Shotcrete Repairs Addition to Scope of Services - Approval
The Village takes a multifaceted approach to repairing concrete. In addition to grinding uneven joints and removing and replacing more irregular concrete, the Village has incorporated a process called Shotcrete, reasonably priced, liquefied concrete filler sprayed into cracked curbs for simple repairs. This process has been incorporated into our Road Improvement Program for a number of years. In 2014, the Village solicited bids and awarded a three-year contract for Shotcrete repairs to Ward & Associates, Inc. of Chicago Heights, IL.
For many years, this contractor has satisfactorily repaired thousands of feet of curb and sidewalk in various locations throughout the Village, thereby providing numerous quality repairs while minimizing the associated restoration work. The current FY16 capital budget includes $40,000 for Shotcrete work on public curbs and sidewalks.
With the addition of Building Maintenance to the Public Works team, staff was able to identify numerous opportunities to expand the use of Shotcrete around Village facilities. In April 2016, the Village Board approved additional Shotcrete work on the concrete sidewalks around the Franklin Loebe Center, Recreation Administration Building, Cultural Arts Center, Robert Davidson Center and the Sportsplex for an estimated total of $8,000.00. During the course of this work, additional safety and aesthetic repair work was deemed necessary at these properties, along with curb and sidewalk around the Village Hall and Old Village Hall/Museum. Ward & Associates agreed to repair sidewalks in poor shape around these Village-owned buildings for the contract price of $28.50 per linear foot. The cost of this work totaled $13,693.50. An additional $5,693.50 is being requested.
On November 7, 2016, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funding for this additional work is available in accounts 283- 4001- 443100, 010- 1700- 443100, and 283- 4007- 443100.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the additional work for the 2016 Shotcrete Program with Ward & Associates, Inc. Chicago Heights, Illinois in a revised amount not to exceed $13,693.50.