ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 5-2-5-2 “Final Plan Review Fees”, 5-2-7-1 “Fixed Fee Permits”, 5-2-7-2 “Fees for Repair or Remodeling by an Existing tenant”, 5-2-7-8 “Mechanical Inspection Fees”, and 5-2-14 “Work Begun Without a Permit” of ORLAND PARK VILLAGE CODE
WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, are authorized to take such actions as pertain to the government and affairs of the Village; and
WHEREAS, provision of building permits and fees are matters pertaining to the government and affairs of the Village; and
WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have determined that it is in the best interests of the Village to amend Sections 5-2-5-2, 5-2-7-1, 5-2-7-2, 5-2-7-8 and 5-2-14 of the Orland Park Village Code to clarify permit plan review and inspections fees for commercial, industrial and residential projects.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, an Illinois Home Rule Municipality, as follows:
The above recitals are hereby incorporated into this Ordinance as fully as if they were restated in this Section in their entirety.
Section 5-2-5-2 “Final Plan Review Fees” of the Village Code of the Village of Orland Park is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:
5-2-5-2: Final Plan Review Fees:
a. New Single Family Residence -----------------------------------------------------------------$420.00
b. New Single Family Residential energy reviews required per Illinois Code ---------------$75.00
c. Single Family Additions and remodeling, when adding less than 50% to the floor area of the residence -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$150.00
c.1 Plan reviews for interior alteration to single family, attached single family and multifamily residential units with alterations / renovation area < 200 sq.ft. total ----------------------------$75.00
Note: All required plumbing, mechanical, electrical and building inspection fees remain as scheduled in this chapter.
d. Single Family Addition energy reviews per state of Illinois Code--------------------------$75.00
e. Commercial construction, including remodeling for tenant spaces. (see note):
INSERT Exhibit A
Assembly, Institutional and Mall building reviews are 1.5 times the base fee schedule.
Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, Energy, Accessibility, Health and Fire Code (Table f.) review fees (when required) are each 30% of a building plan review fee but not less than $66.00 each.
Minimum plan review fee for commercial permits / projects submitted not requiring plans shall be min. $90.00
f. Fire Sprinkler Plan Review Fee:
INSERT Exhibit B
f1. Fire Alarm Plan Review Fee:
INSERT Exhibit C
f2. Kitchen Hood, Duct and Suppression Plan Review Fee ---------------------------------$200.00 per system or 12' of hood length.
f3. High Piled Rack Storage with a product height over twelve feet (12') Plan Review Fee -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$200.00
f4. Hazardous Materials Plan Review Fee ------------------------------------------------------$200.00
f4.1 Hazardous Material Inspection Fee ----------------------------------------------------------$90.00
f5. Miscellaneous Fire Plan Review Fee: (Includes Spray Booths and Clean Agent Systems) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------200.00
f6. Field Inspections, Maintenance and Acceptance Testing of Fire protection Systems shall be by the appropriate Fire Protection District.
f7. LP-gas containers awaiting use or resale Plan Review Fee: -------------------------------$90.00
f7.1 LP-gas containers awaiting use or resale Inspection Fee: ----------------------------------$90.00
f7.2 Annual permit required for LP-gas containers/or lockers use or resale:-----------------$90.00 /container
Section 5-2-7-1 “Fixed Fee Permits (small improvements)” of the Orland Park Village Code is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:
5-2-7-1: FIXED FEE PERMITS (small improvements):
For installation of an approved rain detection devise on an existing lawn sprinkler system without such a device, a permit must be obtained, but there shall be no permit fee. For miscellaneous construction as listed below, the fee shall be $75.00 or as listed.
Fixed Fee Table
a. Concrete patio, stoop, steps - - installation or repair;
b. Deck;
c. Shed;
d. Above-ground pool; (See 5-2-7-10 (I.) for In-Ground Pools)
e. Fence;
f. Single-family residential driveway;
g. Roof shingle replacement;
h. Temporary structures, i.e. tents (these may also require health inspections, where food preparation will be involved. Additional health fees shown in 5-2-7-9 shall also apply to tent permits).
Section 5-2-7-2 “Fees for Repair or Remodeling by an Existing Tenant” of the Orland Park Village Code is hereby deleted in its entirety.
Section 5-2-7-8 “Mechanical Inspection Fees” of the Orland Park Village Code is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:
All buildings or structures which include mechanical equipment installation or alteration shall be charged a mechanical permit fee as follows:
Section 5-2-14 “Work Begun Without a Permit” of the Orland Park Village Code is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:
5-2-14: Work Begun Without a Permit:
When work has begun or is completed without a permit having been obtained, the fee for required inspections and plan reviews shall be doubled for the first one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of the basic building permit fee. Any permit with basic fees of over $1,000.00 shall be charged an additional 35% of the remaining portion of basic permit fees above $1,000.00. (See Building Code Sec. 117.1.1)
See Village Code Title 5 Chapter 1 for references to violations and penalties, which may be applicable due to code updates.
Additionally, residential & commercial permits issued for work, which has begun or is completed without a permit having been obtained, shall have additional fees of the following:
1. Owner filed permits: $150.00 + standard & penalty permit fees pursuant to 5-2-14
2. Contractor performed work permits: $750.00 + standard & penalty permit fees pursuant to 5-2-14
Note: Penalty fees shall be subject to the building official interpretation based on provided information and investigation.
If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Ordinance. All ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law.