File created: 6/29/2018 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 1/4/2021 Final action: 1/4/2022
Title: /Name/Summary Hawkeye Hotels - Hampton Inn
Attachments: 1. Building Elevations, 2. Plat of Consolidation, 3. Special Use Standards - Committee and Board, 4. Landscape Plan - Committee and Board, 5. Site Plan - Committee and Board, 6. Hampton Inn Orland Park, Exterior Proposal, 7. FINAL ELEVATION MATERIALS AND COLORS, 8. Ordinance


Hawkeye Hotels - Hampton Inn




Hawkeye Hotels - Hampton Inn



Jay Patel

Hawkeye Hotels



The petitioner seeks approval for the development of one (1) hotel in the COR Mixed Use District.


Requested Actions: Special Use Permit Amendment with Modifications, Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Elevations and Plat of Consolidation.


Project Attributes

Address: 16160 - 16186 Lagrange Road


P.I.N.: 27-21-202-014; 27-21-202-015; 27-21-202-016


Size: 169,518 SF (3.89 Acres)


Comprehensive Plan: Regional Mixed Use / Regional Core Planning District

Existing Zoning: COR Mixed Use District


Existing Land Use: Vacant

Proposed Land Use: Hotel


Surrounding land use and zoning:

North:  Main Street Village West Commercial Center, COR Mixed Use

South: Commercial Offices, COR Mixed Use

East: (Across Lagrange Road) Main Street Village Commercial Center, COR Mixed Use

West: Mistee Ridge and Hummingbird Hill Residential Subdivisions, COR Mixed Use


Preliminary Engineering:  Preliminary engineering has been approved for this project.  Please refer to the Detailed Planning Discussion section for more details.



In 2004, plans were approved for the Main Street Village West development, with the un-built southern half to be a commercial strip center similar to the north completed half, except it included a 30,000 square foot retailer with a rear loading dock. The built portion of Main Street Village West commercial center currently consists of a mix of uses including retail, day care and restaurants.


On May 10, 2016, a public hearing was held before Plan Commission for the hotel project which included the establishment of two (2) hotels. The hotels would have been situated in the middle of the site, facing each other with a shared entry space plaza. The Plan Commission meeting was standing room only, comprised mainly of residents living near the proposed hotels. Approximately fifteen (15) residents spoke in opposition to the proposal. Most comments focused on the impact and scale of the proposed development. A summary of those concerns are provided below:


- Hotel use impacts (Noise, crime, drinking and parties, transients, all night activity)

- Viability of proposed hotel's success due to hotel across street

- Inadequate public notification

- Scale of project (Increased 5 story height and size, compared to the 2004 one story commercial building approvals)

- Traffic impacts (Reliance on 97th Avenue to reach signal at 163rd Street since 161st Street is not signalized, truck deliveries to site, heavy traffic spikes from theater, parking)

- Property value impacts 

- Landscape buffer (Many dead and missing plants leave buffer inadequate to screen hotels)


On May 16, 2016, the project was presented to the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee, where the project was referred without recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The project, however, was never presented to the Board and the project did not move forward.



It should be noted that the public hearing notice for this project stated that (153) rooms were proposed. However, an “efficiency study” was conducted by the petitioner after the public hearing notices were mailed, which concluded that (158) rooms would be the optimal number of hotel rooms. As such, the petitioner requested an adjustment of the proposed number of hotel rooms from (153) to (158). Other than an adjustment to the required number of parking spaces, the increase in hotel rooms resulted in no other changes to the exterior of the building, site plan, landscape plan, nor did it create any additional modifications. After a review of the proposed adjustment to the number of hotel rooms by the Village’s legal counsel, it was concluded that the increase from (153) to (158) rooms did not constitute a substantial change in the plan or substantial increase in intensity of the proposed project, and would therefore not require republication or new notices for the Plan Commission hearing. The change to the number of proposed hotel rooms is referenced in this staff report and will be reported to all in attendance at the Plan Commission meeting.



