143rd Street and Crystal Tree Drive Emergency Water Main Repair - Proposal
On November 6, 2016, Public Works staff received a call reporting a possible water main break on the southwest corner of 143rd Street and Crystal Tree Drive, at the entrance to the Crystal Tree Subdivision. During staff’s investigation, the water was valved down to minimize loss, maintain integrity to the system and provide minimum service to the only impacted structure; the gate house containing a bathroom and sink.
On Monday and Tuesday, November 7 and 8, staff continued working to identify the exact location of the 12” main and the break itself. Utilizing the hydro-excavating process, the water main was located nine feet deep, and found to run under the large brick entryway monument and immediately behind the wrought iron fence and brick piers. The water rising to the surface was more than eight feet from the actual main. Using leak detection services, the leak was determined to be immediately behind the brick monument and under large spruce trees.
Staff met with representatives from the Crystal Tree Homeowners Association (HOA) to discuss the situation and impacts to their landscaping. Staff worked with Airy’s, Inc. of Tinley Park, Illinois to formulate an action plan to make the repair. The plan involved the installation of a valve and fire hydrant by Public Works staff on Wednesday, November 9. Staff installed valve allowed for the isolation of the break, re-established full water service to the gate house, and allowed time to vet the options for final repair. A fire hydrant was also installed by staff to facilitate future flushing. To assist staff in gaining access to the work area, the large tree was removed by the Crystal Tree HOA. The water main was isolated and turned off in preparation for the emergency repair work that is tentatively scheduled for the week of November 28, 2016.
Staff evaluated several options to repair the water main. Option one was a typical excavation and clamp. This option is not viable due to the proximity of the entryway monument and large trees. Option two is to install a liner (Slip lining) inside the main to seal the break at a cost of $75,000.00. Option three is to underground directional bore a new 12” PVC Certa-Lok water main adjacent to the existing main at cost of $41,697.00. The underground bore option was identified to be the best repair option with considerations for cost and elimination of future potential problems. Airy’s Inc. of Tinley Park, Illinois submitted a proposal in the amount of $41,697.00 for this emergency repair. To account for any unforeseen issues, staff is also requesting a $5,000 contingency, for a total amount of $46,697.00. Funds are currently budgeted for lining work within the Crystal Tree subdivision. A portion of these funds can be reallocated for this repair.
On December 5, 2016, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Sufficient funds are available within the FY16 Water and Sewer Fund (031-6002-470500) to complete this emergency repair.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve accepting the proposal from Airy’s Inc. of Tinley Park, Illinois, for the Emergency Watermain Repair on 143rd Street and Crystal Tree Drive in an amount not to exceed $46,697.00.