File #: 2010-0045    Version: Name: Electronic Message Boards - Discussion
File created: 1/20/2010 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 8/18/2014 Final action: 8/18/2014
Title: /Name/Summary Electronic Message Boards - Discussion
Attachments: 1. Sign Presentation, 2. Viewing Distance and Time, 3. Photo Attachments, 4. April 21, 2014 Committee Staff Report, 5. April 21, 2014 Committee Minutes, 6. Electronic Sign Discussion Staff Report- Old, 7. Electronic Sign Discussion Meeting Minutes
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting Details/Media Packet
8/18/201413 Board of Trustees    Not available Meeting Details/Media Packet
8/13/201413 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO BOARD  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
8/4/201412 Board of Trustees    Not available Meeting Details/Media Packet
7/30/201412 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO BOARD  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
6/16/201410 Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee    Not available Meeting Details/Media Packet
6/11/201410 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO COMMITTEE  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
6/2/20149 Board of Trustees    Not available Meeting Details/Media Packet
5/28/20149 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO BOARD  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
5/28/20148 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO BOARD  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
5/19/20148 Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee    Not available Meeting Details/Media Packet
5/14/20148 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO COMMITTEE  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
4/21/20146 Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee    Not available Meeting Details/Media Packet
4/16/20146 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO COMMITTEE  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
10/21/20136 Development Services & Planning Committee    Not available Meeting Details/Media Packet
10/15/20136 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO COMMITTEE  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
10/7/20135 Board of Trustees    Not available Meeting Details/Media Packet
10/2/20135 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO BOARD  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
9/16/20134 Development Services & Planning Committee    Not available Meeting Details/Media Packet
9/11/20134 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO COMMITTEE  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
8/13/20133 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO COMMITTEE  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
4/5/20103 Board of Trustees NO ACTION  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
3/30/20103 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO BOARD  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
3/22/20102 Development Services & Planning Committee RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVALPass Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
3/16/20102 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO COMMITTEE  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
2/22/20101 Development Services & Planning Committee NO ACTION  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet
2/21/20101 Development Services Department INTRODUCED TO COMMITTEE  Action details Meeting Details/Media Packet


Electronic Message Boards - Discussion



On June 16, 2014, the Development Services and Planning Committee discussed the potential changes to the code for electronic message boards that were last discussed by the Board of Trustees on June 2, 2014.  At this time, the Village Board requested that staff develop conceptual image and sign renderings that would depict what possible sign requirements would result in and which would be consistent with the proposed enhancements along the LaGrange Corridor.  Attached for the Board review are the following renderings/images:


1. Brick and masonry columns (that match the LaGrange Road enhancements) applied to three different size signs: 40 square feet, 100 square feet, and 125 square feet.  Maximum sizes, heights and % of electronic message boards are also included.


2. Three potential grade variations of the monument signs as related to the elevation of LaGrange Road: at grade, 3' above grade, and 3' below grade. It should be noted that a large section of LaGrange road will have final grades that are either above or below the grade of private properties. The newly constructed retaining walls, along with fencing/guard rails, will have a visible impact on private signage and height restrictions.


3. Impact of landscape requirements at base of sign that are equal to the square footage of the sign face. Currently the signage code does not require landscaping along the base of signage except for signs that are 125 sq. ft. (Orland Square and Park Place).  The additional landscape signage requirements would be new regulations.


4. Imagery page that shows existing monumentation, colors and landscaping in the LaGrange Corridor.


This discussion is now back before the Board of Trustees for discussion only. The remaining text and attachments are for historical reference and summary and include items that have been discussed and reviewed previously by the Board of Trustees. 


At the May 19, 2014 Development Services and Planning Committee, Trustees discussed the possibility of expanding the pilot area for electronic message boards along 143rd Street, from Southwest Highway to John Humphrey Drive.  The discussion resulted in a consensus to not expand the pilot area, but to keep it along La Grange Road for two reasons.  First, the overall electronic message board discussion is predicated on the La Grange Road widening project removing existing monument and other non-conforming signs and businesses are preparing/ investing in new signage for the corridor.  Second, the Board of Trustees has not decided on a policy direction concerning the allowance of any electronic message boards in the Village.  Talk of expanding the pilot area was deemed premature.  The Committee decided to move forward with incremental steps on the matter.  The Committee did not vote on the proposed recommendations indicated in the staff report.  Instead, they agreed to forward the matter to the Board of Trustees for general discussion and to determine a policy direction concerning electronic message boards.  It was understood that any changes to the sign code would require a public hearing process for amendments to the Land Development Code.


At the May 19 Committee meeting, Trustees requested additional changes to the proposed regulations that are included in the list below.  For the purpose of final review and consideration, staff has specifically highlighted the recommended regulations, including those highlighted in red - which were added by the Committee trustees and/or staff.


