File #: 2025-0121    Version: 0 Name: RFP 25-012 Catalina Subdivision 2025 Watermain Project - Phase III of III - Award
File created: 2/3/2025 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 3/3/2025 Final action:
Title: RFP 25-012 Catalina Subdivision 2025 Watermain Project - Phase III of III - Award
Attachments: 1. RFP 25-012 - Audit Report, 2. RFP 25-012 - Compliance Summary, 3. Proposal - Airys, 4. Proposal - M & J Underground, 5. Proposal - Swallow Construction, 6. Revised Price Sheet - Airys, 7. Revised Price Sheet - M & J Underground, 8. Revised Price Sheet - Swallow Construction


RFP 25-012 Catalina Subdivision 2025 Watermain Project - Phase III of III - Award



The Catalina subdivision was developed in the early 1970s. With over fifty (50) years of service, the water main has corroded on the exterior of the pipe due to lack of polyvinyl wrap that is standard today. The corrosion has caused numerous water main breaks over the years and this high concentration of breaks noted on a Village GIS layer made this area a priority to replace. The water main in the subdivision is made up of both ductile and cast iron pipe. Due to the size of the project in the Catalina subdivision, the water main and storm water improvements were broken up into three (3) phases. Storm water improvements started in 2024 and will be completed in Phase III in 2026.


Phase I of water main repairs consisted of lining the twelve-inch (12”) water main that runs from 80th Avenue and down Wheeler Drive, to Elevated Tank #5 at Wheeler and Harlem Avenue. This work was completed in the spring of 2024. 


Phase II consisted of water main replacement improvements for three (3) streets and eleven (11) courts. Storm main improvements included the addition of a dry detention basin that was built on the west side of Wheeler Drive. This work will be completed in early 2025.  


Phase III consists of water main replacement improvements for six (6) streets and ten (10) courts. Storm main improvements, including the addition of a dry detention basin on the east side of Wheeler Drive, are also part of the scope that will be completed in 2025. 


Based on available 2025 funding, RFP 25-012 Catalin Subdivision 2025 Watermain Improvements Project was advertised on BidNet Direct from January 17, 2025, to February 7, 2025. Five (5) vendors received courtesy emails, and thirty-two (32) companies downloaded the specifications. On February 7, 2024, the Village received three (3) proposals for consideration, from M&J Underground Inc., Airy’s Inc., and

Swallow Construction.


On February 17, 2025, the Village contacted all three (3) vendors, to clarify that their proposals included hydro-excavating for utility conflicts and tree trimming as the specs called out for those items. Staff also asked the contractors for best and final proposals to be submitted by Friday, February 21, 2025.


The following revised proposals were then received for consideration:


Airy’s Inc. of Joliet, IL - $9,661,051.00

M&J Underground Inc. of Monee, IL- $9,860,681.20

Swallow Construction of West Chicago, IL - $13,847,740.00


Staff recommends accepting the proposal submitted by Airy’s Inc. of Joliet, IL for the Catalina Water Main Phase III project in the amount of $10,161,051.00 ($9,661,051.00 plus $500,000.00 contingency). Contingency was reduced from 10% to approximately 5%, and is requested for unforeseen items in the ground during construction that may require a change order.


This agenda item is being considered by the Committee of the Whole and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.


Financial Impact

Funds for this project are available in water account 5008150-470500 and storm budget account 5008170-570500 and is under Board approved budgeted amount of a combined $10,200,000.00 for FY2025.


Recommended Action/Motion 

I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve and authorize the execution of a Contractor Agreement between the Village of Orland Park and Airy’s Inc. of Joliet, Illinois, as the lowest cost qualified responsive proposal for RFP 25-012 Catalina Subdivision 2025 Watermain Improvements Project for a cost of $9,661,051.00 plus a contingency of $500,000.00 for a total not-to-exceed contract price of $10,161,051.00.