File #: 2017-0760    Version: 0 Name: Holiday Installation and Storage
File created: 10/11/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 10/16/2017 Final action: 10/16/2017
Title: Holiday Installation and Storage
Attachments: 1. Public Works Supplies, 2. Holiday Creations Proposal, 3. Parks Labor Estimate, 4. Core Integrated Quote


Holiday Installation and Storage



On July 3, 2017, the Village Board approved the purchase of the second phase of holiday décor for LaGrange Road and the Civic Corridors. Within the next few weeks, the decorations will arrive and be delivered to Orland Park. In previous years, older décor was stored and installed by the Village’s previous vendor. Additionally, the tree wrapping was also done by contractors. With the recent purchases of newer 3D décor and 256 custom street pole décor, the labor, installation and necessary storage of the items has dramatically increased. In order to complete the installation of the items in a timely and efficient manner, staff recommends the following approach:


1.                     Public Works Department - Installation of custom pole décor throughout the Village (255 poles), including the purchase of brackets, powder coating and installation is proposed to be done in-house. The cost associated with this, not including labor, is approximately $10,000.  This cost includes the required banding, black powder coating of brackets for black street light poles, extension cords for light poles and other miscellaneous supplies. At the end of the holiday season, Public Works will need to purchase two 40’ storage containers for the pole décor and vintage centennial park decorations. The cost for the two containers is $5,060.00. TOTAL COST OF $15,060.00.


2.                     Holiday Creations, Inc. - Installation of existing and new 3D décor. Holiday Creations is already contracted to wrap trees throughout the Village (682 trees). Given the amount of time and number of 3D décor (over 122 pieces), it is now recommended the installation, including set -up, take down, repair damaged pieces caused during set-up, removal, and annual storagege be done by Holiday Creations. TOTAL COST OF $60,773.33 (see attached quote). 


It has been estimated that if this was done in-house, the cost for our Parks Department would be $64,765.60 (see attached breakdown). Additionally, storage of the items would be another $19,425.00 and would include containers and six 40’ Containers. The Village is also currently stretched for storage capacity and it will be at least another year before Public Works will have additional storage space at their facility, via the land donation from LFI. The total cost of this being absorbed in-house is estimated to be $84,190, not including any repairs to possibly damaged items during installation or storage. This is $23,416.67 more than Holiday Creations.


3.                     Parks Department - Installation, maintenance and storage of the vintage 2D décor at Centennial Park is proposed to be done in-house. Previously this was done by an outside contractor. Approximately $4,000 is needed to repair or replace parts/bulbs for the vintage 2D items.  Last year, due to the poor condition of some of the items, Artistic Holiday loaned the Village (free of charge) some 3D décor to fill in the gaps. Artistic Holiday is now offering these same items at a reduced cost of $11,468.80 (regular price of $16,384 plus shipping). Staff is recommending purchasing these for continued use. TOTAL COST OF $15,468.80.


4.                     Banner Program - The Village has 37 holiday banners that are in good condition that are being relocated to the Old Orland area. These banners were originally installed in the downtown area, around the Crescent Park.  With the new street light pole décor, these can be repurposed to Old Orland. There are other areas of the Village that do not have electrified poles for lighted décor. In these areas, staff is proposing to install new banners. These areas may include 159th Street, 94th Avenue, 151st Street, and Harlem Avenue. The banners must be ordered within the next few weeks in order to get installed by the holiday season. The total cost of new banners, along with bracket hardware, is $23,622.25. The Village received quotes from three vendors for this program. The installation of the banners will occur after the pole décor is hung and as staff resources are available, depending on weather conditions. The area of priority for installation will be Harlem Avenue; 94th Avenue; 151st Street; and Centennial Park. If resources are available, then 159th Street will be added. TOTAL COST OF $23,622.25.


The total cost to complete this project, including installation, maintenance, storage, purchase of banners and equipment is $114,924.38. The installation of the pole décor and banners will still be completed by Public Works and the installation of the 2D décor will still be completed by the Parks Department. 


Due to timing constraints, this item is being presented to both the Development Services Committee and Village Board meeting on the same night.


Financial Impact

Funds are available in the Economic Development Fund and will require a budget adjustment. This is the same fund that was used for the purchase of the new holiday decorations in both 2016 and July of 2017.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to recommend the approval of a budget adjustment in the amount of $114,924.38 from the economic development fund to the general fund for these expenditures;




Recommend approval of the contract with Holiday Creations in the amount of $60,773.33 for the installation, take-down, storage and maintenance of the 3D Holiday Décor, as outlined;




Recommend approval of $11,468.80 for the purchase of 3D items from Artistic Holiday Designs, as outlined;




Recommend approval of $19,060 for the related costs associated with installation materials and storage associated with the street light pole décor and 2D vintage holiday décor, as outlined;




Recommend approval of $23,622.25 for the purchase of new holiday banners from Core Integrated Marketing, as outlined.