Proposed regulations:


1.                     Electronic message boards are only allowed on the area of commercial signs currently permitted for manual message boards, which is 25% of the sign face.  The sign face area permitted for each property is based on lineal square feet, up to the following maximums:


Buildings under 350,000 square feet - 40 square feet sign face permitted.  10 square feet permitted for electronic message board.


Buildings between 350,000 - 500,000 square feet (Lakeview Plaza) - 100 square feet sign face permitted.  Per existing code, 25 square feet is permitt4ed for electronic message board (unless a multi-tenant sign is used - then no electronic message board is permitted).


Buildings over 500,000 square feet (Orland Park Place Mall and Orland Square Mall) - 150 square feet sign face permitted.  Per Trustee recommendation, maximum 25 square feet permitted for electronic message board (unless a multi-tenant sign is used - then no electronic message board is permitted).  Originally the recommendation was a maximum of 37.5 square feet.  The code would be revised to limit the total area of an electronic message board to 25 feet.


2.                     No electronic message boards will be permitted for multi-tenant signs or office signs.  Essentially, electronic message boards would only be allowed for retail/commercial buildings. 

It is important to note that Orland Park’s zoning districts often permit commercial retail and office in the same building, so there may be some occasions where an office occupies a previous commercial space that already has an electronic sign.


3.  Electronic message boards will not be permitted on existing nonconforming signs.  A new sign must be constructed to current Codes in order to install an electronic message board.


4.  If a property installs an electronic message board, no window electronic message board will be permitted.  The Code does not currently regulate interior electronic signage that is located behind a window.


5.   The message board cannot be above the primary sign.


6.   Sign copy may only be changed once every 24 hours.  The message change must be instantaneous - no fading, flashing or running script.


7.   A default mechanism is required to freeze the sign in one location if a malfunction occurs.


8.   Sign copy must be static and may not be scrolling, flashing or in any way animated.


9.   Only text and numbers are permitted.  Illustrations, graphics and images are prohibited.


10.  The maximum number of lines for copy is three. It should be noted that existing code requires a minimum font size of 4 inches for lettering of manual message boards.  This requirement would carry over to electronic message boards as well. 


11.  Background is required to be black and copy may be white only.  Originally yellow was also included in the copy color but staff recommends that only white be allowed to provide a more consistent and clean look throughout the corridor.


12.  Luminance - Night NIT requirements - 50-150; Daylight NIT - 1,000 (in sunny conditions).  All signs will be required to have a censor that automatically lowers light output in accordance with atmospheric conditions, including sunny versus cloudy daylight conditions.


13.  Only one electronic message board will be permitted per property.  Under current Code, some properties are allowed more than one message board based on lineal feet of property.


14.  All signs must meet minimum aesthetic requirements, including landscaping.  The general sign nomenclature must match the proposed aesthetic improvements for the LaGrange Road enhancement project, including brick pillars and additional landscaping. This will be further refined as the code language is drafted for the public hearing process.


15.  Two violations within a twelve month period will result in a third party suspension from using the electronic message board.  If a third violation in a twelve month period is issued, the sign owner must remove the electronic message board and restore the sign or replace the electronic message board  with a manual message board.  The electronic message board must be removed and restored within 30 days of the third violation or owner will be fined $500/day.  A citation for the first violation will be issued, not less than $500, followed by a fine of $1,000 for each subsequent offence within the twelve month period.


16.  All electronic message boards must obtain both a sign permit and appearance review.  Appearance reviews will be administered and approved by the Development Services Director or her designee.  If there is a conflict/disagreement between staff and the permit applicant regarding appearance, materials, landscape requirements, etc. the application must be approved by the Village Board.  The applicant must pay all required sign permits plus a $500 appearance review application fee.


17.  Signs are not allowed to be activated until a final field inspection has been conducted by the Village of Orland Park, to ensure compliance with approved permit and Village Code.


18.  Electronic message boards will only be permitted for commercial properties that abut directly LaGrange Road (U.S. Route 45). Overtime, the Village Board of Trustees may decide to expand this signage district.  However, for this initial Code change, the limits will stay contained to this area, which is the most intense commercial area with the least amount of impact to adjacent conflicting uses (i.e. - residential).


I move to direct staff to being the public hearing process to amend the Village's Land Development Code to allow electronic message boards as outlined in the attached Village staff reports.



I move to maintain the current signage requirements as regulated by the Village's Land Development Code and direct staff to consider this discussion matter closed.



Next Steps


This item was continued from the August 4, 2014 Board of Trustees meeting and is now before the Village Board of Trustees for additional review and direction. 



I move to direct staff to begin the public hearing process to amend the Village's Land Development Code to allow electronic message boards as outlined in the attached Village staff reports.




Financial Impact



Recommended Action/Motion

I move to maintain the current signage requirements as regulated by the Village's Land Development Code and direct staff to consider this discussion matter closed.