Approval Contract - Taste of Orland Sound, Stage, Lighting
The Taste of Orland requires sound, stage and lighting for the three-day event held the first weekend in August. An RFP was sent out for proposals to provide these services for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016. The request included that a quote be provided for two stage sizes: SL100 (24x20x5) and SL250 (32x24x5). The SL250 was used in 2012 and provides more room and better cover for the bands and equipment, however the smaller SL100 is adequate for this event and was utilized in 2013.
Three proposals were received: Sound Works Products of Frankfort, Illinois quoted $12,370 for the SL100 and $14,520 for the SL250 for each of the three years. Quality Concerts of Aurora, Illinois quoted $14,200 for the SL100 and $16,000 for the SL 250 for each of the three years. TM Production Services of Arlington Heights, Illinois quoted $14,750 for the SL100 stage only for each of the three years and did not provide a quote for the SL250.
Sound Works Productions of Frankfort, Illinois has supplied the sound, stage and lighting for the Taste of Orland Park for the past eleven years. Sound Works Productions has done an outstanding job each year providing the service and equipment needed at the Taste of Orland Park and has provided the lowest quote. Staff is recommending entering into a three-year contract with Sound Works for the Taste of Orland sound, stage, and lighting.
On April 21, 2014, this item was reviewed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
The 2014 Taste of Orland Park budget includes $10,600 for the sound, stage and lighting. This line item also includes funds for tent rentals which are anticipated to come in $1,000 below the budgeted amount. Staff recommends approval of the SL100 at $12,370. The reduction of approximately $1000 in tent expenses leaves a difference of roughly $770 in budget versus actual. This amount can be made up through other reductions in expenses and/or additional sponsorship revenues.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve accepting the proposal from Sound Works Productions to supply the sound, stage and lighting using the SL100 stage for the Taste of Orland Park at a cost not to exceed $12,370.00 for the year 2014 and either the SL100 or SL250 for the years 2015 and 2016 dependent upon budget authorization.