Deer Haven Estates Phase II
Deer Haven Estates Phase II
Raymond Dignan and Michael Flaherty
To construct a single family residential subdivision
Requested Actions: Site plan, subdivision, rezoning, variances and special use permit approval, all subject to annexation into the Village of Orland Park.
Project Attributes
Address: 14401 and 14421 Wolf Road
P.I.N(s): 27-08-100-040-0000
Size: 12 acres
Comprehensive Plan Planning District: Orland Grove
Comprehensive Land Designation: R-2 Single Family Residential
Existing Zoning: unincorporated Cook County
Proposed Zoning: R-2 Single Family Residential Zoning District
Existing Land Use: estate lot residential
Proposed Land Use: single family residential
The petitioner is proposing the development of a seventeen lot single family subdivision on 12 acres currently in unincorporated Cook County. The subdivision will include a public street, a public park and open space area, and two storm water detention ponds. The area surrounding the proposed subdivision is an established residential area that is a patchwork of Village and unincorporated Cook County land that is gradually annexing into the Village as it subdivides. Nearby subdivisions include Royal Oaks to the south, Rolling Oaks to the east and Alexis Estates to the north. Deer Haven Phase I Subdivision, also to the north, was approved in 2007 for 23 lots that are currently under construction. Some of the existing large lot residential parcels, such as the 10.6 acre parcel to the south, are anticipated to re-subdivide in the future. The proposed Deer Haven lots are arranged along a central street with a cul de sac bulb and detention area on the western end, and a park and detention area on the east end. Early conceptual versions of the subdivision included a flag lot in the northeast corner of the site, encumbered by challenging grading and retaining walls. The petitioned version instead includes a parkland dedication of approximately .5 acres. Combined with the depressional storage and detention pond areas, an open space of slightly over three acres in size will be created to serve residents in Deer Haven Phase II and the surrounding area. The Deer Haven II illustrative Master Plan shows a playground, picnic shelter, landscaping, an asphalt trail through the park, as well as informal fields in the depressional area.
The subdivision will be accessed from the existing Deer Haven I Subdivision via Deer Haven Lane. In the future, Deer Haven Lane is anticipated to continue on southward, eventually connecting with the existing Royal Oaks Lane to the south, which connects with Wolf Road and has left turn lane capabilities from Wolf Road. There are some existing trees on the gently rolling site that will require tree mitigation, and a large wetland/depressional area at the eastern end of the site. The site will retain the same general drainage patterns, with one storm water detention pond at each end of the site.
This petitioner requests approval for rezoning to the R-2 Single Family Residential District; site plan, subdivision, variances, and a special use permit, all subject to annexation into the Village of Orland Park, with the following Code deviations:
1. Lot width reductions on four lots.
2. Street and cul-de-sac width reduction
3. Reduced detention pond setbacks, maintenance access strip, and increased pond slope.
Special Use Permit
4. Disturbance of a wetland
Overall, the proposal is generally compatible with the site, the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Codes and policies for this area, except for the items listed above.
On April 8, 2014, Plan Commission voted 6-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval (upon annexation) of the preliminary site plan, subdivision, rezoning, variances, and special use permit for Deer Haven Phase II subdivision located at 14401 and 14421 Wolf Road to R-2 Residential Zoning District.
Voted 6-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval (upon annexation) of the preliminary site plan titled ‘Preliminary Site Plan’, pages 1 and 2, by Spaceco Consulting Engineers; Job # 7035; dated February 24, 2014 and received April 2, 2014; subject to the following conditions:
1. Submit a Final Landscape Plan, meeting all Village Codes, for separate review and approval within 60 days of final engineering approval.
a. Identify all trees to be preserved and removed.
b. Include Tree Mitigation Chart.
c. Provide naturalized pond plantings with native species.
d. Provide a viable ground covering in the depressional storage area based on the final Storm water Management Report.
e. Provide street trees.
2. Provide cash in lieu for future sidewalk along Wolf Road.
3. Finalize the details of all impact fees including the park land dedication in the development agreement.
4. Work with the Village to determine appropriate incremental site improvements to offset the impact of the requested variations. This issue must be resolved prior to the Board meeting.
5. Remove note on illustrative plan that states Village will make park improvements.
6. Meet all final engineering and building code related items.
Voted 6-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval (upon annexation) of the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision by Spaceco Consulting Engineers; Job # 7035; dated March 29, 2012, revised February 24, 2014, and received February 28, 2014; subject to the same conditions as outlined in the Preliminary Site Plan motion plus the following conditions:
1. Submit a Record Plat of Subdivision to the Village for recording.
Voted 6-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval (upon annexation) of a Special Use Permit to disturb a wetland.
