File #: 2016-0065    Version: Name: Downtown Main Street Parking Deck
File created: 1/25/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 3/7/2016 Final action: 3/7/2016
Title: /Name/Summary Downtown Main Street Parking Deck
Attachments: 1. Parking Deck Plans - Plan Commission 020916, 2. VOP Special Use Standards 012516, 3. Parking Deck Committee Report 021516


Downtown Main Street Parking Deck






Downtown Main Street Parking Deck (2016-0065)



9650 143rd Street



VCD - Village Center District



Village of Orland Park

Michael Kowski, Assistant Director of Development Services



Village’s Consultant Team

Kimley-Horn - Parking Deck Design Oversight

SpaceCo - Engineering

TOA - Architecture


Design-Build Team

Walsh Construction - Lead Contractor

Carl Walker, Inc. - Engineering/Architecture

V3 Companies - Civil Engineering



The Village proposes to construct, operate and maintain a four-story (five-level), approximately 200,000 square-foot public parking deck with at least 520 parking spaces - and containing about 12,000 square-feet of commercial space with outdoor seating on the north side of the structure - to be located at the northeast corner of 143rd Street and Ravinia Avenue (9650 143rd Street).

Building Footprint

Approximately 225’ x 270’



Parking Structure - Levels 1 - 5

Commercial/Restaurant - Level 1 (partial): 12,000 SF


Requested Actions

Site Plan, Elevations, and Special Use Permit with Modifications





Village of Orland Park



Village of Orland Park


Partnership with the University of Chicago Medicine (UCM)

On August 17, 2015, the Village and UCM entered into a lease agreement related to the development of the University’s office medical building - currently under construction at the corner of 143rd Street and La Grange Road. A component of this agreement stipulated that the Village would construct or cause to be constructed a multi-level deck consisting of not less than 513 parking spaces and containing additional commercial space.


In furtherance, the UCM agreed to make a substantial monetary contribution toward the construction of the deck provided that the UCM would have exclusive rights during normal business hours to use not less than 175 spaces located on the top two (2) levels of the structure. The balance of the parking spaces would be available at no cost to the general public and employees of businesses in the immediate area, excluding use by Metra patrons. The Village is obligated to deliver the parking deck before the year’s end.


Parcel Size

+/- 2.0 acres


P.I.N. Number

Pt. 27-04-417-017-0000


Comprehensive Plan Designation

Planned Mixed-Use Residential/Commercial


TIF District

Main Street Triangle Tax Increment Financing District (amended in 2007)


Existing Land Use



Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses

North: Vacant Land; VCD - Village Center District

South: 143rd Street; VCD - Village Center District

East: UCMC; VCD - Village Center District

West: Ninety 7 Fifty; VCD - Village Center District


Public Utilities

Existing utilities will be enhanced and extended to serve this site.







Site Plan

The Village requests approval of the preliminary Overall Site Plan Sheet prepared by SpaceCo and dated February 2, 2016.



The Village requests approval of the preliminary Elevations and Perspective Views contained in the drawing set prepared by Carl Walker and dated January 22, 2016.


Special Use

To accommodate this development, the Village requests a Special Use Permit to allow for: a Parking Structure - non-accessory; a Planned Development; and a building over 50,000 SF. When considering an application for a Special Use Permit, the decision making body shall consider the eight Special Use Standards listed in the Code. The Village has provided responses to the Special Use Standards, which are attached. 


As part of the Special Use Permit, the Villager is requesting the following modifications, which are discussed herein and throughout the aforementioned Special Use Standards:


1. Reduce the required front yard setbacks along both 143rd Street and Ravinia Avenue from 15’ to as little at 0’ (Table 6-212.D.6.c);


2. Reduce the required front yard setbacks along both future Jefferson Avenue and future “B” Street from 5’ to as little as 0’ (Table 6-212.D.6.c);


3. Increase the allowable lot coverage from 75% to 100% (Section 6-212.D.1); and


4. Reduce the required percentage of ground floor transparency from 35% to as little as 15% (Section 6-212.E.3).


Plat of Subdivision

At present, the development area is part of a larger Village-owned parcel. A Plat of Subdivision is forthcoming that will demarcate the limits of the parking facility as well as establish the abutting rights-of-way for both Jefferson Avenue and “B” Street. This document will be prepared by the Village and reviewed under a separate process at a later date.


Preliminary Engineering

Preliminary engineering has been granted for this project. 



At this time, there are no substantial Conditions attached to the recommended motion since the Village will ensure that the post-Plan Commission activities associated with this project - such as the engineering, building code, and landscape requirements - will meet or exceed the standards and policies established by the Board of Trustees. The only applicable Condition is related to screening mechanicals, which may be the responsibility of the tenant of the commercial space.  




