Fairway Estates Stage 2 Drainage and Water Main Improvements GMP - Proposal
Fairway Estates subdivision was developed in phases starting in the late 1950’s through the early 1970’s. The water mains were installed using cast iron pipes (current standard is ductile iron pipe with a polyvinyl wrap). Over the 50+ years of service, the water mains have corroded on the exterior of the pipe and have caused numerous breaks. Public Works is systematically replacing and/or lining these older cast iron pipes throughout the village. In addition, the Fairway Estates subdivision area homes are prime candidates for remodeling, building additions and upgrades which will require larger water service sizes. This area is best suited for water main replacement instead of lining, allowing the opportunity to increase pipe diameter to improve flow characteristics and upgrade water services.
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) was approved to initiate phase I & II engineering for the Fairway Estates (Maycliff South Stage 2) Storm Water Improvement Project in November, 2014. In August, 2017, the Board approved a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) with Burke, LLC of Rosemont, Illinois for the storm water piping and first phase of water main replacement. The project included larger storm water conveyance pipes from Schussler Park to Silver Lake Country Club, storm sewer pipe additions, and included the first stage of water main replacement in the Fairway Subdivision. The improvement area was between 88th Avenue to the east and Poplar Road to the west with Golfview Drive to the north and Biloba Drive to the south. This GMP project is now 99% completed.
In March, 2017, the Village hosted a neighborhood meeting primarily to verify the residents' understanding of the regional issues and discuss potential remedies within the proposed GMP storm water improvement project. During discussions, several area residents expressed concerns regarding back yard drainage issues outside of the initial project scope that scope being primarily the street right of way. Many of these concerns will be addressed in the design of the Fairway Stage 2 Water Main Improvement project.
To expedite the project in the Fairway Stage 2 Water Main improvement area and take advantage of current pricing, the GMP (design/build) delivery method is once again recommended. The traditional design/bid/build option would require significant water main engineering delaying construction and adding to the cost. In this instance, the current subcontractor for the water main replacement project has committed to holding their price if work is allowed to begin as early as February 1, 2018 providing an expected savings.
At this time, roadway improvements are not a part of the proposed GMP. Roadway improvements will be programmed for 2019 as a part of the Neighborhood Road Improvement Program.
Village staff requested that Burke, LLC of Rosemont, Illinois provide a proposal to consider the GMP option. The proposal is attached and reflects a cost of $2,516,385.00 for the delivery of the project and will include a shared savings with the Village if the project is completed under budget. If the project comes in over budget, Burke, LLC would be obligated to cover the additional cost, with one exception: if the soils are determined to be contaminated, a change order would be negotiated. Included as part of this proposal are alternates for adding road drainage and backyard drainage improvements at a cost of $281,675.00.
This agenda item is being considered by the Public Works Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.
Financial Impact
Subject to Village Board approval of the FY 2018 budget, funding for this work will be available in the Water Fund Capital Budget accounts 031-6002-470500 and 031-6007-470500 for this project.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve waiving the Bid process;
Approve accepting the proposal from Burke, LLC of Rosemont, Illinois for the Fairway Estates Stage 2 Drainage and Water Main Improvement Project with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of $2,516,385.00.