Appearance Review Fees
Appearance Review Fees
Village of Orland Park
The purpose of this item is to establish a fee schedule for Appearance Reviews.
Section 5-106 of the Land Development Code (LDC) presents the standards and processes related to Appearance Reviews, which typically focus on the reuse or modification of existing properties. The main purpose of an Appearance Review is to ensure that the appearance and intensity of development within the Village is consistent with the community character of the area within which the development is located.
As set forth in the LDC, the Development Services Department is authorized to conduct an Appearance Review in the following instances:
1. When minor exterior site and building changes are proposed for an existing development (excludes single-family residential and multi-family less than six (6) units);
2. When a restaurant that is not a Special Use occupies an existing or vacant former restaurant space and proposes exterior modifications; and
3. When antenna equipment is co-located on an existing tower with no expansion of the ground equipment area.
When certain changes are proposed on any property located within the Old Orland Historic District (OOH) or to Landmarks, the process is similar to an Appearance Review but is labeled a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA). A COA is typically required for new construction projects and for any changes to existing structures, both residential and non-residential. This amendment proposes no changes to the COA process.
At present, there are no fees associated with an Appearance Review.
Prior to the creation of the Appearance review process in 2006 (2006-0283), most petitions would have gone through the full approval process (Plan Commission, Committee, Board) and the Village thus collected the appropriate site plan review fees. By creating the administrative review process, we expedited the approval process but effectively lost those fees.
Based upon our current planning fee structure and the required staff resources utilized as part of an Appearance Review, the Development Services Department recommends adding to the Village’s current Petition Fee Worksheet (attached; last updated in 2003) the following category and fees:
Appearance Reviews
Residential (excludes single-family): $50
Non-residential: $150
On June 15, 2015, the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee voted 3-0 to recommend to the Board of Trustees approval of the fee scheduled noted above.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the establishment of Appearance Review Fees as presented in the attached Petition Fee Worksheet prepared by the Development Services Department and updated May 22, 2015.