General Layout

As shown on the Overall Site Plan Sheet, the development area is situated on 143rd Street between the existing Ninety 7 Fifty on the Park facility and the University of Chicago Medicine project, now under construction. The project site is bounded by 143rd Street on the south and Ravinia Avenue on the west - both existing - and “B” Street on the north, which will be built in phases by the Village concurrent to the deck construction.


Jefferson Avenue between 143rd Street and 142nd Street will also be constructed by the Village as part of this project. The deck’s eastern façade is envisioned to sit along the UCM’s western property line (with no physical connection to the building) and extend westward across and over Jefferson Avenue. In essence, Jefferson Avenue will pass through the parking deck, with the condition most comparable to an underpass. Access to the deck will be established on both “B” Street and Jefferson Avenue.


While primarily a parking facility, the project will also contain approximately 12,000 square-feet of ground floor commercial space on the northern façade. Also on that side of the project, abutting the ground floor commercial space, a small outdoor plaza is contemplated to function as a public gathering space and potential outdoor dining area.


Pedestrian access to the parking deck is provided by a complete sidewalk network along the perimeter of the building. Access to the parking levels (vertical circulation) is provided at three (3) separate stair towers located at the northeast, northwest and southwest corners. Elevators will be provided in the northeast and southwest stair towers. The northeast elevator adjacent to the UCM medical office building will have capacity to handle a wheeled stretcher per code.  


Building Orientation & Setbacks

As described above, the building is surrounded by four (4) public streets - both existing and proposed - with sidewalks and landscaping placed between the building facades and the curbs along these corridors, except at the restaurant location where a plaza space in contemplated in the public realm.


Due to this condition, combined with the fact the Village will retain ownership of the deck parcel and the streets, the exact property limits remain undefined. In this unique scenario, the demarcation between the deck parcel and the right-of-way lines will be executed by way of a Plat of Subdivision after the design details are finalized.


The building is designed to mirror the right-of-way lines along the four (4) streets that form the block. To create a continuous building frontage, the parking deck will need a modification from the front yard setback requirements on all four (4) sides to allow for a 0’ setback. In reality, and depending on the location of the final property lines, the actual setbacks will be greater than 0’.

Modification Request: Reduce the required front yard setbacks along both 143rd Street and Ravinia Avenue from 15’ to as little at 0’ (Table 612.D.6.c); and reduce the required front yard setbacks along both future Jefferson Avenue and future “B” Street from 5’ to as little as 0’ (Table 6-212.D.6.c).


Lot Coverage

The Parking Deck is laid out to establish and occupy an entire small block framed by public roads. As a consequence, the project will require a modification to Lot Coverage to allow for 100% coverage where 75% is the maximum. This is a companion issue to the aforementioned setback modification, and similarly the final Lot Coverage will be less than 100% based upon the final parcel size and its relationship to the building footprint. Modification Request:  Increase the allowable lot coverage from 75% to 100% (Section 6-212.D.1)


Parking & Loading

The Design-Build team is contractually obligated to provide at least 520 parking spaces. The current plan yields 547 parking spaces, which includes the required 11 accessible spaces (two of which are van accessible). Parking for the commercial use is accommodated within the parking deck.


The parking facilities do not require a loading zoning as part of its operations. Loading for the tucked-in commercial space is provided within the building’s footprint on the east side of future Jefferson Avenue and within the parking deck underpass.





The building elevations exhibit a design that references, without copying, the styles of the neighboring buildings. Moreover, the primarily brick structure is designed to present a strong architectural presence with the intent to downplay the functional aspects of the parking use and enhance the building’s purpose as a gateway into the Downtown Main Street area. The fact that the parking deck will extend over a public street will only add to its uniqueness. Overall, the skin of the building is a precast system with face brick embedded into the panels, and architectural metalwork is employed to add screening and help establish a unifying architectural style.


Floorplan & Ramps

The ground floor of the structure is comprised of enclosed parking spaces, a commercial space measuring approximately 12,000 square-feet, and stair tower lobbies, as well as electrical, storage and security rooms. The commercial space is contemplated to function as a restaurant, but until such time as a tenant is identified the space will be built as an unfinished shell with a gravel floor. Levels 2 -5 will only provide parking spaces and the requisite stair tower lobbies.


The vehicle circulation layout is defined as a single-thread ramp design that allows a continuous connection from the ground floor to the top level. The slopes of the ramps meet accessibility requirements.