Voted 6-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval (upon annexation) of the following variances:
1. Lot width reductions on four lots:
a. Lot 5 from a required 110’ corner lot width to a supplied 107.8’.
b. Lot 6 from a required 110’ corner lot width to a supplied 109.2’.
c. Lot 8 from a required 100’ at the 30’ front setback line to a supplied 87.8’.
d. Lot 9 from a required 100’ at the 30’ front setback line to a supplied 88.61’.
2. Street width reduction from a required 60’ right of way width to a supplied 50’ right of way width; and cul-de-sac right of way width from a required 120’ to a supplied 110’.
3. Detention pond variances:
a. Setback reduction from a required 25’ pond setback to as little as no setback.
b. Detention pond maintenance strip width reduction from a required 15’ to a supplied 8’.
c. Detention pond slope increase from a maximum limit of 4:1 to a supplied 3:1 slope.
Because this item was inadvertently not included on the original posted Committee Agenda, it was a discussion item only. However, the Committee members voiced support for the new subdivision as approved by the Plan Commission on April 8, 2014.
Since the Development Services Committee meeting, the following items have been addressed.
1. As an incremental improvement to the site, the petitioner has agreed to develop the park as shown on the Illustrative Master Plan, which includes playground equipment, a curbed playground area with underdrain, a picnic shelter, landscaping, and an asphalt trail. The developer has requested the cost for the park construction be capped at $140,000. The Code required ‘park and recreation cash fee’ of approximately $40,000 will be waived. Any substantive changes to the above park elements must be approved by the Village. The details and timing of the park land dedication and the park’s construction will be addressed in the Annexation Agreement. The final park plans and details will be Board reviewed and approved as a part of the Final Landscape Plan.
2. The note on illustrative plan that states Village will make park improvements has been removed.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the rezoning, site plan, subdivision, special use permit, and variances for Deer Haven Estates Phase II located at 14401 and 14421 Wolf Road, all subject to annexation into the Village of Orland Park, as recommended at the April 8, 2014 Plan Commission, as discussed at the April 21, 2014 Development Services Committee, and as fully referenced below.
I move to approve (upon annexation) the rezoning of Deer Haven Estates Phase II subdivision located at 14401 and 14421 Wolf Road to R-2 Residential Zoning District.
I move to approve (upon annexation) the preliminary site plan titled ‘Deer Haven Estates Phase II Preliminary Site Plan’, pages 1 and 2, by Spaceco Consulting Engineers; Job # 7035; dated February 24, 2014 and received April 2, 2014; and the illustrative master plan titled “Deer Haven Estates Phase II” by Flaherty Builders/Developers, received April 30, 2014, subject to the following conditions:
1. Submit a Final Landscape Plan, meeting all Village Codes, for separate review and approval within 60 days of final engineering approval.
a. Identify all trees to be preserved and removed.
b. Include Tree Mitigation Chart.
c. Provide naturalized pond plantings with native species.
d. Provide a viable ground covering in the depressional storage area based on the final Storm water Management Report.
e. Provide street trees.
f. Include plan details for the park construction as a part of the final Landscape Plan.
2. Provide cash in lieu for future sidewalk along Wolf Road.
3. Finalize the details of all impact fees including the park land dedication in the annexation agreement
4.The developer will construct the park as shown on the Illustrative Master Plan, which includes playground equipment, a curbed playground area with underdrain and play surface, a picnic shelter, landscaping, and an asphalt trail, with the developer park construction cost capped at $140,000.
5. Meet all final engineering and building code related items.
I move to approve (upon annexation) the Deer Haven Estates Phase II Preliminary Plat of Subdivision by Spaceco Consulting Engineers; Job # 7035; dated March 29, 2012, revised February 24, 2014, and received February 28, 2014; subject to the same conditions as outlined in the Preliminary Site Plan motion plus the following conditions:
1. Submit a Record Plat of Subdivision to the Village for recording.
I move to approve (upon annexation) a special use permit to disturb a wetland.
I move to approve (upon annexation) the following variances:
1. Lot width reductions on four lots:
a. Lot 5 from a required 110’ corner lot width to a supplied 107.8’.
b. Lot 6 from a required 110’ corner lot width to a supplied 109.2’.
c. Lot 8 from a required 100’ at the 30’ front setback line to a supplied 87.8’.
d. Lot 9 from a required 100’ at the 30’ front setback line to a supplied 88.61’.
2. Street width reduction from a required 60’ right of way width to a supplied 50’ right of way width; and cul-de-sac right of way width from a required 120’ to a supplied 110’.
3. Detention pond variances:
a. Setback reduction from a required 25’ pond setback to as little as no setback.
b. Detention pond maintenance strip width reduction from a required 15’ to a supplied 8’.
c. Detention pond slope increase from a maximum limit of 4:1 to a supplied 3:1 slope.