor costs.
This agenda item is being considered by the Committee of the Whole and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.
Financial Impact
Funding is available in 1008010-442990, 1008020-442990, and 5008170-442990 for this service to be completed in 2025.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve and authorize the execution of a Contractor Agreement between the Village of Orland Park and Matthuis Trucking, Inc. of Mokena, IL as the only qualified bid for ITB #24-067Spoil Removal 2025-2026 for two (2) years 2025-2026 at an amount of $90,000 for FY 2025 and $90,000 for FY 2026, for a total cost of $180,000, with an option to extend for one (1) additional year 2027 at a cost of $90,000, for a total not-to-exceed contract price of $270,000.00.