143rd Street Design Engineering Services - Southwest Highway to Will/Cook Road - Supplement #1
Over the past several years, the Village’s previous engineering consultant McDonough Associates Inc. (MAI) of Chicago, Illinois, had been performing Phase I Engineering for the 143rd Street corridor, generally from LaGrange Road west to Will Cook Road. In 2012 IDOT suspended MAI from participating in any Federal or State projects. At the end of 2012, MAI ceased all operations. The 143rd Street corridor project was split into two smaller projects (Southwest Highway to Wolf Road (Segment 1) and Wolf Road to Will Cook Road (Segment 2) when challenges with right-of-way acquisition along the Cook County Forest Preserve District (FPDCC) property arose. Since the early 2011 acquisition of the needed right of way from FPDCC, work on Segment 1 is able to be fully resumed. The scope of work for both projects is to develop a Phase I report and final engineering plans for the proposed widening and reconstruction and expansion of the corridor from 2 lanes to 4 lanes with a shared median turn lane or raised median, depending upon location.
Since late 2012 Village staff, with the assistance of Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) under its general engineering contract with the Village, worked with IDOT and the FHWA on modifications to the Phase I report for Segment 2. These included but were not limited to, noise analysis update, traffic volume update and intersection design study update for Will/Cook Road and 143rd. The Village received Phase I Design approval from IDOT on May 16, 2013 for Segment 2 (Wolf Road to Will/Cook Road). This allows the Village to move Segment 2 into Phase II Design Engineering. With the delay in securing the property from the FPDCC in Segment 1 a number of items have now expired, noise study, traffic volumes, wetland/environmental items, intersection design studies. All of which need to be updated or re-applied for from the various governmental agencies.
In April 2013 the Village solicited and received six (6) statement of qualifications for design engineering services of 143rd Street; CBBEL, Strand Associates, HR Green, V3 Companies, Knight Engineering and Bowman Barrett and Associates. After reviewing the qualifications and evaluating each firms experience with these types of projects and familiarity with this project in particular, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. scored the highest.
During 2015 and 2016 CBBEL developed various roadway alternatives for the intersection of SW Highway and 143rd Street. The design team was provided input to move forward the re-alignment of SW Highway and 143rd Street and continue with the Phase I process. The design team is working on the proposed road alignment, retaining wall locations, traffic signal locations, drainage improvements and traffic control. The Village and CBBEL have worked with IDOT on the various design features of the roadway geometrics including the proposed intersection improvements at SW Highway. IDOT is generally in support of the proposed improvements but still need to review and approve the Phase I engineering report. In 2017 a public meeting will be held to re-introduce the project and obtain feedback from residents and businesses. The design team anticipates submitting to IDOT for review and approval in 2017.
The following is a breakdown of the proposed fees and scope for Supplement #1:
Segment 1 Phase I Engineering Supplement #1 - $249,986.36 (70% reimbursable)
Traffic counts, crash analysis, environmental surveys, traffic signal warrant analysis and existing retaining wall investigation along SW Highway are the main components of the update. Preliminary Metra parking lot layout, survey and drainage analysis are included in the scope of work. The Metra lot is being impacted by the improvements to the intersection. With these impacts and the fact that the main street area development will eventually require relocating the Metra spaces to this lot, it is recommended to have the Metra parking lot realignment as part of this Phase I study. This will enable the Village to pursue outside funding sources as part of the roadway project or as standalone project.
On December 19, 2016, this item was reviewed and approved by the Development Services Committee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
This work was approved as part of the FY 2017 budget. The Southwest Conference of Mayors has recently approved the supplement and will reimburse the Village 70% of the cost.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve Supplement #1 from Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. of Rosemont, Illinois for the 143rd Street Design Engineering Services - Southwest Highway to Will/Cook Road; Segment 1 Phase I Engineering in the amount not to exceed $249,968.36.