Ad Hoc Committee - To Review Orland Park’s Commission and Board Structure - Appointment of Members
Purpose of the Ad hoc Committee:
--Review our existing commissions' goals, structure, charter and current level of engagement and impact.
--Identify commissions that are no longer needed and make recommendations on new commissions and advisory boards to fill needed gaps.
--Make recommendations on commissions' structure, meeting requirements, goals and charters to help make them more value added for the Village Board and Staff.
--Make recommendations on how to make commissions' more efficient and effective.
--Ensure that our commission structure continues to meet state requirements.
Goals for this Ad hoc Committee:
The overarching goal of this committee is to ensure that our citizen boards are pertinent, engaged, and value added for the Village Board and for Staff. We have a talented group of citizens and engaging them in meaningful, helpful and important Village matters is beneficial and force multiplying for the Village. This effort will help ensure that our committee structure is efficient, meaningful and value maximizing.
Orland Park Residency:
Every committee member is an Orland Park resident and is expected to work in the best interest of the Village of Orland Park.
The committee will operate for approximately 6 months and will decide their meeting frequency and whether to make their recommendations to the board at one time or periodically.
At the July 5, 2017 Board of Trustees meeting this item was tabled until all Trustees were present and able to submit input to the process. On July 17, 2017 this item was removed from the table and postponed until the next Board of Trustees meeting. On August 7, 2017 this item was for discussion only.
Old Motion: I move to approve the Board of Trustees to appoint the new members to the Ad Hoc Committee.
Financial Impact
None - Volunteer Basis
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the Board of Trustees shall hold an open public workshop that will involve participants from Board of Trustees, any current citizen committee members, and any members of the general public;
The workshop will include an open and transparent conversation regarding the citizen committee structure;
The workshop will be held within two months of passage of this motion.