The petitioner proposes to construct one (1), five (5) story hotel buildings with a total of 84,514 square feet on a 3.89 acre vacant site. The building footprint will occupy 17,641 square feet. The site is located on the west side of LaGrange Road (US 45) within the Main Street Village commercial development. The petitioner has proposed a hotel with 158 rooms and 199 parking spaces. Required approvals include site plan and elevations, plat of consolidation and a special use permit amendment with modifications for the construction of a building greater than 50,000 square feet.


The subject site is located in the COR Mixed Use District, which permits the establishment of  overnight accommodations provided that rooms are not rented for a period of more than thirty (30) days in buildings up to 50,000 square feet. However, as the proposed building is larger than 50,000 square feet, an amendment to the special use permit for Main Street Village West (Ordinance # 4156) is required. Six (6) modifications to the special use permit amendment are also requested, which are described in detail below. 


Nearby land uses along both sides of LaGrange Road are generally commercial in nature, including several restaurants, a Marcus Cinemas movie theater to the south, and a Lifetime Fitness gym and a Homewood Suites hotel to the east. There is also an assisted living community to the northeast of the site on the east side of LaGrange Road. Behind the site is a residential area consisting of single-family houses and townhomes along the west side of 97th Avenue.



The site plan proposes a single hotel situated towards the west side of the site. The hotel will be surrounded by a combination of landscaping, sidewalks, parking stalls and drive aisles on all sides. A horseshoe shaped guest drop-off area, which will be covered by a decorative aluminum canopy, is located on the east elevation above the main building entrance. The drop-off drive aisle will be constructed of decorative pavers. A loading zone is located just to the east of the drop off area and connected to the building's main entrance by a sidewalk. The building's main entrance faces east towards the adjacent commercial / retail uses and away from the residential units to the west.


An existing drive aisle circles the hotel and permits vehicular access to all side of the building and connects the site to LaGrange Road and 97th Street. The one-hundred and fifty (150) parking spaces that already exists around the site and in the curved parking lot to the northeast of the hotel will not change. Forty-nine (49) new parking will be installed within the existing drive aisle to the east, west and south of the proposed building. A masonry dumpster and storage area will be located in the southwest corner of the site. The dumpster area will be fully screened by a decorative masonry structure with wood gates.


An interior sidewalk system will connect visitors to the hotel to restaurant and retail spaces to the east and north. A sidewalk connection will be made to the west to an existing sidewalk along 97th Street. Landscaping, including outdoor site amenities, will be located throughout the site. Dense landscape bufferyards will be located along the west and south property lines, helping to screen views of the hotel from the adjacent residential developments and office building. An outdoor patio area, which will include benches, a cedar pergola and landscaping, will be located to the southeast of the hotel. An additional outdoor patio, which will act as an extension of the interior pool area, will be located on the southwest side of the building. This seating area will be screened from view by a decorative aluminum louvered fence ranging from four (4) to eight (8) tall.



The proposed building contains five (5) stories, is rectangular in form and expresses four-sided architecture. Primary building materials include brick, stone, wood, metal and glass. The building colors are mainly earth tones of light brown, dark brown, black and gray, with white used as an accent. While roof top mechanical units and other project elements appear to have been adequately screened, additional screening may be required upon further project review.



The east (front) elevation consists of alternating layers of dark and light brown brick, broken up with white banding. The elevation is accentuated by doors, glazing and awnings. The main entrance, located in the middle of the building elevation, is framed in stone and an aluminum canopy structure. Above the canopy the building height increases slightly to highlight the building entrance. A parapet wall surrounds the entire building and helps screen mechanical units. Additional rooftop mechanical unit screening is proposed to ensure ample coverage. A white cornice tops the stone portions of the elevations. Windows are framed in black and will provide a generous amount of natural light into the building. The front elevation will be most visible to visitors to the restaurants and commercial spaces to the east, as well as vehicular traffic on LaGrange Road.



