General High Ceiling Area Cleaning - Proposals
The village has several facilities that have areas containing high ceilings. The high ceilings in these facilities require periodic cleaning to remove the accumulated dust, dirt and other grime at the high ceiling level. Recently, the Police Department requested cleaning of the high ceiling area above the dispatchers. Staff received a proposal to clean that area of the Police Facility in the amount of $1,900.00. A purchase order was created and this work is proceeding.
However, the work in the Police Facility prompted the discussion of cleaning the high ceiling areas in other facilities. The Sportsplex and Orland Park Health and Fitness Center (OPHFC) are two other facilities that need high ceiling cleaning of the exterior of the ventilation ducts, gym partitions, beams and fixtures that are in areas near the ceiling. The OPHFC will have painting done in the near future and performing high ceiling cleaning would greatly benefit any painting work that will be performed. The staff requested proposals for cleaning the additional two facilities from our current facility cleaning vendor, Total Building Service Inc., of Elk Grove Village, Illinois.
A quote of $5,900.00 to perform high area dusting at the Orland Park Health & Fitness Center and a quote of $1,500.00 to perform the same work at the Sportsplex were received. The large difference in cost is due to the fitness equipment that must be moved or worked around in the OPHFC. The other facilities are open allowing the contractor to more easily move lifts and access equipment.
The total of the two quotes for the work is $7,400.00 plus the already ongoing work the Police Station of $1,900.00 for a total cost of $9,300.00.
On August 7, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funding for this work is available in account 010-1700-443100.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve accepting the three proposals from Total Building Services Inc. of Elk Grove Village, Illinois for General High Ceiling Cleaning for a not-to-exceed amount of $9,300.00.