File #: 2017-0635    Version: Name: Pavement Rejuvenator Applications - 2017 Road Maintenance Program - Replay®, GSB88® - Proposals
File created: 8/30/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 9/18/2017 Final action: 9/18/2017
Title: Pavement Rejuvenator Applications - 2017 Road Maintenance Program - Replay®, GSB88® - Proposals
Attachments: 1. American Road Maintenance Golfview Proposal 8-29-17, 2. Austin Tyler RePlay Proposal- Eagle Ridge 8-29-17, 3. Austin Tyler Test Area - Eagle Ridge Subdivision South of 179th St., 4. American Road Maintenance Test Area - 82nd Ave. & Sunset Ridge Dr. - Wheeler Dr. to 151st St.


Pavement Rejuvenator Applications - 2017 Road Maintenance Program - Replay®, GSB88® - Proposals



As staff continues to evaluate and implement technologies to extend the life of roadway surfaces, the Village utilizes pavement rejuvenator evaluation areas to help identify the right rejuvenator brand/process to use for a particular road. By continually evaluating techniques and products, the Village will employ a variety of methods with cost-effective practices for pavement preservation.


Pavement rejuvenators are applied to paved asphalt streets to seal the pavement surface, and restore and preserve original asphalt properties.  Pavement rejuvenator applications are applied prior to visible failures in the street. These preventative treatments have also been recommended as part of the pavement management study completed by, Applied Research Associates (ARA). Working with ARA, staff has identified portions of the Eagle Ridge and Orland Golfview neighborhoods as ideal candidates for this treatment. Public Works staff requested and received proposals/estimates for the application of two different types of pavement rejuvenator. 


GSB-88® is an emulsified pavement sealer and rejuvenator preservation product with a 22-year history.  The primary component of GSB 88® is gilsonite, a natural form of asphalt found in the Uinta Basin in Utah.  Because gilsonite is not required to move through the oil refining process, it retains a unique chemistry capable of securely bonding to the existing pavement. It has been successfully used as a construction seal for new pavements to fend off the aging process that starts immediately after construction is completed.


Applied in 2016 to the Orland Woods subdivision and a portion of the Marley Creek neighborhood, Public Works has identified GSB 88® as a product to utilize again in this year’s program.  The GSB 88® brand is sold and applied by American Road Maintenance Inc. from Itasca, Illinois.  The cost of this product is $1.40 per square yard or $18,690.00 for the intended coverage area (13,350 sq. yds.) in the Orland Golfview neighborhood.


A new product for 2017, Replay® is a biobased material made from soy bean and other domestic agricultural oils.  The Replay® brand sealant and preservation agent is sold and applied by Austin Tyler Construction of Elwood, Illinois.  By adding polymers, this product reverses the oxidation of the exposed asphalt and seals the pavement surface. The cost of this product is approximately $0.92 per square yard or $19,999.99 for the intended coverage area (21,771 sq. yds.) in a portion of the Eagle Ridge neighborhood.


Asphalt pavement treatments, when properly applied, have the potential to extend the life of an asphalt roadway for several years beyond the point where rehabilitation or major reconstruction would normally be required. Applying pavement rejuvenators will significantly decrease the Village’s annual pavement maintenance costs.


On September 5, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

There is sufficient funding in the FY17 Road Improvement Program, account 054-0000-471250, to accommodate this work.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve waiving the bid process;




Approve accepting the proposal/estimate for GSB-88® pavement rejuvenator application from American Road Maintenance Inc. from Itasca, Illinois, in the amount of $18,690.00;




Approve accepting the proposal/estimate for Replay® pavement rejuvenator application from Austin Tyler Construction of Elwood, Illinois, in the amount of $19,999.99.