File #: 2017-0062    Version: Name: Annual Traffic Signal Maintenance for Village/ State/County Roadways - Proposal
File created: 1/31/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/20/2017 Final action: 2/20/2017
Title: Annual Traffic Signal Maintenance for Village/ State/County Roadways - Proposal
Attachments: 1. Meade- Sig Maint 2017, 2. Meade, Inc - Signed Contract - Add B Annual Traffic Signal Maintenance


Annual Traffic Signal Maintenance for Village/ State/County Roadways - Proposal



As part of the Village intergovernmental agreements with the State and County, the Village is responsible for shared costs of traffic signals maintenance on State and County roadways. The portion that we are responsible for is determined by the jurisdictional portion of the intersecting streets. For instance, on 151st St and Route 45, we pay 50% of the cost of maintenance because 151st St. east and west of Rte. 45 are owned by the Village. The County has the same formula for maintenance costs on shared jurisdiction roadways.


Additionally, the Public Works Department contracts out the preventative maintenance for the thirteen (13) solely Village owned traffic control signal systems. The Village has traditionally utilized the same contractor that performs this work for the State and County as part of their bid procedure.


The contractor selected by both the State and County is Meade Electric of McCook, IL.

Meade has performed this work for the Village for many years. In 2013, Meade submitted a proposal for maintenance in the amount of $145 each per month. They have maintained the 2013 rate and have again agreed to hold this price through 2017.  At this time, staff recommends exercising the option to extend the term of the contract for another year. This proposal provides the same timeframe and agreement that the State and County recently entered into with Meade. The cost of repairs due to damage or failure is above and beyond the scope of this proposal and is determined on a case by case basis.


On February 6, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.


Financial Impact

The 2017 Fiscal Year Budget has sufficient funds in account 010-5002-443700 for the maintenance and repair of traffic signals.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the 2017 expenditures to the State of Illinois for traffic signal maintenance on shared State roadways;




Awarding the 2017 expenditures to Cook County for traffic signal maintenance on shared County roadways;




Approve waiving the bid process for Village traffic signal maintenance service;




Approve accepting the proposal from Meade Electric Company, Inc. of McCook, Illinois, for traffic signal maintenance for the thirteen (13) Village owned traffic signals at a cost not to exceed the Board approved budgeted amount for 2017.