File #: 2016-0070    Version: Name: Kristo Lane/Basswood Road Drainage Improvement GMP - Proposal
File created: 1/27/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/15/2016 Final action: 2/15/2016
Title: Kristo Lane/Basswood Road Drainage Improvement GMP - Proposal
Attachments: 1. CM Contract Kristo Lane, 2. Proposal


Kristo Lane/Basswood Road Drainage Improvement GMP - Proposal



In line with the Village-wide initiative to identify, evaluate and provide recommendations to mitigate flooding issues in neighborhoods throughout the Village, residents along Kristo Lane and Basswood Road have reported extensive flooding in their area.  In 2015 Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) initiated a review of the conditions and circumstances related to the reported flooding.  This evaluation identified inadequate conveyance through pipes and overland flow routes to prevent storm water from entering residential structures.  To verify the understanding of the issues and discuss potential remedies, a neighborhood meeting was held on January 13, 2016.


CBBEL has proposed the installation of additional storm sewer pipe and high capacity inlets, along with an overland swale to convey storm water from the backyards of Basswood Road.  This new pipe would be installed under the pavement along Kristo Lane.  To address flooding of residents properties along Kristo lane, an existing 12” storm sewer would be replaced with a 30” pipe and high capacity inlets.  Due to existing topography, an overland flow route is not feasible to protect this area.  Downstream improvements to the receiving area are also proposed.  CBBEL and Village staff are currently working with impacted residents to obtain all permanent and temporary easements required for this work.  Once finalized, the easement agreements will be brought to the Committee for consideration. 


Typically, the Village hires a firm to design this type of project, which would then go out to bid for a contractor to construct.  However, the storm water projects previously completed as a result of the flood study were handled through what is known as a “design/build” contract.  In those projects, the Village retained Burke L.L.C., the design/build entity within the CBBEL group, to design the solution and manage the construction.  Those projects were all completed earlier than anticipated and under the expected budget.   


To expedite the project in the Kristo Lane/Basswood road area, the design/build delivery method is recommended.  If selected, the design/build delivery method would include a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), the same method used for completion of the previous flood study projects completed by Burke, LLC. 


Village staff requested that Burke, LLC provide a proposal to consider the design/build option.  The proposal is attached and reflects a cost of $713,900.00 for the delivery of the project and will include a shared savings with the Village if the project is completed under budget.  If the project comes in over budget, Burke, LLC would be obligated to cover the additional cost, with one exception: if the soils are determined to be contaminated, a change order would be negotiated.  The new storm sewer is going to be located under the Kristo Lane pavement.  To take advantage of the extensive pavement disruption, an alternate price in the amount of $50,000 was provided to allow for full width pavement restoration.  Funding for this additional work would be allocated from the Road Improvement Program. 


With the alternate pavement work the total GMP cost for this project from Burke, LLC is $763,900.00.  The construction timeframe would also be shortened to ensure completion by mid-2016 as opposed to early 2017.


On February 1, 2016, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.


Financial Impact Budget Impact

There are sufficient funds available in the Water Fund Capital Budget account 031-6007-470500 and General Fund Capital Budget Road Improvement account 054-0000 -471250 for this project.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve to accept the proposal from Burke, L.L.C. of Rosemont, Illinois for a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of $763,900.00 for the Kristo lane/Basswood Road Drainage Improvement GMP Project.