File #: 2016-0051    Version: Name: Doctor Marsh Site Planning and Engineering Restoration and Trails Plan
File created: 1/13/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/1/2016 Final action: 2/1/2016
Title: /Name/Summary Doctor Marsh Site Planning and Engineering Restoration and Trails Plan
Attachments: 1. Orland Park Doctor Property, 2. Christopher B Burke - Signed Contract - Exh B 2016 NPDES phII compliance - Phase II


Doctor Marsh Site Planning and Engineering Restoration and Trails Plan






Doctor Marsh Site Planning and Engineering Restoration and Trails Plan



Development Services Department



To plan and engineer appropriate the restoration of local wetlands in the Doctor Marsh and establish required public access systems such as paths and trails to an environmentally protected area.


Project Attributes

Address:  11601 W. 151st Street


P.I.N.(s):  20-09-001-712;


Existing Zoning:  OL Open Lands District


Comprehensive Plan designation: Open Space Parks and Recreation



In June 2005, the Village approved a 46 unit single family residential subdivision known as the Laurels of Spring Creek, west of Wolf Road at 153rd Street.  The subdivision is immediately adjacent to the Doctor Marsh property, which is 80 acres of environmentally sensitive lands identified as such in the 1994 Spring Creek Annexation Agreement (between Gallagher & Henry and the Village of Orland Park).  The 40-acre subdivision is intended to minimize the impacts to the 80 acres of the naturalized areas to the west in Doctor Marsh, thus preserving them.  Since 2005, the Laurels of Spring Creek subdivision has not been constructed.


The Village acquired the 80 acres of environmentally sensitive land at Doctor Marsh in 2010.  The same year, Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. (CBBEL) developed and provided an environmental restoration and trail plan for the 80 acres of the Doctor Marsh property. 


In 2014, the Village, in coordination with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), transferred Open Lands Trust Grant (OLT) obligations from 30 acres at the Stellwagen Farm to the 80 acres at Doctor Marsh to continue farming at the Stellwagen Farm and ensure the preservation of the environmentally sensitive Doctor Marsh property.  These obligations included the application of a perpetual open lands easement on the property and the establishment of public access to the property.



The 2010 restoration and trails plan by CBBEL meets the intent of the IDNR OLT obligations by providing public access to the Doctor Marsh property and the restoration of the open lands area through enhancement of the wetland areas.


With CBBEL’s previous involvement reviewing and approving the engineering for the Laurels of Spring Creek subdivision, developing the 2010 restoration and trail plan for Doctor Marsh, the recent 2015 reactivation by Gallagher & Henry of the Laurels of Spring Creek subdivision plans for compliance with the Land Development Code, and the Village’s recent approval in 2015 for CBBEL to work on the Spring Creek Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), which may or may not affect the subdivision, staff requested a proposal from CBBEL to provide detailed engineering and permitting of the restoration and trails project within the Doctor Marsh property. 



On January 18, 2016, the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee, moved 3-0 to recommend to the Village Board to authorize the Village Manager to enter into a contract with CBBEL for detailed engineering and permitting of the restoration/trail plan for the Doctor Marsh property at a cost not to exceed $95,000 out of account number 0102004432500.


Financial Impact

CBBEL’s not to exceed cost to provide permitting and construction drawings for the restoration and trails of the Doctor Marsh property is $95,500.


The CBBEL engineering and permitting project is funded via account number 0102004432500.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to authorize the Village Manager to enter into a contract with Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd (CBBEL) for the detailed engineering and permitting of the restoration/trail plan for the Doctor Marsh property at a cost not to exceed $95,500.