Annual JULIE and Irthnet Assessment - Payments
The Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators (JULIE), of Bedford Park, IL, is the One-call Locator System in Illinois which serves our area. JULIE was formed in August 1974, and initially only served Will County. Since December 1, 1980, JULIE has provided one-call service to the entire state with the exception of the City of Chicago. Effective July 1, 1991, a new law entitled "Illinois Underground Utility Facilities Damage Prevention Act" required all owners and/or operators of underground facilities to join JULIE. Our underground utilities include water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, street lights, fiber optic, etc.
The JULIE, Inc. Board of Directors approved a new method for invoicing members that took effect January 2011. This billing method, successfully used by several other one-call industry centers, is designed to assist members with their annual budgeting and tracking processes.
In September, JULIE communities receive their Annual Contribution Assessment Notifications showing the number of tickets their organization received from July 1 through June 30 and their proposed cost for the upcoming year. In January of 2017, each member organization will receive an Annual Assessment Invoice based on the number of tickets processed during the previous year. The Village of Orland Park received its 2017 annual assessment of $16,637.59 for 14,351 JULIE request tickets issued from July 2015 to June 2016.
To enhance staff's ability to process JULIE requests, the Village uses software purchased from Irth Solutions, LLC of Columbus, Ohio to receive, review, track, process and complete locate tickets using an online/web based format. Similar to the JULIE billing format, Irth Solutions also bills annually based on the number of software users and the anticipated number of processed tickets based on the prior year. Irth Solutions, LLC submitted a 2017 annual invoice for $6,024.15.
On January 3, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funds are available in FY17 Budget accounts 031-6001-432800 and 010-5001-432800 for these services.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve payment to JULIE Inc., of Bedford Park, IL for the Annual Assessment invoice of $16,637.59;
Approve payment to Irth Solutions, LLC of Columbus, Ohio for their annual invoice of $6,024.15.