Easement Machine with Trailer - Purchase
The Public Works Utilities Division has started a preventative maintenance program to clean storm sewers and maintain functionality to their highest capability. The maintenance requires staff to perform work in the rear easements (backyards) of residential properties within the village. Historically this work has been performed by four (4) to five (5) staff members utilizing the Vactor 2100 truck and running a hose from the street to the backyard. This truck requires two (2) staff members at all times. However, two (2) additional staff, at a minimum, are also needed to perform backyard cleaning due to the limitations of the hose. Staff is requesting to purchase one (1) easement machine, which is an accessory for the Vactor 2100 truck. This machine is designed to transport additional hose and function as an extension of the Vactor truck. This would eliminate the need for additional staff and allow the two (2) truck operators to perform the sewer cleaning. The machine will provide efficiency and allow for staff to be utilized on other projects.
There are currently two (2) manufactures of easement machines available for evaluation. One (1) from Standard Equipment Co. of Chicago, Illinois at the cost of $63,286.00 (Exhibit A) and one (1) from Jet Vac Environmental of Lake Island, Illinois at the cost of $68,139.00 (Exhibit B). Both companies demonstrated their easement machines with VOP staff. Through the evaluation process staff found that the JAJ-600WH Work Horse Easement Machine is a more rugged machine and can endure a strenuous working environment. Therefore staff is recommending the purchase of one (1) JAJ-600WH Work Horse Easement Machine at a base cost of $52,968.00 with the addition of Hose Reel/Hose Options for $9,896.00 and one (1) Transportation Trailer for $5,275.00 totaling $68,139.
Because of the limited number of manufacturers and regional sales territories the bid process is requested to be waived for this purchase.
On October 15, 2018, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funds are available in account #031-6002-470300 for this purchase.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve waiving the bid process;
Approve the purchase of one (1) 2018 JAJ-600WH Work Horse Easement Machine with Trailer from Jet Vac Environmental of Island Lake, Illinois, in an amount not to exceed $68,139.00.