Schussler Park All-Inclusive Playground Cooperative Equipment Purchase
On December 18, 2023, the Village Board approved the playground plan (attached) for the Schussler Park All-Inclusive Playground. The playground, along with a pavilion and half-basketball court are phase II elements of the Schussler Park renovation. The restroom/storage building originally planned to be a part of phase II, was completed as a part of phase I utilizing surplus funding from the phase I construction.
The final approved design and manufacturer was the result of feedback from community members, the Recreation Advisory Board, Michael Schofield and Kendal Coyne Scofield and Village staff.
Specific engagement efforts included mailing 823 postcards to homes within 1500 feet of Schussler Park, and utilizing social media to invite residents to participate in presentation and engagement session on October 19, 2023, at the Civic Center.
The presentation included the playground plan noting the individual features and overall goal to provide a comprehensive play environment for all ages and abilities. Overall support was strong with few questions about the design, instead questions were focused fundraising and on when the playground would be constructed.
On November 14, 2023, the concept was presented to the Recreation Advisory Board (RAB). The RAB engaged in a discussion regarding the proposed playground. The RAB tabled the motion requesting two additional swings, and a two to five-year-old slide be added.
On December 5, 2023, a revised concept was presented to the RAB addressing the concerns previously raised. This included adding the additional swings and slides as requested.
The RAB unanimously approved recommending to the Village Board the All-Inclusive Playground as presented in the revised plan.
The Village Board subsequently approved the playground plan on December 18, 2023, as noted above.
In effort to lock-in 2024 pricing, staff secured a quote (attached) from Play Illinois, LLC utilizing Sourcewell contract #010521-BUR for the purchase of playground equipment consistent with the approved plan. Play Illinois, LLC is the authorized dealer of Burke playground equipment. Utilizing this Sourcewell contract includes a discount of $52,696.05.
This is an equipment only purchase and does not include installation, the pour and play surface or other phase II elements.
Staff will issue an RFP at a future date to solicit proposals for the installation of the playground and other phase II elements.
Financial Impact
The 2025 capital budget includes $1,510,394 for Schussler Park phase II elements.
Additional funds in the amount of $250,000 are budgeted in the 2025 Natural Resources Facilities (NRF) Division account 3008010 for the playground and pavilion. Additionally, if necessary, operational funds in the Athletics Division of Recreation and Parks can be utilized for the half-basketball court and/or other phase II elements.
Staff have applied for a $600,000 Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) in support of phase II elements.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve and authorize entering into an agreement with Play Illinois, LLC for the purchase of playground equipment in the amount of $306,243.95 as quoted in Soucewell contract #010521-BUR for the Schussler Park All-Inclusive Playground equipment, and to include a 10% contingency of $30,624.40 for unforeseen circumstances for a total not to exceed $336,868.35;
To authorize the Village Manager to execute all related contracts, subject to Village Attorney review.