Ratification of Meet and Confer Agreement between the Village of Orland Park and the Deputy Chief and Commanders
A tentative agreement was recently reached with the Deputy Chief and Commanders and ratified by their members and will cover the period May 1, 2015 through April 30, 2019. Attached is a copy of the tentative agreement.
Some important components of the tentative agreement that modifies the previous Meet and Confer Agreement include:
Term of the Agreement
4-year agreement May 1, 2105 - April 30, 2019
Year 1 (5/1/15 - 4/30/16): 2.4% (retroactive)
Year 2 (5/1/16 - 4/30/17): 2.4%
Year 3 (5/1/17 - 4/30/18): 2.4%
Year 4 (5/1/18 - 4/30/19): 2.4%
Village agrees to a one time range adjustment of $3,000 to the position of Commander and $4,000 to the position of Deputy Chief effective 5/1/2016.
Service Longevity
Years Completed Longevity Amount
5 $2,450
10 $2,850
15 $3,250
20 $3,650
25 $3,850
Educational Incentive
Bachelor’s Degree $2,800
Master’s Degree $3,300
Uniform Allowance
Wellness Incentive
The Village will pay for the cost of the health screening for full-time employees, and their spouses who are currently enrolled on the Village medical plan. For those employees who choose not to participate in the employee health screening, the employee’s monthly health insurance premium share will be increased by $80 per month, such premium increase shall not reflect the voluntary decision of a member’s eligible spouse who has elected not to participate in the health screening.
For those employees enrolled in the HDHP/HSA Plan, the Village will contribute an amount equal to 40% of the deductible associated with the employee’s plan election in the employee’s HSA. The Village will make annual deposits no later than the second pay period in January of the respective plan year.
Annual Deductible:
For plan years 2017 the annual deductibles for the HDHP/HSA plans will be:
EE: $3,250 per annum
EE + Spouse $6,500 per annum
EE + Child(ren) $6,500 per annum
Family $6,500 per annum
For plan years 2018 and 2019, the annual deductibles for the HDHP/HSA plans will be:
EE: $3,500 per annum
EE + Spouse: $7,000 per annum
EE + Child(ren): $7,000 per annum
Family $7,000 per annum
Short-Term Disability Ordinance
DCC Agrees to implement Ordinance No. 4690 for employees hired on or after October 1, 2105 reducing the short-term disability benefits from 52 wees to 26 weeks.
Attached is the Medical Insurance Employee Premium Chart for your review.
Financial Impact
Costs for this Meet and Confer Agreement are factored into the Village’s annual operating budget.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve ratification of the tentative agreement for the Meet and Confer Agreement between the Village of Orland Park and the Deputy Chief and Commanders:
To authorize execution of said agreement by the Village Manager.