The west (rear) elevation closely resembles the east elevation, as it consists of alternating layers of dark and light brown brick, broken up with white banding. The main difference between the two elevations is the absence of a main entrance and canopy. Rather, a decorative stone wall is proposed on the west elevation. An outdoor pool patio and associated screening walls are also located on the west elevation. The elevation is accentuated by doors, glazing and awnings. A parapet wall surrounds the entire building and helps screen mechanical units. A cornice tops the stone portions of the elevations. Windows are framed in black and will provide a generous amount of natural light into the building. The rear elevation will be most visible to the residents to the west, as well as vehicular traffic on 97th Street.



The south and north (side) elevations continue the architectural style found on the east and west. A center column of windows and a single door breaks up the horizontal masonry facade. The side elevations will be most visible to visitors to adjacent commercial and office spaces. 


A color and material board has been provided for Plan Commission review.



Circulation patterns in the area and around the site are well established. LaGrange Road is a major arterial that supplies primary access to the site. Access from the hotel site to Lagrange Road is provided through a full access driveway at 161st Street and two right-in/right-out driveways at the south end of the site. Long range plans include the extension of 161st Street westward to connect with the existing Ravinia Avenue, plus a traffic signal at 161st Street and LaGrange Road, but there are no final plans or funding at his time.


Cross access is provided from the Main Street Village West center to the veterinarian clinic parking lot to the south, which also has a right-in/right-out driveway on LaGrange Road. A driveway to the north of the hotel connects to 97th Avenue to the west of the site, which allows access to the signalized intersection at 163rd Street and LaGrange Road. LaGrange Road provides regional connectivity via a full-access interchange at Interstate 80 (approximately three miles south of the site) and full access to Interstates 55 and 294 (10 miles north of the site).


Pedestrian and Bicycle:

Sidewalks are proposed to encircle both buildings. Sidewalks exist throughout the existing commercial center including the existing restaurants east of the hotel site. Connections and crosswalks will be needed connecting hotel sidewalks to the restaurants, since many hotel guests are likely to visit the restaurants. Per Section 6-306.H. nineteen (19) bicycle parking spaces are required for this development, which are provided for in bike racks located just to the southeast of the main entrance.   


Public Transit:

There is no Pace bus service along this stretch of LaGrange Road. The closest Metra station is approximately 2 miles away.



Existing Parking: 150 spaces

Parking Required - 158 spaces (one per room)

Parking Provided - 199 spaces


Parking will surround the buildings on all sides. The proposed hotel's on-site spaces exceed the number required by Code, which requires a modification to the special use permit. The subject site is currently served by a shared parking supply of 479 total spaces (456 regular spaces, 16 handicapped spaces, and 4 reserved spaces for Children of America pick-up and drop-off). A cross access and shared parking arrangement is a part of the Declaration of Covenants for Main Street Village West center executed in 2006. The Land Development Code supports shared parking since complimentary uses have varying peak hours. For example, typical hotels demand peaks late at night when all roomers are in for the evening, nearby restaurants peak at the dinner hour, the nearby day care center peaks before and after the 8-5 work day. The varying peaks work together to accommodate a shared parking scenario, therefore parking requirements for the proposal will be met.



A single loading area is proposed just outside of the main entrance and drop off area. Per Section 6-306.L, loading spaces shall be provided on the basis of the floor area of the establishments they serve. Four (4) loading spaces for buildings with 40,001 to 100,000 square feet of floor area are required. As one (1) loading space is proposed, a modification to the special use permit is requested. A hotel does not generate the same delivery requirements as, for example, retail uses that have to continuously add inventory. The petitioner anticipates no more than 15 deliveries per month to the hotel, consisting of general operational supplies (e.g., laundry supplies) one to two times per month and frozen food items for the breakfast room approximately two times per week. These deliveries will be made by box trucks. Because the deliveries are infrequent and will not overlap, there is no practical need for more than one loading area for this project. Village staff supports this modification request.


