Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Dave Gust
The purpose of this petition is to construct a new single family home on the undeveloped portion of a 4.4 acre currently unincorporated parcel.
Project Attributes
Address: 11250 West 151st Street
P.I.N.: 27-07-401-018-0000
Size: 4.44 acres
Comprehensive Plan designation: R-3 Residential District
Current Zoning: Unincorporated Cook County
All approvals are subject to annexation into the Village.
The petitioner proposes to construct a new home on a 4.4 acre lot that already includes two existing principal structures. The Cook County permits issued for the existing buildings define the existing structures as: “an approximately 9800 square foot single family recreational facility”, and the other as “an approximately 4900 square foot guest house with garages”. Both buildings include living quarters. The subject property is currently located in unincorporated Cook County, and all approvals are subject to annexation into the Village. The default zoning for an annexed property is E-1 Estate Residential, and a special use permit has been requested for a planned development with multiple buildings.
There are many challenges to the development of the site, including existing non-conforming principal and accessory structures, the existing private driveway shared by three lots, and considerable topography and tree cover. The existing structures, which will remain as legally non-conforming structures, are clustered on the east side of the property. The new home will be built on the west side of the site and includes storm water detention provisions. Under the proposal, the lot will be brought into Code compliance for lot coverage.
There are four total lots in this unincorporated ‘pocket’ totaling approximately 7.5 acres, including the petitioned lot. One of the lots is accessed directly from 151st Street, while three of the lots are accessed from the shared private driveway. The Code allows private driveway access for up to three lots. In addition to the Gust lot, the shared driveway provides access to another existing house on an abutting lot, and to an undeveloped lot south of the Gust parcel that has an uncertain development future due to shape, size and topography constraints, but could potentially accommodate a new home. According to the petitioner, letters were sent to these neighbors in May 2015 gauging interest in annexation into the Village, however this petition only addresses the one lot.
Overall, the proposal conforms to the Land Development Code, general intent of the Comprehensive Plan, character of the surrounding area, and Village policies for the area. The petitioner has been working with staff for some time to arrive at a solution that allows construction of a new home with connection to Village water and sewer. This petition offers a low density proposal that preserves many of the natural features on the site, yet allows a third home, built to Village standards, to be constructed on the 4.4 acre lot. It was challenging to find a way to bring this unique development into the Village, and an E-1 Estate residential planned development offers the best tool since it allows multiple principal residential buildings on one lot. Although the Comprehensive Plan supports R-3 zoning for this parcel, further subdivision of the lot was not a viable option since the Code only allows three lots to be accessed by a private drive, and because conforming individual lots for the principal structures could not be created that meet E-1 bulk minimums.
On September 27, 2016, Plan Commission voted 6-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval of the site plan, and special use permit for an E-I Estate Residential Planned Development with modifications, for Forest Grove located at 11250 151st Street, all subject to annexation into the Village of Orland Park.
On October 17, 2016, the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee voted 3-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval (upon annexation) of a special use permit for an E1 Estate Residential Planned Development for a site with three single family principal structures on one lot, subject to the same conditions as outlined in the preliminary site plan motion. Modifications to the special use permit include:
1. Allow a second existing detached garage to remain on the site in the front setback of the new home.
2. Allow the new home to have a minimum west side setback of 100’.
3. Allow the existing easternmost building to reduce the east setback to 25’.
Voted 3-0 to recommend to the Village Board approval (upon annexation) of the preliminary site plan titled “Preliminary Site Plan for Forest Grove”, by SpaceCo Inc., job 8626, dated 01/19/16, revised 08/08/16, and “Preliminary Engineering Plan for Forest Grove”, by SpaceCo Inc., dated 12/28/15, revised 08/08/16, subject to the following conditions. All changes must be made and conditions met prior to the Board meeting.
1) Adjust dashed western setback line to reflect 100’ west setback modification approved by this petition.
2) All buildings on the site are strictly limited to single family residential uses.
