File #: 2017-0619    Version: Name: 2017 Traffic Data Collection
File created: 8/25/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 10/2/2017 Final action: 10/2/2017
Title: /Name/Summary 2017 Traffic Data Collection
Attachments: 1. Traffic Counts, 2. Gewalt Hamilton Assoc - Signed Contract - 2017 Traffic Count


2017 Traffic Data Collection



In 2014 the Village Board adopted a comprehensive 2040 Transportation Plan. Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. (GHA) assisted the Village with developing the Plan. The Transportation Plan recommends the Village adopt a bi-annual program that collects and compiles traffic count data within the community in order to identify changes in travel patterns, trends in growth as well as supplement IDOT and County traffic count information. This information will begin to establish a database of traffic information that can be used for outside funding applications.


Having completed the Village's Transportation Plan, GHA understands what areas or intersections need to be studied. These are identified in the recommended improvements section of the Plan. As with any project, the first step is to identify what the existing traffic volumes are and the movements that may be causing a problem.


GHA has put together a scope of services and cost to provide traffic data collection services. 24-hour intersection counts (Tuesday through Thursday) will be provided. GHA will provide electronic files consistent with IDOT procedures and formatting which will include turning movement volumes, vehicle classification, bike and pedestrian data at one hour intervals. GHA is IDOT pre-qualified to perform this work; therefore, the information can be used for future projects and funding applications. It is typical for funding applications and federally funded projects that the traffic information be no more than two years old. It is the intent to rotate locations every year so the traffic information is up to date.


As part of the Development Services operating budget, $10,000 has been recommended on an annual basis for traffic data collection services. Staff recommends that GHA provide data collection services for 2017 in the amount not to exceed $9,900.  The project will be invoiced monthly for the hours worked.


On September 18, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee, recommended for approval and sent to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

There are sufficient funds in the FY 2017 budget.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve entering into a contract with Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. of Vernon Hills, Illinois in the amount not to exceed $9,900 for the traffic data collection services.