File #: 2016-0876    Version: 0 Name: Orland Park Nature Center - Additional Engineering Services and Phase II Environmental Study
File created: 12/14/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 12/19/2016 Final action: 12/19/2016
Title: Orland Park Nature Center - Additional Engineering Services and Phase II Environmental Study
Attachments: 1. E Cooney Assoc - Signed Contract - Exh B Prop Assess. Ph 2 13901 S. LaGrange Rd., 2. Upland Design - Signed Contract - OP Nature Center - Extra Work Authorization #1 and #2, 3. E. Cooney - Signed Contract - Prop Assessment -156th St Assessment


Orland Park Nature Center - Additional Engineering Services and Phase II Environmental Study



In April 2012, the Village purchased the former Pebble Creek Nursery property with funds from the Village's Open Lands Program, with the vision to restore and preserve the land, and to convert the existing building and property to a nature center. The property was since been cleaned up and a conceptual Master Plan approved by the Village Board in 2015.


Engineering addendum

Upland Design was contracted by the Village in February 2016 for a total of $62,761 to produce engineering and construction plans, bid documents and construction oversight for the Nature Center site improvements. As preliminary engineering for the project progressed, it became evident that currently available flood plain elevation information did not adequately meet the Village’s engineering requirements for the project. CBBEL, the Village’s engineering consultant, recommended that the needed floodplain elevation be obtained from existing studies recently done nearby or from new floodplain modeling and analysis. Although every attempt was made to utilize existing studies, the information was neither current enough nor specific enough to the Nature Center site to satisfy Village engineering requirements. Flood plain modeling was not included in Upland’s 2016 contract. The flood plain elevation is needed to move the Nature Center project forward, and will also be useful in future restoration projects in the onsite wetland area that also extends beyond the Nature Center site. Upland Design has submitted a quote of $5,100 for the following tasks, which will be included in an addendum to their current contract:


1) Obtain MWRD model and analyze: coordination with CBBEL, IDOT, and MWRD to obtain the Mill Creek model, run the hydrologic model, run the hydraulic model, and analyze results.

2) Field Survey: supplemental topographic and utility data needed to update the Mill Creek model.

3) Update MWRD Mill Creek Model: Incorporate the survey data into the HEC-RAS software and extend the limits of storm water model up to the project site in order to determine floodplain elevation.

4) Update Preliminary Engineering Design: Revise detention design based on the floodplain elevation, revise grading plan to address any compensatory storage issues, and prepare updated storm water reports for Village approval. 


Phase II Environmental Services

 As a part of the Village’s due diligence on the project area, Ed Cooney Associates was engaged in November 2016 to do a Phase I Environmental assessment, which has now been completed. The Phase I study identified some issues that warranted further evaluation, and therefore staff is requesting approval for the Phase II proposal, which was divided into four sections (A-D) for developing the potential scopes of work the Village could opt to include in the study. The total cost for the evaluation of all four areas would be $26,900. The Open Lands Commission opted to authorize the study of Area 'B' only.


On December 8, 2016, the Open Lands Commission authorized the expenditure of Open Land funds to cover both the additional engineering services by Upland Design in the amount of $5,100, and Phase II Environmental Study for ‘Area B’ by Ed Cooney in the amount of $13,800.


This case is now before Board of Trustees for final consideration. Because the work is time sensitive, the proposal will be considered by both Development Services Committee and the Board of Trustees on the same night.


Financial Impact

Funds are budgeted in the Open Lands account.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to authorize the expenditure authorize the expenditure of $5,100 to Upland Design/ERA for additional services required to determine the floodplain elevation for the Nature Center site.




I move to authorize the expenditure of $13,800 to Edward Cooney to complete a Phase II Environmental Assessment for ‘Area B’ as identified in the Phase I Environmental Study.