Accepting the Consolidation and Assuming the Function of the Orland Park Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium, and Office Building Authority and Creating and Appointing Members to the Orland Park Civic Center Advisory Committee.
(See item 2020-0012 for Resoulution 1929)
(See item 2020-0013 for Ordinance 5472)
(See item 2020-0014for Resolution 1930)
In 1997, the Illinois General Assembly passed P.A. 90-328, the “Orland Park Civic Center Law of 1997” which established the Orland Park Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium, and Office Building Authority (the “Civic Center”). The Civic Center is a separate level of local government whose members are appointed by the Village President of Orland Park, with the advice and consent of the Orland Park Village Board of Trustees.
The Village sought the creation of the Civic Center Authority as part of the overall construction of the Village Center development which included the Village Hall as well as the Civic Center building. By creating the Civic Center Authority, the Civic Center was able to able to get a grant to repay bonds issued for the construction of the Civic Center building. The final bond payment occurred on December 15, 2019.
As originally envisioned between the Village and the Civic Center Authority (per an Intergovernmental Agreement), once the bonds matured, the Civic Center building would become the property of the Village of Orland Park. Now that the bonds have matured, the Civic Center Authority is ready to transfer ownership of the building to the Village.
In 2014, the Illinois General Assembly approved Public Act 98-1002 which streamlines the process for reducing the number of local and municipal governments in Illinois. The law grants various government entities the authority to annex, consolidate or dissolve following a majority vote of that entity's board. Since the main role of the Civic Center Authority Board was to act as landlord to the Civic Center Building, and since the building is being transferred to the Village, the Civic Center Authority Board adopted an Ordinance at its most recent meeting to dissolve the Civic Center Authority.
To complete the dissolution, the Village of Orland Park Board of Trustees would adopt the attached Resolution accepting the consolidation. Upon adoption of the attached Resolution, the Civic Center Authority will cease to exist effective December 31, 2019.
Civic Center Advisory Committee
In order to assist with the transition, all of the current Board members of the Civic Center Authority have agreed to continue to volunteer their time to assist the Civic Center. Instead of a Civic Center Authority Board, the current members would make up a newly formed Civic Center Advisory Committee similar to the Village’s Recreation Advisory Committee. The attached Ordinance would establish the advisory committee and the attached Resolution would appoint the existing Civic Center Authority Board members to the advisory Committee.
Financial Impact
None. The Village already maintains and staffs the Civic Center.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve adopting Resolution 1929 to Accept the Consolidation and Assume the Functions of the Orland Park Metropolitan Exposition, Auditorium, and Office Building Authority;
Move to approve adopting Ordinance 5472 amending the Village Code to create the Civic Center Advisory Committee;
Move to approve adopting Resolution 1930 appointing the current Civic Center Authority Board Members to the Orland Park Civic Center Advisory Committee.