3) The new single family home is subject to the review and approval for compliance with all Land Development Code, Village Code, and Building Code requirements.
4) Retaining walls cannot exceed 3’ in height unless they are designed and tiered per Code requirements.
5) Lot coverage cannot exceed 30% (with BMPs) and must be labelled as such on site plan.
6) Remove proposed lot line from existing conditions map.
7) Submit a Final Landscape Plan, meeting all Village Codes, for separate review and approval, within 60 days of final engineering approval including the following items:
a. Provide tree mitigation, per Code requirements, preferably on site if a healthy spacing can be achieved, otherwise a contribution must be paid per Code into the Tree Mitigation Bank. Tree mitigation requirements will be finalized at the time of Final Landscape Plan.
b. Plant native wetland plantings in the detention area.
c. Provide infill plant material to meet Code requirements for a 10’ landscape buffer around the periphery of the site. However, where a natural healthy landscape buffer already exists, maintain the natural character and preserve the existing plant material, amended carefully with infill plant material as appropriate.
d. Enhance screening of existing detached garages from neighbor's view.
e. Plant a maximized 25’ landscape buffer along the east side of the eastern building.
8) Add a site data box to the site plan that includes the following information:
a. Lot coverage percentages existing and proposed.
b. Existing lot acreage.
c. Proposed building square footage and height.
9) Meet all final engineering and building division requirements and approvals.
10) Address driveway fire safety issue.
Since the Committee meeting the following conditions of approval have been addressed:
1) The new driveway to the new house was expanded to a 12’ width per Orland Fire request. Pavement was removed elsewhere on the site to maintain required lot coverage maximum.
2) No retaining walls are shown on the plan.
3) The following exhibit and labelling changes were made:
a.The proposed lot line was removed from the existing conditions map.
b.The dashed western setback line was amended to reflect the 100’ west setback modification approved by this petition.
c. A 'Site Data Box' was added to the site plan that notes proposed lot coverage, lot acreage, and proposed building square footage and height.
This case is now before the Village Board of Trustees for final consideration.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the site plan and special use permit for an E-1 Estate Residential planned development with modifications for Forest Grove, located at 11250 151st Street, all subject to annexation into the Village of Orland Park, as recommended at the October 17th Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee meeting, and as fully referenced below.
I move to approve (upon annexation) a special use permit for Forest Grove, an E1 Estate Residential Planned Development with three single family principal structures on one lot, subject to the same conditions as outlined in the preliminary site plan motion. Modifications to the special use permit include:
1. Allow a second existing detached garage to remain on the site in the front setback of the new home.
2. Allow the new home to have a minimum west side setback of 100’.
3. Allow the existing easternmost building to reduce the east setback to 25’.
I move to approve (upon annexation) the site plan titled “Preliminary Site Plan for Forest Grove”, by SpaceCo Inc, job 8626, dated 01/19/16, revised 10/24/16, received 10/27/16, subject to the following conditions:
1) All buildings on the site are strictly limited to single family residential uses.
2) The new single family home is subject to additional review and approval for compliance with all Land Development Code, Village Code, and Building Code requirements.
3) Meet all final engineering and building division requirements and approvals.
4) Submit a Final Landscape Plan, meeting all Village Codes, for separate review and approval, within 60 days of final engineering approval including the following items:
a. Provide tree mitigation, per Code requirements, preferably on site if a healthy spacing can be achieved, otherwise a contribution must be paid per Code into the Tree Mitigation Bank. Tree mitigation requirements will be finalized at the time of Final Landscape Plan.
b. Plant native wetland plantings in the detention area.
c. Provide infill plant material to meet Code requirements for a 10’ landscape buffer around the periphery of the site. However, where a natural healthy landscape buffer already exists, maintain the natural character and preserve the existing plant material, amended carefully with infill plant material as appropriate.
d. Enhance screening of existing detached garages from neighbor's view.
e. Plant a maximized 25’ landscape buffer along the east side of the eastern building.