A circular drop off area is located on the east side (front) of the hotel, with a covered canopy in front of the building.


Detention/Retention - Detention for this site is accommodated through the detention pond that was already constructed in the northern portion of the original planned development. Additionally, pervious paver parking spaces will be installed in most of the new parking spaces to meet new volume control requirements.


Traffic Study - A traffic study, which included a shared parking analysis, was completed for the hotel project by Sam Schwartz Transportation Consultant to evaluate traffic impact generated by the proposed development. Based on the analyses detailed in this report, the following conclusions were reached by the petitioner’s traffic engineer with regards to the traffic characteristics of the subject site and surrounding area:


1) The majority of study approaches operate acceptably under existing conditions and are expected to remain as such in the future.


2) The eastbound approach of North Access at LaGrange Road operates with high delay during the existing weekday evening peak hour and existing Saturday midday peak hour. This is not unusual for a stop-controlled minor-street approach at a heavily-traveled arterial roadway, and based on a preliminary review, minor-street traffic volumes are too low to meet MUTCD and IDOT criteria for the installation of a new signal under both existing and future conditions.


3) Under future conditions, delay is expected to increase for the east and westbound approaches of North Access as a result of additional traffic volume on LaGrange Road (due primarily to background growth). During the weekday evening peak hour, the eastbound left turn queue is projected at 118 feet under 95th percentile conditions. In order to minimize potential adverse effects resulting from queue spillback, it is recommended that “Do Not Block Intersection” signs be posted on North Access immediately east of the median break that allows inbound access to Main Street Village. This signage should be placed along the south curb and in the median for improved visibility.


4) The construction of the proposed development is planned to result in 40 additional parking spaces on site (519 total spaces). Based on a shared parking analysis prepared for the Main Street Village development after completion of the proposed hotel, it is anticipated that the future parking supply will be sufficient to serve the existing and proposed uses.


The study concluded by stating that it is anticipated that the proposed development would not adversely impact traffic conditions within the study area.


Grading - No significant changes to the already established grades are anticipated.


Utilities - Nearby tie-ins are existing and available.



The originally approved subdivision of the 3.89 acre subject parcel created three (3) pie shaped lots. A Plat of Consolidation has been provided showing these three (3) lots consolidated into one (1) contiguous parcel. 



The previously Board approved Landscape Plan established all exterior site landscape buffers, which were installed along with the existing commercial center, and which will be preserved under the current proposal. They now have grown and matured  for approximately ten (10) years, although several of the buffer trees/shrubs appear to be missing/dead. There are no trees that require mitigation for this project.


The preliminary landscape plan for this project, which includes ample landscape bufferyards, foundation landscaping and additional site amenities, has been recommended for approval by Staff and the Village's landscape consultant, Hey and Associates.


A final landscape plan must be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Department in conjunction with the final engineering review.



The proposed plans are a direct attempt to address Land Development Code requirements, incremental improvement requests and feedback from local residents during the 2016 Plan Commission meeting.


A summary of those concerns are provided below:


- Hotel use impacts (Noise, crime, drinking and parties, transients, all night activity)

- Viability of proposed hotel's success due to hotel across street

- Inadequate public notification

- Scale of project (Increased 5 story height and size, compared to the 2004 one story approvals)

- Traffic impacts (Reliance on 97th Avenue to reach signal at 163rd Street since 161st Street is not signalized, truck deliveries to site, heavy traffic spikes from theater, parking)

- Property value impacts 

- Landscape buffer (Many dead and missing plants leave buffer inadequate to screen hotels.)


Preliminary Engineering

Preliminary Engineering has been recommended for approval with conditions by the Village’s engineering consultant, Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. (CBBEL). 



A special permit amendment for a planned development with modifications is requested to allow the construction and operation of one (1) hotel building that exceed 50,000 square feet. When considering an application for special use permit, the decision making body shall consider the eight (8) special use standards listed in the Code. The petitioner has provided responses to each of the special use standards. 


