Cook County Highway Facility Solar Panels - Environmental Clean Technology Review
Cook County Highway Facility Solar Panels - 2016-0607
Andy Sinozich
The petitioner is seeking approval of wall mounted Solar Panels that were previously installed on two Cook County Highway Facilities buildings fronting 135th Street.
Requested Actions: Variance
Project Attributes
Address: 8900 W. 135th Street
P.I.N.(s): 23-34-402-003
Existing Zoning: E-1 Estate Residential District
Proposed Zoning: N/A
Comprehensive Plan Planning District: Silver Lake North Planning District
Comprehensive Plan Designation: Mixed Residential/ Single Family Residential
In order to comply with the GHG Emission goal for all Cook County Facilities, the Cook County Highway Facility in Orland Park installed solar paneling on two large south-facing walls. The solar paneling installation was an attempt to curb the emission of Green House Gases (GHG) that are generated by facility operations.
During the installation process the Cook County Highway Facility did not receive, proper authorization in terms of Planning Review or Building Permit acquisition.
The subject property is located north of 135th Street between the Norfolk Southern Railroad and the Orland on the Green subdivision. The solar panels in question were installed on two walls along the south façade of the buildings which face 135th Street. The south façades were chosen following the logic that the most sunlight would be collected across all seasons by facing the solar panels to the south.
In order to mitigate the appearance of the solar panels, the petitioner is proposing to utilize additional landscaping to soften the impact. The petitioner is proposing to install seven (7) Autumn Blaze Maples and 33 Techny Arborvitae along the southern property line fronting 135th Street.
The petitioner requests the following variance:
1) Increase allowable solar energy system wall coverage from 40% to 100% on two building facades.
Overall, the project conforms to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, but requires a variance to the Land Development Code (Section 6-314.E.3).
Additional details about the project are discussed in the Plan Commission report, which is attached for reference.
On October 11, 2016, the Plan Commission moved 7-0 to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the landscape plan, the elevations and therefore the variance for the Cook County Highway Facility at 8900 W. 135th Street.
On October 17, 2016, the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee moved 3-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval of the elevation drawings titled "8900 West 135th Street - BLDG B", prepared by Conserval Systems Inc., project number 2015-632e, sheets 1 and 2 of 7, last revised 10/19/15, and "8900 West 135th Street - BLDG E", prepared by the same, project number 2015-632f, sheets 1 and 2 of 6, last revised 10/16/15.
Moved 3-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval of Landscape Plan titled “Orland Park Solar Wall” by Bret-Mar Landscape, Inc., dated 7/21/16, last revised 10/4/16, subject to the following condition:
1. Install 33 Techny Arborvitae trees with a minimum height of six (6) feet and install seven (7) Autumn Blaze Maple trees with a minimum caliper of 3.5 inches.
Moved 3-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval of a variance for Cook County Highway Department to increase wall coverage for solar energy systems from 40% to 100%.
At the October 11, 2016 Plan Commission, one resident spoke to the updates presented by Cook County Highway Department regarding the Landscape Plan. The resident requested more trees on the south side of 135th Street, near the southwest corner with Lincolnshire Drive. The other neighbors further west all had trees to screen their view on the south side of 135th Street.
It was noted, however, that the additional screening being added by the County on the north side of the ROW was to this particular neighbor’s benefit. Where there is two dying trees today will be replaced with three to four trees directly across from his rear yards. Filling the gap in the 135th Street parkway in front of the highway facility directly benefitted the neighbor to the south at Lincolnshire Drive and 135th Street.
The Plan Commission agreed and did not elect to add more trees to the south side of 135th Street.
This case is now before the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the landscape plan, the elevations, and the variance for 8900 W. 135th Street, Cook County Highway Facility, as recommended at the October 17, 2016 Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee meeting and as indicated in the below fully referenced motion.
I move to approve the elevation drawings titled "8900 West 135th Street - BLDG B", prepared by Conserval Systems Inc., project number 2015-632e, sheets 1 and 2 of 7, last revised 10/19/15, and "8900 West 135th Street - BLDG E", prepared by the same, project number 2015-632f, sheets 1 and 2 of 6, last revised 10/16/15.
I move to approve the Landscape Plan titled “Orland Park Solar Wall” by Bret-Mar Landscape, Inc., dated 7/21/16, last revised 10/4/16, subject to the following condition:
1. Install 33 Techny Arborvitae trees with a minimum height of six (6) feet and install seven (7) Autumn Blaze Maple trees with a minimum caliper of 3.5 inches.
I move to approve the variance for Cook County Highway Department to increase wall coverage for solar energy systems from 40% to 100%.