Building Height

In the VCD, the maximum building height for buildings located at the intersection of public streets is 4-stories with a maximum height of 55’. The parking deck is a 4-story building with a varied deck height of approximately 51’, and thus below the 55’ code maximum. Note that towers and elevator penthouses, which this project has, are explicitly excluded in the height definition.


The provided Elevation Exhibit confirms that the height of the parking structure aligns with that of the neighboring buildings. The Village also anticipates that the format of the parking deck along with its parapet walls will effectively screen the parking from neighboring properties at both the street level and on the upper stories (including the top level).



Each elevation exhibits a strong architectural presence with the understanding that all four sides of the structure will be visible to the public. The theme carried across each face is an “A-B-A” pattern of “brick frames - metal work - brick frames”. This rhythm is accentuated with the stair towers, two of which are adorned with a prominent roof feature. The third (at the northwest corner) is simplified and constructed to accommodate an elevated pedestrian foot bridge to allow for a connection over “B” Street to a future building north of the parking deck.


The North Elevation also highlights the relationship between a traditional parking deck entrance and the grand entrance over Jefferson Avenue. On the right side of this rendering (off of “B” Street) is situated the standard entrance/exit most typical of such a facility - the height is approximately 12’.  On the left side of the drawing is that part that spans over Jefferson Avenue. Here, the height exceeds 25’, thereby creating an open and dramatic gateway into both the deck and the overall Downtown Main Street area.


The North Elevation is also the location of the future commercial space. The look of this space is best showcased on the perspective rendering titled “View from North East”. The intent is to blend the styles and materials of this space with the parking deck.


The lower level of the parking deck - on all sides - is designed to balance the screening of the internal parking areas with the code requirements for openness (fresh air circulation). Due to the structural and programing nuances associated with the overall building, a modification is requested to allow for ground floor transparency to be reduced from 35% to as little as 15%. Modification Request:  Reduce the required percentage of ground floor transparency from 35% to as little as 15% (Section 6-212.E.3).


Mechanical Screening

The majority of mechanical equipment is located internal to the parking deck, except for that portion required by a future user of the commercial space. The mechanical systems for the commercial space will be locate on the roof immediately above the space, and will thus require screening from public view. 



This signage package will be submitted for separate review to the Building Division for final approval as part of the Building Permit process. It is anticipated that the signage will be primarily wayfinding in nature, and that any building signage would most likely be blade-signage in style. 



Access Control

The facility is programmed to offer free public parking, and thus the design will not include a gate system or payment booth (although the conduit feeds for such features will be installed to provide for any future changes). Moreover, the parking deck will not allow overnight parking, nor is it intended to accommodate Metra parking. The Village’s Police Department will be responsible for monitoring the usage of the facilities, and changes to the deck’s program will be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.



The parking structure will be designed with passive security as a primary design element. Glass in stair towers, uniform lighting, layouts to maximize line-of-sight for users (minimize visual obstructions), and good visibility are all components of a design for safety. Active security will include CCTV cameras and emergency phones located in the parking garage structure at each stair tower level and each garage elevator lobby.


Snow Removal

Snow removal and deicing will be required at the parking structure roof level. Snow plowing will utilize rubber tipped plow blades mounted to a standard pickup truck. A snow chute will be provided to discharge snow down onto Jefferson Street in the area of the loading zone, which can be placed immediately into a waiting truck or displaced as part of the road clearing process.




This case will go before the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee for review prior to being sent to the Board of Trustees for final review/approval.


This is now before Plan Commission for consideration.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to accept as findings of fact of this Plan Commission the findings of fact set forth in this staff report, dated February 9, 2016.




I move to recommend to the Village Board approval of a Special Use Permit with modifications to allow for a Planned Unit Development, a building over 50,000 square feet, and a Parking Structure - non-accessory. Modifications to the Special Use Permit include:


1. Reduce the required front yard setbacks along both 143rd Street and Ravinia Avenue from 15’ to as little at 0’;


2. Reduce the required front yard setbacks along both future Jefferson Avenue and future “B” Street from 5’ to as little as 0’;


3. Increase the allowable lot coverage from 75% to 100%; and


4. Reduce the required percentage of ground floor transparency from 35% to as little as 15%.




I move to recommend to the Village Board approval of the preliminary Overall Site Plan Sheet prepared by SpaceCo and dated February 2, 2016.




I move to recommend to the Village Board approval of the preliminary Elevations and Perspective Views contained in the drawing set prepared by Carl Walker and dated January 22, 2016, subject to the following condition:


1. All rooftop mechanical equipment must be screened, and all public utility and at-grade mechanical equipment located in and around the site as part of this development must be screened with landscaping.