Proposed Modifications

The petitioner is requesting the following six (6) modifications to the existing Special Use Permit:


1) Section 6-210.F.4.: “Uses not Permitted in Building Setbacks along Streets. Parking lots or structures, drive-through facilities, loading facilities or trash enclosures are not allowed within the setback area between the building facade and the street.” Parking and a garbage enclosure are proposed in the setback between the building and the street. As such, a modification is requested to locate parking and a garbage enclosure in the setback between the building and the street.


2) Section 6-306.E.7.b.: “Off-street parking spaces for nonresidential uses may not be located in the front and corner-side building setbacks between the building and the right-of-way.” Off-street parking is proposed in the setback between the building and the street. As such, a modification is requested to locate off-street parking in the setback between the building and the street.


3) Section 6-302.C.33.: “Sheds and Storage Buildings may be permitted in rear setbacks…” A storage shed is proposed in the side yard. As such, a modification is requested to locate a storage shed is proposed in the side yard.


4) Section 6-306.B.6.: Table 6-306(B) requires hotels to have one (1) parking space per sleeping room. The hotel proposes (158) sleeping rooms. As such, (158) parking spaces are required, while (199) are proposed. As such, a modification is requested to increase the number of permitted parking spaces by forty-six (41) spaces from (158) to (199).


5) Section 6-306.J.6.: “Loading spaces shall be provided on the basis of the floor area of the establishments they serve, as indicated in Table 6-306(L). Four (4) loading spaces for buildings with 40,001 to 100,000 square feet of floor area are required. One (1) loading space is proposed. As such, a modification is requested to reduce the number of required loading spaces from four (4) to one (1).


6) Section 6-306.C.1 states that a required parking space shall cover a rectangle at least nine (9) feet wide and eighteen (18) feet long as measured from the back of curb and drive aisles shall be a minimum of twenty-two (22) feet. Several existing parking stalls and drive aisles do not meet minimum dimensional requirements. As such, a modification is requested to reduce the minimum parking stall depth from eighteen (18) to approximately seventeen (17) feet and the minimum drive aisle width from twenty-two (22) to approximately twenty-one (21) feet.


Incremental Improvements

Per the LDC, the Plan Commission, the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee and/or the Board of Trustees may attach to their recommendations to and/or approvals of a preliminary plan, a final plan, or a plat reasonable conditions as are necessary to carry out the purpose of LDC regulations, the Comprehensive Plan, cause incremental improvements, and to prevent or minimize adverse effects upon other property, including, but not limited to: limitations on size and location, requirements for landscaping, provision of adequate ingress and egress and off site and project related improvements. Other conditions such as the duration of the approval, hours of operation, and mitigation of environmental impacts may also be attached.


The following are incremental improvements requested by the Village and proposed by the petitioner:


1) An enhanced outdoor patio area, with a cedar pergola, benches and landscaping beyond Code requirements;

2) A decorative paver drop-off area;

3) Enhanced sidewalk connections to adjacent properties;

4) Four (4) sided building architecture;

5) Enhanced landscape bufferyards along west and south property lines, including additional landscaping in the right-of-way adjacent to the west property line.


Land Use/Compatibility

The land use is compatible, via a special use permit amendment for planned development, with the Village Codes and Comprehensive Plan.


Lot Coverage

Maximum: 75%

Proposed: 68%


Lot Size

Minimum: 10,000 SF

Provided: 1,305,058 SF


Density/Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R)

Floor Area Ratio (FAR) means the total floor area of the building or buildings on a lot or parcel divided by the gross area of the lot or parcel.


Total Floor Area: 84,509 SF

Gross Area of Parcels: 169,518 SF


Maximum: 1.0

Proposed: 0.50


Building Setbacks (between the street right-of-way and the building facade facing the street)


Front (East)

Required - 25’

Proposed - < 25'


Rear Yard (west):

Required - 25’

Proposed - < 25'


Side Yard (north)

Required - 15'

Proposed - < 15'


Side Yard (south)

Required - 15’

Proposed - < 15'



Required: 10’

Proposed: +10’


Building Height

Permitted: 75’

Proposed: approximately 64'-9"


In COR, no structure may exceed six (6) stories or seventy-five (75) feet, whichever is lower.


