File #: 2017-0912    Version: 0 Name: Orland Park Nature Center - Bid Award
File created: 12/13/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 12/18/2017 Final action: 12/18/2017
Title: Orland Park Nature Center - Bid Award
Attachments: 1. Bid Tabulation 17-037, 2. Contract - Signed


Orland Park Nature Center - Bid Award



An invitation to bid was issued on September 11, 2017 for Orland Park Nature Center site improvements. The existing building rehabilitation will be postponed to a future date. A general summary of currently proposed site improvements include:

- Site clearing and grading

- Storm water improvements

- Concrete and crushed granite trails with stairs, railings, overlooks, seating nooks, etc.

- Permeable paver parking lot, plaza, patios, etc.

- Amphitheater with seating walls

- New boardwalk with bird watching shelter and overlook with railing

- Site furnishings including overhead trellises, tables, benches, etc.

- Complete native re-landscaping of the site including soil amendments

- 3 year monitoring and maintenance program after installation


This bid is for the construction aspect of the project only. The bid was opened on October 23, 2017 with nine (9) companies submitting bids. Two were disqualified for incomplete applications. The low bidder was Hacienda Landscaping, Inc. of Plainfield with a base bid of $1,217,834.50. 

Alternate # 1: Overlook Railing at $18,414

Alternate # 2: 2 Interpretive Signs at $13,400

Alternate # 3: Native Area and maintenance at $12,000 

TOTAL bid price of $1,271,767.00 (plus contingency)


As the low bidder, Hacienda has met all Village bid requirements. The Village consultant Upland Design Ltd. recommends awarding the bid to Hacienda. Village staff concurs and recommends awarding the Orland Park Nature Center bid, including alternate #1 and #2, and #3, to the low bidder, Hacienda Landscaping Inc. of Plainfield Illinois, for a total bid price of $1,271,767.00, plus a 10% contingency, for a grand total of $1,398,943.00.


On December 12, 2017, the Open Lands Commission/Corporation voted 6-0 to approve the award of the Nature Center bid to the low bidder, Hacienda Landscaping, Inc., including the three alternatives, in the amount of $1,271,767.20 plus a 10% contingency for a grand total of $1,398,943.00.


The Village is the recipient of a ‘Green Infrastructure Grant’ from the MWRD to assist in the construction of the pervious paver parking lot. The exact amount is yet to be determined by MWRD, although the Village has requested $125,000. Once confirmed, this grant may help to offset the project cost.


The IIIFFC (Indiana, Illinois, Iowa Foundation for fair Contracting) has filed a bid protest questioning the Hacienda bid. However Hacienda has met Village bid requirements and the Village has no legal basis to deny the award of the Nature Center project to this low bidder. If the project is awarded to Hacienda, this watchdog group is likely to visit and monitor the site during construction.


This agenda item is being considered by the Development Services Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night, due to the anticipated cancellation of the January 2nd Board meeting. Additionally, the contractor has indicated that they may take control of the site in first quarter of 2018.


Financial Impact

Funds for the Orland Park Nature Center site improvements are available and budgeted in the Open Lands Corporation Nature Center Phase 1 Capital Improvements # 029-0000-470700 account.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the award of the Orland Park Nature Center bid including alternate #1 and #2, and #3, to the low bidder, Hacienda Landscaping Inc., of Plainfield Illinois, for a grand total bid price of $1,398,943.00 including 10% contingency.