Parking and Loading

Parking Required - 158 Spaces, including 6 Accessible Spaces

Parking Provided - 199 Spaces, including 7 Accessible Spaces


Accessory Structures

Garbage Enclosure - A masonry enclosure, which will surround garbage dumpsters and a storage shed, has been designed in the same style as the principle structure and conforms to Code requirements. The review of this structure by the Building Division may result in additional requirements.


Trellis - A cedar trellis has been proposed to cover an outdoor patio area walkway located to the southeast of the building entrance. The trellis provides a strong architectural feature and makes the outdoor patio area more usable in warmer conditions.



All exaction fees, including but not limited to transportation, parks and schools, are to be paid to the Village per Code requirements, and will be established at the time of Development Agreement and Building Permits.


Mechanicals/Utility Conduits

All mechanical equipment must be screened, either at grade level with landscaping or hidden behind the roofline.  Exterior roof ladders are not permitted and should be located interior to the building.



The details for the signage, including number of signs permitted, sign face, etc. will be reviewed separately as part of the sign permit process.  All monument signage must meet Code requirements and must be submitted separately for a sign review and permit.


This is now before Plan Commission for consideration.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to accept as findings of fact of this Plan Commission the findings of fact set forth in this staff report, dated April 2, 2019;




I move to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the site plan as shown on “Preliminary Site Plan”, prepared by Advantage Consulting Engineers, dated 05/02/2018, last revised 03/10/19, sheet SP1, subject to the following condition:


1) Meet all final engineering and building code requirements;


2) Update all project plans, data tables and documents to adjust the proposed number of hotel rooms from one hundred and fifty-three (153) to one hundred and fifty-eight (158).




I move to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the elevation drawings titled “Hampton Inn, Orland Park”, Sheets A1.2, A2.2, A3.1, A3.2 and A4.1, prepared by Base4, dated 01/10/2019, subject to the following conditions:


1) Screen all mechanical equipment either at grade or at rooftop with landscaping or parapets respectively;


2) Masonry must be of anchored veneer type with a minimum thickness of 2.625 inches;


3) Signs are subject to additional review and approval via the sign permitting process;


4) Meet all building code requirements;


5) Additional screening may be required upon further project review.




I move to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the preliminary landscape plan titled “Landscape Plan”, prepared by Allied Nurseries, dated 03/01/2019, sheets L-1, L-2, and L-3, subject to the following condition:


1) Submit a final landscape plan and all required supporting documentation in coordination with final engineering submittal.




I move to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve a Special Use Permit amendment with modifications for Main Street Village West to allow for a hotel greater than 50,000 square feet in size, subject to the same conditions as outlined in the Preliminary Site Plan motion. Modifications to the Special Use permit include:


1) A modification to locate parking and a garbage enclosure in the setback between the building and the street;


2) A modification to locate off-street parking in the setback between the building and the street;


3) A modification to locate a storage shed is proposed in the side yard;


4) A modification to increase the number of permitted parking spaces by forty-one (41) spaces from one hundred and fifty-eight (158) to one hundred and ninety-nine (199);


5) A modification to reduce the number of required loading spaces from four (4) to one (1);


6) A modification to reduce the minimum parking stall depth from eighteen (18) to approximately seventeen (17) feet and the minimum drive aisle width from twenty-two (22) to approximately twenty-one (21) feet.




I move to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the preliminary plat of consolidation titled "Plat of Consolidation - 16160 S. LaGrange Road", prepared by JLH Land Surveying, Inc., dated 02/18/2019 subject to the following conditions:


1) Submit a final Record Plat of Subdivision to the Village for execution and recording;


2) All dedications, jurisdictions and document numbers must be referenced on the plat for any necessary right of way dedications.